Hi, I made an showcase-claim for Darvonis interior #14. The name of the cell is "TR_Darvonis_14_Ines_Showcase".
The occupant is a retired Dunmer sailor who now acts as local shipmaster for Darvonis. He has a few small mementos of his travels, but now he's old and mostly spends his days on his ship or daydreaming, drinking Llotham, and contemplating the Saints. (He attributes his long life and roguishly good looks to it.)
Notes: The containers aren't very interesting because I wasn't sure what to put in them. Also, I erred on the side of less clutter and fewer possessions, but let me know if I should put more in.
On Discord I am ines#3663.
Link to the claim: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/darvonis-14-shipmasters-house
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
Name: TR_Darvonis_14_Ines_Showcase
Lighting: Fog shouldn’t be at 0’s, Sunlight Ok, Ambient Ok. The lantern on the round table causes greenlight to neighbouring items (it changes the colour of their surfaces to green). To fix this, use a smaller light source (64), possibly, on a candlestick, to distance it from other items.
Fits exterior: Yes
Pathgrid: Remove these two nodes and reconnect the rest. You don’t need such an elaborate grid in general. The rule is, an NPC can have as much as an arm’s reach space between the nodes/paths and the obstacles. Also, NPCs stop at every node. So, the more nodes you have, the more they’ll stop while walking around (becomes annoying when on stairs or in doorways).
Gridsnap: The entrance has visible problems with the shell. You need to find different shell pieces for this part. Like in_v_s_int_wall_01. Also, your interior is not on the grid. That means, when you'll try to add another shell piece, it won't snap with the existing one. To return your interior on the grid, select on piece of your shell, then hold Ctrl and mass select every other object of the interior (best achieved by dragging a selection box over it). Then, when you have everything selected, press your gridsnap button, and move the items in any direction. You'll see how they jump in place.
Northmarker: Incorrect. If you check the exterior (go to the town, highlight the house and press T), you’ll see that the entrance door looks north east. Your northmarker points in an opposite direction. The bot errs with some types of vanilla doors (asset problem). But usually the error is in the increments of 90 digrees.
Illegal to sleep here: Yes, correct
Floaters (objects that float above surface entirely or partially):
furn_de_rug_big_05 -- rugs with tassels should be sunk into the floor until the tassels lay flush on it.
T_Imp_Card_Deck_01 - it should be rotated so all of its lower corners touch the surface.
2 x sc_paper plain - they do not touch the desk.
de_p_chest_02 - same as above.
chitin dagger - you have to tilt it, so the tip of its plade touches the surface as well.
com_sack_03_chpfood5 is not touching the below sack with its back side. Also, rotate this sack so its dark side won't be exposed to light sources. Either make it face the wall or the objects below.
furn_de_p_table_05 is floating above the floor.
furn_de_p_table_06 - same as above.
T_De_HackloPipe_01 - should either be leaned onto something or lay flush on the floor. Its one of the hardest object to rotate.
Bleeders (objects poke through other objects):
furn_de_rug_big_05 - into the wall at the entrance; the chair and the bench also bleed into the rug with some of their legs. It's best to place furniture either on the rug or on the floor, not partially on both surfaces. Because if you want to go in that direction, you'd need to tilt the furniture according to the elevation the rug provides to one of its side.
furn_de_p_bench_03 - into the wall with its legs.
netch_leather_boots - visibly bleed into the bench.
de_p_desk_01 - into the wall with its hind legs.
T_De_Drink_LiquorLlotham_01 - the items should sit flush on uneven surfaces. For this, you have to rotate them. When you achieve the desired effect, their bounding box will be visible on all sides, and it'll be punctured. Currently, you can see that a part of the bounding box here is absent, which means, your item isn't rotated correctly.
T_De_StonewareCup_02 - same as above.
T_Bk_OldManOfTheAshlandsTR - same as above.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 - same.
T_De_StonewarePlate_05 under the candle - same as above.
bk_SaryonisSermons - same.
T_Com_Var_CuttingBoard_01 - same.
Same with every item on the furn_de_p_bookshelf_01.
Light_De_Lantern_01_128 - same as above (also, a lantern with a smaller radius is preferred. Because 128 can cause green light when placed on a table with many objects in close proximity like this).
de_p_table_02 - into the rug, into the guar screen and into the wall with its hind legs.
T_BkGen_Notebook_01 bleeds into the book below.
active_de_p_bed_13 - into the wall with its side legs.
T_Com_Var_Knife_03 bleeds into the cutting board with its handle. You have to raise it and tilt so it'll touch the surface both with its handle and the tip of its blade.
misc_de_fishing_pole into the floor and into the table.
light_de_lantern_05_200 - into the rope knot. Lower it a bit, so the ring only partially goes through the knot.
I'm afraid, for a fair showcase, you'd have to also create a basement. Add a trap door between the bed and the shelves, for example. The basement could be filled with containers and tools. You have to create teleport markers between the trapdoors as well.
You need to understand the task of positioning your items on uneven surfaces. Try this short video for additional tips.
Fix the above, and I'll recommend you for promotion.
In general, you have a good thoughtful approach to your interior development. That is definitely something we need as a project. Keep up the good work!
