This thread serves as a centralized place to track DoD wilderness quests and their testing. A few of these were added directly to section files during NPCing, and need to be validated before we ship our next expansion. Below is a list of journal IDs that are in the current TR_Mainland, but were not in the previous public release. See on the ins and outs of how to playtest quests, but if you don't have time for all the things in that guide, even a casual playthrough of a single quest on this list is helpful and appreciated, as long as you report your findings here!
Black are quests outside the scope of DoD, which I assume are EoE-related or otherwise properly reviewed.
Marked in blue are quests that have gone through formal review and should be good.
Marked in orange are quests related to current active claims. These may need various sorts of attention, but at least they are formally documented and will be addressed through the regular review process - do not prioritize these.
Marked in red are quests that I found no documentation on the website for. These urgently need to be (play)tested and reviewed. It is possible that these were already reviewed or playtested, in which case, please let me know (your findings) by posting in this thread.
Marked in green are quests that I have a fix for in this thread.
Most of these wilderniss quests at least are rather straightforward, so it shouldn't take too long to go through this list. And while the list of journals was extracted directly from Mainland, the initial coloration I have given quests here is based only on my own searches and memory. If I got anything wrong, let me know.
Jani's matrix of which quest affects which dialogue:
2016-01-17 01:30
3 weeks 2 days ago
Shorveig says "You should talk to Apphia Calanius, our alchemist downstairs..." but after the int was reworked she's now located on the same floor.
You shouldn't be able to talk to Apphia about the quest topic before having talked to Shorveig.
Apphia is giving you levitation potions (in addition to breathing potions) to "get back up the cliff" but the cliff doesn't exist anymore.
2020-03-22 23:41
1 month 4 days ago
I remember testing most of these in a casual playthrough. Of the critical ones, I did not experience any issues with (I'm not saying there aren't any): TR_m4_Arv_BuriedSilver, TR_m4_Arv_Dravil, TR_m4_Arv_StolenCargo, TR_m4_Arv_VampireFather, TR_m4_T_MotherInLaw, TR_m4_wil_ArmunRoadblock, TR_m4_wil_GaNahiru, TR_m4_wil_KoboldFisher.
There were issues with these, but according to the bugtracker, they should all have been fixed: TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisitX, TR_m4_FA_FortAncylisHistory, TR_m4_wil_VanishBandits, TR_m4_wil_SkeletonWizard.
These ones had issues which I have not kept track of if they were fixed, might need attention: TR_m4_wil_BuyingRope, TR_m4_wil_StrayGuars.
This one I believe is a readapted quest, which has changed a lot from the implementation I tested: TR_m4_wil_ArgonianBandits.
This one I am pretty sure should be nuked, since the interior was replaced: TR_m4_wil_RithIlviryonLost.
For some of the quests, issues may have arisen since I tested them (it was over a year ago after all), but I hope this is of some help.
2022-03-12 09:10
1 month 2 days ago
Noted no difficulties, Journal updated as expected.
Tried the following:
Used all dialogue options (and payment options, including ones with 0 gold on me), also completed the quest without speaking to the beggar, the tree etc. didn't appear.
Beggar left after I completed the quest, post-quest dialogue worked as presumably intended.
2022-04-18 15:48
2 weeks 2 days ago
I've played through TR_m4_Arv_BuriedSilver as well and noticed that if you give the beggar a large sum he will move into Lucky Shalaasa's caravanserai, the first small room on the left side of the hall, downstairs. I think this should be edited so he just disables.
2020-04-01 08:45
5 months 1 week ago
Playtested these quests (using openmw nightly)
'TR_m4_wil_Shenjirra', 'TR_m4_wil_ShenjirraB':
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
Issues in TR_m4_Arv_SlaveMistake
short version, this quest is currently not playable, but several issues and their fixes have been identified already
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
Tried breaking this quest including with calm and command spells, and it always completed correctly. Only "issue" is that once the guards and the townspeople in Teyn attack Ilvaalmu, the player can attack and kill them without consequence (no crime or bounty) as long as they are aggroed to Ilvaalmu. If that's easily changeable, great, if not that's fine too, this is insane gamer logic and it doesn't break the quest itself.
I assume it's working as intended that you can wait until the sun is up again and she dies to sun damage.
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
This quest is broken (though easily fixable), because I think there was disagreement here whether this should be a marked quest or not. You can get journal entries from checking a log book and asking for latest rumors in Teyn, but both immediately complete the quest so you just get the entry. This is a bit weird - usually, if an NPC tells me a rumor and I see "you got a journal entry" I would expect to actually have a quest, not just a singular entry. Making it so that this either results in a marked quest OR just letting it be a rumor without a journal entry would be better in my opinion, but ultimately this isn't the real issue.
The main problem is that finding the corpse in the basement of the lighthouse DOES add a marked quest, and even though there is a journal 100 finished stage for killing the lighthouse keeper, from what I see this stage never triggers, just killing him (either before or when he attacks you) certainly doesn't. The lighthouse keeper doesn't have a script that checks if he is dead, and the commentary on his script even calls this an unmarked quest.
So either let this be an unmarked fun side encounter, or add a death script to the guy that triggers stage 100 if you saw the corpse already (stage 10)
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
Didn't manage to outright break it (well, except by killing the questgiver), but several problems with this one. None too hard to fix though (I hope).
he is called NIRPUS?2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
Nothing breaking on this, but I see some... bizarre design choices.
