Greetings everyone. Here is my showcase for the Book of Worms.
Quest Details
- NPCs in the hamlets around Tel Rivus will make reference to Nira Uldram's pursuits in latest rumors to Telvanni players.
- A copy of Mysteries of the Worm has been placed in the vaults in the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. Nira directs the player to this copy.
- Jobasha alludes to the location of another copy in Necrom and to the great danger of pursuing it.
- Returning the book as promised rewards the player with gold and a custom amulet of summoning greater bonewalkers.
- If, however, the player wishes to remain true to the teachings of the temple instead, they can take the book to any member of the temple of Master rank or higher. They will reward the player with a custom amulet of cure common and blight disease.
I look forward to your feedback and improving the quest as much as I can!
2020-07-12 13:22
1 month 4 weeks ago
Welcome to TR! The quest is fully functional and works pretty well! There are some issues, though, which I've posted below. Feel free to ask if you have any issues!
General Notes
-You need to include at least 1 script with enabling/disabling, or a timer or something else beyond the basic npc script. I agree that a script isn't needed for this quest, but you need to make one just for the showcase, and if it fits the quest, even better!
-You also need to add a couple of npcs. Again, not really needed here, but a requirement for the showcase. For this, you can just add a couple of npcs near the vaults that make sense there, and then we can delete them for the claim. (Full list No need to add journal stages, as it's apparent that you can handle them.)
-You have some dirty records in the esp. (Two cells and one dialogue in greeting 5)
-A good practice is to put new dialogue in topics like chores at the near the dialogue of the same map/area to avoid cluttering. Also, since the latest rumors entry is at the end, it'll basically never occur(as the generic ones are above this, they'll take priority)
-Generic dialogue should have a NotLocal NoLore and NotLocal T_Local_NoLocre filter (Check latest rumors dialogue for examples)(So that quest specific npcs don't have dialogue they shouldn't)
-Topic latest rumors "...Some rough looking folk been heading that...", "been heading" should be "have been heading"
-Topic mysteries of the worm "...I urge you to reconsider your duties to your house and return to me in the future..." I don't think, with the characterisation you've given to Nira, that she'd care about duties to the house. It'd make more sense if she was angry about her research getting more delayed, for example.
-Topic mysteries of the worm "You have a copy?..." 'choice "Give the book." 1 "Keep the book" 2', should have a full stop after book. Also, actions are enclosed by [Action here.]. Alternatively you can also make the player say something that'll imply the action.
-The dialgue you get when you give the book to the temple is a bit too mild for her personality(imo), and too vague.
-Topic mysteries of the worm "Then I am afraid I must relieve the book from your possession.", in the results, setpccrimelevel should be modpccrime level. (Set just changes is to 5000, mod adds 5000 more to the crime level)
-Journal index 110 "I have brought a copy of Mysteries of the Worm to a master of the temple...", 'I have brought' is a little awkward in this case. 'surrendered' or 'gave up' make more sense.
You don't need to fix these, just for reference
-Dialogue flows better if it is a bit more condensed. For example
"This book is banned from normal circulation. Only the highest ranking members of the temple here in Necrom use it, and only on very rare occasions. If you find a copy, you would be wise to turn it in, else the Ordinators may hunt you down." could be written as "This book is only for the use of the highest ranking members of the temple, and that too on very rare occasions. If you were to find a copy, you'd be wise to turn it in." This condenses it and also implies the punishment for using the book rather than telling it, which I think works better here.
Also in this case you can use notclass ordinator/ordinator guard instead of the NotID
-The generic dialogue for Booksellers seems a bit too specific for it to work on everyone. Also maybe it'd be better if they pointed you towards jobasha.
-You said that NPCs in hamlets around Tel Rivus will have latest rumors in reference to this, but it's just Bal Oyra that's there. Is this intended or an oversight?
Take care!!
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Thank you for the feedback! I have made the following changes per your recommendations:
She now calls you a traitorous s'wit and mentions you are no longer welcome in her tower.
After leaving the conversation when she refuses to speak to you further, she will now kick you out of her tower via script. Another script has been added to accomodate a new NPC added, detailed below.
It would seem this was not the correct version of my esp file. The latest rumors should function as intended, and also be present for Bahrammu. I also added rumors for Nivalis which were not present in a previous version.
All recommendations for dialogue changes have been added.
Two named Telvanni guards have been added to the vault. One is standing near the entrance and serves no practical purpose. Theldyn Veralas guards the door to the vault to complicate reaching it. He can be convinced with a high disposition to give the vault door key (which has also been added) to the player, but he will ask for it back as the players leaves through a forced conversation.