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
One more thing, you have to clean your plugin with TESame. As a rule, your interior plugin should have only cell record and pathgrid record (highlighted in green). The rest should be deleted: press the topmost item, hold Shift and press the bottom most item, then press space (it'll become black), and then press Delete to clean all of the highlighted records. Then save the cleaned plugin.
The file becomes dirty when you: 1. Close the item's property window by pressing Save (do not do that, press Cancel); 2. Visit other cells and make edits to them; 3. Create a new item (this is ok when it's on purpose); 4. Use items from TD_Addon.esp (this way of dirtying is inevitable).
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2023-01-10 06:05
3 months 3 weeks ago
Thank you very much for the detailed advice! I wasn't aware of a lot of the technical stuff like the "save" button in the item properties window producing dirty edits or how exactly the bounding box works - that is, keeping it visible to ensure the proper effect on rigid shelved items like bottles. I am keeping a checklist, I will be sure to act on these.
At one point I accidentally renamed, I think, one of the de_p containers that I used, then renamed the asset back to the original name when I realized my mistake. That's the reason for the odd edit to the "Arrow" interior. I definitely hit "save" on the containers I put things in because I didn't know the save button worked like that, so those dirty edits also have obvious causes.
I did use Tes3CMD to clean my ESP but I think I mentally glossed over the part of the showcase guidelines that states to use TESame. I'll make sure it's part of my process from now on.
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
Good spirit!
You can use whatever software does the job of cleaning (I should be honest, I only know how to use TESame, which is extermely simple). If you do accidental edits, just clean them away. There's no big harm.
You mentioned that you put items in the containers. We're not really allowed to do that. Do your best to use the predesigned contaigners in data with their contents. If you feel like some container configuration is critically needed and could be used in a lot of places (like, a crate with trama roots only), feel free to file an asset request.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2023-01-10 06:05
3 months 3 weeks ago
I have the upstairs fixed and my cellar is more or less finished, along with having functioning teleport markers on both sides of the trapdoor. (I love the way a trapdoor rotates 90 degrees when you don't have a teleport marker set.) I also cleaned out the items I specifically placed in containers and replaced them with leveled list and empty versions, along with cleaning the dirty edits. I have done a walk-through of the interior and it all looks good, but I want to sleep on it and check my work again before I turn it in.
I should have my interior ready for review sometime tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help! I think I'm in the home stretch.
2023-01-10 06:05
3 months 3 weeks ago
Okay, here's my newest version. I fixed a lot of errors, added and cluttered a cellar, changed some lighting, and nav-gridded everything. The trapdoors have working internal-teleport door markers. The name of the cell is still "TR_Darvonis_14_Ines_Showcase" - the COC will now drop you into the basement.
Please take a look, and let me know if the basement layout looks good or if it might need more space to walk through. Thanks!
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
Thank you!
The basement looks good. Some notes:
Pathgrid: You have a yellow line intersect through the leg of the bed. This will make NPCs stumble at this spot. Always strive to place the yellow paths without colliding with obstacles.
Other: You're using some rescaled containers. While it's not against the rules, the best way would be to avoid this. Because: 1. the player becomes used to the original sizes of the containers, and rescaled ones become noticeable and distracting to them, 2. when placed alongside a similar container, you could notice how their texture shink in comparison to the original sized ones. This is another undesirable effect that could constitute to what we call a "moddy" look. Please, rescale the baskets and two de_p_chest_02 to their original sizes. In case of the latter, I suggest swapping them to another chest variants - small ones, that suit the tables and shelves better. I also suggest replacing some baskets with urns for variety.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 - blueware generally is for middle-upper class interiors. Replace this pot with a cheaper-looking item.
I suggest you removing one of the brooms, because there are two now. And extra copies of single-use items are noticeable. Though, you may say that it's for convinience of not having to move the brooms through the hatch every time. Your choice.
Caspers (objects that have a transparant side that allows you to see through them): chest_small_02_wooduten on the bookshelf - its left side is slightly raised above the surface due to elevation of the crude bookshelf. This makes it possible to see through the empty bottom of the chest at a certain 3rd person camera angle. It's best to relocate this chest so its bottom is invisible for the player.
You have clearly worked on your object placement. Almost everything now lays flush, which is very good. Fix the above issues, and we will proceed with promotion.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2023-01-10 06:05
3 months 3 weeks ago
Fixed the issues and uploaded a new file: int_rev5. Please take a look.
The second broom was intentional. Darvonis is in the Sundered Scar - a sulfuric ashlands area - so I think he would take extra pains to make sure his home is free of ash and dust. The broom near the door is probably dirty fairly often with outdoors grit, so he sees no need to tout it around and spread the debris. Plus, the cellar broom is just one less thing he has to carry up and down the basement ladder all the time.
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
One thing left until the promotion. See the reply in Discord
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2023-01-10 06:05
3 months 3 weeks ago
Fixed the chests.
2020-12-31 14:03
12 hours 38 min ago
Everything's fixed. Recommending for promotion
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
2016-08-28 05:22
1 hour 57 min ago
Promoted - welcome and congrats!