A Nirn-bound Saint



  • Merged

Development Progress: 


Claim Type: 



From here.

On a canyon ledge in Roth Roryn, the player finds a Golden Saint. Next to her on the ledge there rests a large boulder. The Golden Saint laments that she has been bound on Nirn, and is unable to return to her own realm of Oblivion. More precisely, she's bound to a particular piece of Nirn, the boulder next to her. Should she be killed, she will only rematerialize next to the boulder. She's been punished by Sheogorath for doing something wrong. The player can help her to lift her punishement by pleading with Lord Sheogorath through, Issmi, another Golden Saint in the Daedric shrine of Veranzaris. For extra giggles, the player can -- with high enough strength -- push the boulder down from the ledge, trapping the Golden Saint in the river below.


Issmi may have to be moved

MinerMan60101's picture

Issmi may have to be moved out of the manic library, since that is blocked by scripted rubble (something to do with the MG questline)

She should be moved back. The

Cicero's picture

She should be moved back. The manic library is the best place for her. Unless this whole quest only activates once that mages guild quest is finished?

Playtested a bit on OpenMW.

Dev Shah's picture

Playtested a bit on OpenMW. It's really fun! Just a few minor things. 
-'Bound on Nirn'- First reply "... leave miserable place. ..."->"... leave *this* miserable place. ..."
-The choice on that dialgoue- "Why did Sheogorath bound you here?", bound->bind.
-'Bound on Nirn', "I would be ..." no need for the comma after grateful. And I think instead of also, 'If not'/'Otherwise' makes more sense here.
-Comma after grateful not needed on the greeting "I don't wish to..."
-The saint giving atleast giving vague directions to Veranzaris before it just being marked in the map might be good.
-There is no dialogue for you killing Issimi(and deciding to not help after learning the she's a deserter.)
-Possible feature creep, but more greetings for different quest stages would be nice for Aurmazl.
-You can attempt and succeed (or fail) unenchanting it multiple times. Should have the messagebox check for you undoing the enchantment, not Aurmazl going away.
-For the forcegreeting in the river, "You... you cur!" Is cur an insult? If not, prolly should be changed imo.

Take care!!

For Playtesting:- Type Coe

Dev Shah's picture

For Playtesting:-

  • Type Coe -8 -18 in the console and go up the mountain with a circular boulder (if you're stuck, just tcl in the console and move up)
  • Use player->setintelligence 100 and/or player->setstrength 100 for interactions with the boulder.
  • The boulder is downstream in the river after you push it, right after the bridge. (It's in the journal/messagebox)

Take care!!

response to Dev Shah.For the

Cicero's picture

response to Dev Shah.
For the forcegreeting in the river, "You... you cur!" Is cur an insult? If not, prolly should be changed imo.
cur is an insult. The imperials say it all the time in oblvion for example. 
Doesn't need to be changed.

It seems this claim, somehow,

Why's picture

It seems this claim, somehow, made its way directly into TR_Mainland without proper review. Its topics contain a number of spelling and grammar errors, and perhaps more critically, the main NPC has an odd character in her ID:

Script TR_m4_Cr_Nirnbound3_Scp contains odd character ▼ in field text
Script TR_m4_Cr_Nirnbound_Scp contains odd character ▼ in field text
Script TR_m4_NirnboundSavior_Glb_scp contains odd character ▼ in field text
Creature TR_m4▼_Cr_AurmazlKaari contains odd character ▼ in field id
Creature TR_m4▼_Cr_AurmazlKaari2 contains odd character ▼ in field id
Creature TR_m4▼_Cr_AurmazlKaari3 contains odd character ▼ in field id

I have a video playthrough of

Denis418's picture

I have a video playthrough of this quest :D this is a cool small epic adventure

A Nirn-bound Saint YouTube

In the aftermath of the quest when Kaari comes to your aid when your health drops too low, she has a dialogue loop during her farewell. She's probably supposed to say something else, but she repeats the previous sentence. And when you press Goodbye, she forcegreets you again with the same wrong entry. The only way out is to disable her.

AJ has spotted some typos in the dialogue:

This entry: for millenia -> for millennia.

This entry: leave miserable place -> leave this miserable place.

This entry: sent here you -> sent you here.

This entry: amatuer conjurer summon her -> amateur conjurer to summon her.

This entry: I will go now back -> I will now go back. Or: I will now return.


This entry again: Nirn, she could stay -> Nirn, she can stay.


This intry: Have come here to -> Have you come here to.

I didn't test every possible way, but the quest is really enjoyable as it was. The end battle was intense. And when Kaari joined me later during one of the dungeon raids, I was genuinly surprised. I thought she meant to return her favour sometime in future TR releases. But when she appeared to save me from the ancient skeleton, it was brilliant!

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment. 
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

This quest was implemented

Why's picture

This quest was implemented directly into the DoD section file and subsequently fixed by Evil Eye. Marking it as pending review just so we remember to give it a quick look over before we rubber-stamp it.

Did some playtesting on

Snailsting's picture

Did some playtesting on OpenMW 0.48.0rc2 with Mainland 2022-10-31,
i couldn't find any way to break it but i do have three minor nitpicks

- If the player kills Kaari after undoing the binding via Issmi she will respawn as if still bound, it might be nice to be able to send her back to oblivion the harsh way like you can after disenchanting the boulder 

- If the Kaari gets the chance to forcegreet the player after pushing the boulder, but before sorting stuff out with Issmi, she will remain hostile even after convincing Issmi to help 
(Happens after the player gets the journal entry "The Golden Saint Kaari cursed me for trapping her in a river." from "TR_m4_wil_NirnBoundSaintB")
The player can still get around this by using calm creature though, but just killing her currently won't work without disenchanting the boulder

- Also, i'm not quite sure how it's usually handled, but having the skillcheck for disenchanting the boulder check for the player's enchant skill rather than their intelligence feels like a slightly better option to me.
Though i suppose that's a somewhat subjective one

Appart from that it's all looking good to me, and every other possible option i could think of seems to work fine