I was told to leave a merge note that the original door to access the vault should be removed. In addition to giving it access with a key, it has been given an owner to make it illegal to force open. For testing, I used the console to disable the original door.
2020-07-12 13:22
1 month 4 weeks ago
Very good work in fixing some of the work, but unfortunately the review was cut short by a bug.
-Latest rumors still need to be with similar ones (Below BEGIN TR MAP1: BAL OYRA RUMORS for Bal Oyra, for example. Not every topic has placeholders, but you should still strive for putting topics near similar ones in the area.)
-T_ScNpc_Mw_Nira_KickOut isn't the correct convention for this. T_ is for stuff added by Tamriel Data. You should use TR_m1_Scriptname or TR_m1_q_scrname. For an npc script TR_m1_npcname_sc is generally preferred.
-You somehow removed the ID filters for all of Nira's dialogue, so everyone says it now. Can't test much of what I want to because of this.
-Vault might be too common a topic for dialogue. No need to fix this, as this feels like too easy of an option, specially considering that being a tevanni and doing quests will come with a disposition boost. Check (Creating a unique topic) part in for more info. (The rest is a bit outdated, but this part is still useful)
In this script:
if ( doOnce == 1 )
Set timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )
if ( timer > 10 )
if ( GetDistance Player < 200 )
set doOnce to -1
The bottom return isn't needed as it is already end of the script.
Take care!!
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Alright, I have decided to shelve the Book of Worms for now and attempted a different claim, Shorted a Kwama. The quest calls for something to be delivered from one merchant to another focused in Menaan and Andothren. Instead of Kwama eggs or guar hide like the description suggests, I decided to focus on the plantation economy of the area and added two NPCs that are looking to have an order of greef delivered to the Cat-Catchers' Cornerclub in Andothren.
The NPCs added are Lechlaud Rorielle, a Breton who travels every two days between Menaan and the Vathras Plantation, and his trusted pack guar, Baumi.
Quest Details
Lechlaud's dialogue after the quest is complete suggests he needs help with his route and is looking to hire. A quest could involve another NPC who needs work being connected with Lechlaud to finish his deliveries.
2020-12-31 14:03
6 days 21 hours ago
Hello PoasterToaster! I'm a regular tester and I was curious to play your Greef Delivery quest. TL;DR: well done! Here are some points of advice:
Vanilla, Breton 31:
General feedback: This is a good quest. I like how the questgiver and his guar move between different locations. The tie-in with Oran plantation is nice, because it's good to connect new areas with the lands of the previous release. Overall, this quest allows you to roleplay as a merchant, which is an important theme of the Dominions of Dust release. A proper reviewer will give you feedback on technical nuances. Good work!
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Thank you for the feedback! I will wait for a full review before I upload the next version, but I have made the following changes based on your feedback.
Rorielle had a levelled list determining what drinks he carried. Now he restocks all local drinks except greef to avoid this issue. I further decided to move the target of the delivery to Jada at the Dancing Cup as Llaynu owns a large number of barrels housing levelled drinks as well as a few bottles of greef lying around the cornerclub. To change all of them would be quite extensive. By contrast, Jada owns a single barrel of drinks that can hold greef, but will never hold the five needed for the quest. She also has no bottles of greef lying around the Dancing Cup. This ensures no interior changes are required to make buying the necessary drinks directly from the quest target an unrealistic option. You can buy a few bottles, but you'll still need to find more elsewhere. I believe this sufficiently discourages players from dipping into their future reward to complete the quest.
The player is likely second guessing Rorielle's organization by this point so another order form confirming he has it right has been added. I also changed the quest very slightly so now he always offers the delivery to the Oran Plantation, rather than only if you confront him with high disposition. He now only pays you as an apology for the mixup with high disposition instead. This change accompanies dialogue changes to make Rorielle more concerned the status of the delivery could affect his business dealings in Andothren.
I agree and like the suggestion. The section at Oran Plantation now directs you to Mutra. She still believes Rorielle is a fool like Atran did before.
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Alright, here is a revised version of the Book of Worms that should have previous bugs ironed out. Changes to the vault in Port Telvannis now consist only of the added book. This is because the Shorted a Kwama quest I think serves as a more complete showcase and I felt the vault guard added unnecessary complications. Nira's script to remove the player from the tower is still present. I also added faction reputation changes to the quest result which were not present in previous versions.
I had difficulties with getting the latest rumors to work as part of the plugin and could only get it to function as part of a separate plugin. I am still not quite able to explain that, but I have included the separate plugin with the rumors. Rumors in the Shorted quest function perfectly, so I am at somewhat of a loss as to why this happened.