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
This quest is fundamentally broken because of what it think is a merge miscommunication issue. Basically, there is a creature called Stray Caravan Guar (T_Mw_Fau_GuarPackStray) that is in one random AA levelled list. Then there is a creature with the same name but the ID TR_m4_Cr_StrayGuar. Only the latter has the script that makes it work for this quest, and there are only five of them in specific locations and they don't respawn. So I can only assume the questmaker intended for that script to be applied to all the random stray guars in AA, and the five are just there for proof of concept. This is relatively easily fixed by not using the T_MW version at all (which can probably then be deprecated as a result), and instead making a new TR_m4 levelled list with the quest guars.
Mechanically I found no issues. Returning multiple guars at once works too. I did console spawn in the guars close to the outpost and only walked them the last stretch, because walking all of them there from their intended spawn would be really obnoxious, so keep that in mind.
Speaking of obnoxious, though... the fact that even if you found a guar it has a 30% chance to attack you or die on the spot is just cruel. And for the final reward (which is just more money), you need to deliver 20 of those fuckers (even ignoring you can only get 5 at the moment). It almost feels like a quest poking fun at players for trying to do it, which isn't bad per se, but then it maybe should have an even worse reward.
Thankfully, it comes with essentially a toggle, so you can always tell the merchants you'll stop looking now, and can pick it up again if you want to, and it adds and removes it from your journal. Still, players might not realise that's an option, so I question whether this quest needs to have an open journal entry at all. This would have the added bonus that it can't get stuck if you kill both merchants either.
2022-10-06 08:56
1 week 4 days ago
Found no issues. Only suggestion I've had is that if you enter Alver Farmhouse, your first instinct will be to talk to the woman right in front of you, but you can't tell her the guy is dead, even as she talks about him being out on an errand. And the way the cell is laid out, I legitimately didn't see that there's a basement the first time I went there. If she had dialogue for Ulves Heladren that's just "oh no, please tell my husband downstairs" this would be solved.
2020-12-31 14:03
3 days 23 hours ago
TR_m4_wil_GaNahiru, a Jurassic Park 2-inspired hunt quest about leading a pair of Ashlanders to kill a giant Armun kagouti at its den (exterior). Very high-level. Pretty straghtforward. Sume notes:
I played only one way of finishing the quest: join Ashlanders -> kill the kagouti -> one of the allies dies -> the questgiver completes the quest. It worked.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2020-12-31 14:03
3 days 23 hours ago
I played these quests months ago:
'TR_m4_Arv_Dravil' - seems to be a workable dialogue-only quest in Arvud. A minor issue.
'TR_m4_Arv_StolenCargo', - a quest about a stolen Argonian slave with a twist in the end, which I didn't like: when you kill the bandits who stole the slave he calls you a fool for killing them because they were going to buy him an escape from Morrowind. The twist is alright but I don't think that an Argonian slave should call %PCName a fool after he/she kills a dozen of high-level bandits. We shouldn't punish PC for the attempts to save slaves so often (hinting at Akamora FG).
'TR_m4_Arv_VampireFather', - worked fine, only the end dialogue with the daughter (the questgiver) was botched.
'TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisit', - worked fine (I killed the nord and let Vendel go).
'TR_m4_Bd_Lost_in_Transit', - tried several times bit I couldn't finish the quest. Never found the body. Only once I met a knight who stated that the boy is dead and we shouldn't dwell on the matter as if I've finished the quest.
'TR_m4_FA_FortAncylisHistory', - works fine (played a couple of days ago).
'TR_m4_T_Lighthouse', - works good.
'TR_m4_T_MotherInLaw', - played once a couple of years ago as a male character. Worked fine.
'TR_m4_wil_ArmunRoadblock', - played twice on different characters. The first time it ended with the caravan guards attacking me. And the second time they just thanked me for help and rewarded. A nice idea of a randomly generated ending?
'TR_m4_wil_BanditDuo', - played twice. Both times I convinced them to surrender and led them to the authorities.
'TR_m4_wil_BuyingRope', - played once. Works good.
'TR_m4_wil_GaNahiru', - played once. Works ok.
'TR_m4_wil_KoboldFisher', - played twice. Works good. I convinced the kobold to go away.
'TR_m4_wil_SkeletonWizard', - Played successfully one time. Then replayed and couldn't finish because the skeleton becomes non-interactable during the appearence of Hlaalu patrol.
'TR_m4_wil_StrayGuars', - returned a couple of guars. Seems to work ok. A nice never-ending quest-job.
'TR_m4_wil_Troupe_Trouble', - played twice. Seems to work good.
'TR_m4_wil_UrnuridunGuar', - it's about a poisoned guar iirc. Had some issues with dialogue filtering. I don't remember specifics.
'TR_m4_wil_VanishBandits' - played once but encountered the bandits during their vanish animation many times. A very cool encounter that adds mysterious character to Roth Roryn roads. Seems to work fine. Some typos.
'TR_m4_Arv_SlaveMistake', -- there are issues but they might be solved already.
Encounter with a nord fishermen -- has some awkwardness.
Tribunal Thrillseeking quest -- a concern.
'TR_m4_wil_NirnBoundSaint', -- here's our playtests of it.
A Pub Quizz -- this is a quizz ran by an innkeeper. It has some tiny issues.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
Fix for Skeleton Wizard in the attachment. Merge into Mainland. Turns out Disabled NPCs can't ForceGreet (in OpenMW at least) so this instead moves the NPC to a holding cell.
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
TR_m4_wil_UrnuridanGuar fix
2016-01-21 18:33
5 days 19 hours ago
Merged the above two files in
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
Rope Salesman fix
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
Xerhet Hitai fix
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
Fixing TR_m4_Arv_SlaveMistake
2014-01-02 23:58
2 months 2 weeks ago
Merged the three above items