One note is nearly everything inside the vault is not actually owned a member of by House Telvanni, so the only thing that will get you expelled for taking in there is the book which feels odd, but I felt it was outside the scope of the quest to address all that, just an odd inconsistency I noticed.
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Hello, I have made another quest that I believe is a good showcase of my abilities. This time it is a follow up quest of my own design for Nira Uldram after completing the Book of Worms quest for her. As such, it will be necessary to load both together for it to work properly in its current form. You will need to first complete the Book of Worms quest for Nira before she offers the following quest.
Quest Details
2016-06-10 21:48
11 hours 47 min ago
Hello! I'll be reviewing Shorted a Kwama for your showcase.
This looks pretty good so far! Just a few things that need changing.
1. The travel script breaks very easily, simply wait two days and start his walking, then wait an hour. He will be forever stuck in that position (vanilla engine). What I suggest you change this to is a much simpler cellchanged / time script that has him teleport between three locations: menaan, the plantation, and that little road in between, somewhere in the center. AIPackageDone is unreliable at best.
2. The first journal entry should tell you where to find Lechlaud (and that he travels between two points). Players returning to this quest after hours of gameplay should be able to tell where to find this guy if they got sidetracked.
3. delivery to the Dancing cup jada response (and everywhere else, like the delivery of bracers response) use -- instead of - for emdashses, tes3 style formatting always has two.
4. delivery to the Dancing cup first Lechlaud response on returning from jada, no spaces between the end of the word... and the ellipses.
5. you need to manually addtopic "delivery of bracers" in the results box (and addtopic the first time you encounter a new topic). I did not get this response until i manually added it in game.
6. him saying Oran Plantation is only a short distance is a lie lol
7. remove the "haha!" bit from the bracers response
8. Does the trader normally get paid in wine? I guess its kind of a weird barter economy. They don't make that wine there so maybe you can think of a response for why that would be. It seems a bit convoluted but I'm sure you can just add a line for why he does this lol
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Thank you for the feedback! Here is an updated version with the requested changes. The new travel script uses a positioncell command using cellchanged or getpcsleep to move both Baumi and Lechlaud. Unfortunately it seems triggering his movement when waiting instead of resting, such as in Menaan where it is illegal to rest outside, is not possible without MGE XE so I felt this was sufficient, if not as perfect as I would like.
The only change I was not able to implement is point 4 since the only included ellipsis in the quest does seem to have the proper spacing. Please let me know if you are still seeing a lack of spacing there.
For point 8, I felt a high ranking member of House Hlaalu, especially one as clearly well off as Atran, would have imperial wines available to him. Llehervu now makes it clear she has been bartering with Rorielle from Atran's private wine stock and is no longer doing that going forward.
2016-06-10 21:48
11 hours 47 min ago
Great work! I think the implementation is about as good as you can get with the vanilla engine. The only minor stylistic thing is the changed line to " -- pun intended --" would work better with commas instead of double emdashes.
Recommended for promotion, I'll get around to the final edit and merge soon
2016-04-03 18:00
2 years 1 month ago
Hello, I am less confident in my abilites using the CS for creating environments, but thought I'd give it a shot anyway. I saw there were several homes in Narsis that needed developing and thought I'd take a stab at one that I felt had some character: St Veloth's Quarter #63 Apartments. I especially thought that two Cammona Tong thugs living in the same building was an interesting idea so I decided that I would use the odd shape of ex_hlaalu_b_26 to my advantage. In this interior, both apartments are 3x2x1, but attach to a secret side room that connects both floors together and houses the pair's illicit workspace. The doors into the secret room are blocked by tapestries to hide it.
I designed it with the idea that it would eventually be split into three cells: the two separate apartments and the secret room. It is for this reason that the doors to the secret room clip very egregiously. In the final version in my mind, they will be teleport doors and thus won't move. I also thought that this would allow for the odd shape of ex_hlaalu_b_26 to be realized. The north marker of the secret room can be adjusted slightly to give it the curve that is not possible using the square room shapes available to us.
The top floor was designed to be occupied by a woman due to the dresser container holding female clothing while the ground floor was designed to be occupied by a male for the same reason. These can be easily changed by swapping out the clothing containers. I tried to bake in some interesting things about these characters into the design of the interior by giving them hobbies beyond just thugging. The occupant of the ground floor is a reader and musician while the occupant of the top floor is a fisher. Both are also skooma addicts and the ground floor occupant has a copy of Confessions of a Skooma Eater, to imply they are working on kicking the habit. The bottom floor occupant prefers axes while the top floor occupant prefers short blades as evidenced by the weapons they hide beneath their pillows.
2018-08-13 09:52
8 hours 32 min ago
Left comment on discord
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man