Dres concept art (also hi im new)

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HappyZergTR's picture
2023-03-31 19:53
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

Based on Pickles armor concept and the understanding i have of house dres based on the planning document of it and gnomey's (i believe) thread on House Dres' quest. Black and white because im cripplingly colourblind.

Dres "Swamp" Bonemold has blue fabric and is pretty light coloured so... i put in a desert because it felt more fitting.


We can see Dres man at arms surroundering a temporary encapement being cobbled together in the salty desert. Slaves can be seen in the background. Dunmer setting up tents and a small barrier around the camp (for reasonably big wild animal).

PS: I feel like if Dres turned to agriculture after a long nomadic period they would have (like all pastoralist societies that turned to agriculture) kept pastors and herds around (with pastors in the vicinty of a stronghold - probably not inside i would assume). The thing with herd is that its food on leg. Females (generally) make loads of milk within days and it can supply  the caravan with food that doesn't need to be carried (it carries itself !), so I assumed that Dres caravan deciding to move out in teh ppen instead of taking a tunnel for unfathomable reasons would bring several head of big bettly milk makkng desert withstanding herd animal with them when moving around.

Also ttheyhave loads of ttapisseriesin the drawing (we can barely make it put, but it exist) since, well, no one really want to stay flesh against the salt ground, and seeing the art already made for house dres, I feel like creating a lot of tapisserie with spider/insect fabric stuff and with their cool looking drawings would be ffittin thing for Dunmer living in th Deshan to do.

But again, I am unaware of the actual density of such insect creatures in the Deshan. Seems like a Telvanni stuff.

Also Dres swamp bonemold looks sick and i wanted to draw it, and its probably the most interresting thing about the drawing ooverall

PS: I'll probably upload other drawings, if I have some free time, I'll draw. I like House Dres and its vibe and look, the long robe, kinda of traditionnal but richly fabricated (not mutually exclusive, especially when looking at mongol or american-indians clothing) also sick masks and big flies vibe).

PPS: If i missing something and it not the right place to post or whatever the problem may be, I apologize, navigating the Devellopement guide section on my phone was harder than I thought it would be, and I gave up after reading the concept art posting guideline.

pralec's picture
Senior DeveloperWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperQuest Reviewer
2022-04-18 15:48
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4 hours 30 min ago

Cool stuff! Thank you for sharing. If you want more feedback and thoughts on your art, join our discord https://discord.com/invite/9T6TtNU - it's generally more active than the forums and sees more discussion.

I like the impermanent camp-style dwellings we see. This is, I think, a good approach for non-canton Dres locations.

HappyZergTR's picture
2023-03-31 19:53
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

Thank you, I'll check the discord out.


The forum is cool for dumping explantion for the art and additionnal context so thats cool.


Also here is another one I made, based on the description of the Dres' Matriach (I don't believe the art is spoiler) as giving advice from behind a screen with an assistant that (though the wording is weird), I believe, is not behind one.

The room is supposed to be dark with light coming exclusively from behind the matriach to project her shadow and be cool.

On either side of the screen, we find the banner of House Dres and the specific banner of this specific clan (here a stupid drawing of a stupid elf who look stupid, don't worry about it). Candles in front of the matriach are for specific rituals or religious gesture ; the matriach is not ( as I understand it) a priest, but prayers might probably be ... prayed in such meeting. That's also why whe can find a stone altar on the right, behind the matriach's assistant.

The assistant has a sort of pot (a bowl with heating materials to boil water in the urned but with a pipe looking recipient that in turn holds whatever is contained in the last big cup in the middle hot. (The pipe is for steam, the point is not having a bomb near the matriach). The different tools of the assistant are a knife, a sort of flat stick for ceremonial or perfomative gesturing, a pointy stick and a kind of brush (on the three legged stool) used to paint with the mixture being held hot in the boiling pot, for religious purposes or perfomative purposes once again. There is also dry and soaked cloth to move around hot stuff and respond to potential burns.

There is a lot of tapestry on the ground. Firstly its because it looks nice, secondly because it marks where things should be. The main tapestry is there simply because its nice, but the other indicate where people and things should be place (meeting a matriach is no trivial matter, there is obviously (at least in the lore, practice in game may be differents, if those scene are sucesptible to occur at all)  a specific way of going about things in the situation.

The carpet in front of the matriach is where object are presented if need be. Other carpet indicate where the assistant and the individual having a meeting are supposed to sit. The ground itself does not have woods plancks or other expensive and (in a medieval context) relatively luxurious decorations. There is the ground (a sort of dry dirt with what looks like straw - inspired directly from the floors in the movie Ivanhoé with Robert and Elizabeth Taylor) with decorated carpet on it. It is also expensive, but can be moved around, and is made locally : traits that fit with the philosophy of House Dres.

Finally on the wall on the right are casted bronze plates with scene of the past on it. Those are inspired by african bronze and they tell the story of (in this instance) House Dres. I don't feel like catsing bronzes would be a very Dres thing to do, so I imagined that those would be Redoran gifts (or due payements for past assistance ; they'll find a loophole) to this clan, that the matriach is keeping.

Two of the bronze aren't there because they are being cleaned.

Pots, tapestry and those "doors" made of small bones that are on each side, pots with characters represented onto them contribute to the 'settled nomads' vibe the Dres seemed to have.

And also cool looking masks.

HappyZergTR's picture
2023-03-31 19:53
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

Underground Dres Waterways.

I imagine the caves to be 2.5 dres houses tall at a maximum to avoid an "Arx Fatalis" effect on every cave (if a cave would hold an actual settlement, then having a higher ceilling would look nice, but foemr a simple "bus stop with a warehouse", having 25 meters would feel overdesigned i assume.) Anyway I went for smaller cave.

Lighting is provided by luminous mushrooms (fig1) that grow on the various tree roots that lowered into the caves to seek water. Slaves would be employed to manage the roots (cut them and stuff) to manipulate their growth in order to have roots that take specifi shapes so that then, mushrooms can be places for proper illumination (or banner or orther stuff).

Other types of cave vegetation is drawn too, with a hairy kind of lichen that spreads with weird veins (fig2a), the "digital" looking weird fantasy plant (fig3), and a spiky moss that technically spread with those thin branchs (fig2b).


HappyZergTR's picture
2023-03-31 19:53
Last seen:
1 year 6 months ago

Water Fauna (Dres Lands) - Underground Waters


First, the octopussesses. The idea is that the skull of the young octopusses is used to craft Pickles' Dres Swamp Armor helmet (because the armor looks awesome and i wanted to draw more of it). The octopusses have formidable regeneration and can grow to formidalble shape, gaining eyes, tantacules and ink spitting appendages. I do not know what form the Dres waterworks below Deshan will take, but if there is any room for a cave dungeons or some untamed underground riverways, the octopusses should go dwell there.

The Shrimps (I call them "bottomshrimps" because of their pose, or "mutashrimps" because of their shape) would be some passive creature in the water.

Same for the blind eel. Its body is darker not only because i drew the scales, but also because it would be indeed darker than the head of the fish.

Bearded Dori is a tired, sleepy, bearded Dori. Its a cool looking fish I like him.

The octopusses eat whatever, but use their bio luminescent light to lure fishes into their lair, but also to blind the shrimps (their retinas can burn when exposed tontoo much light) in order to hunt them, as they move faster if need be that the large octopusses.


A bit of Underground fauna, some random plants for the waters.


Dres Lands-Surface Fauna


This is the "Horned Hound" (all names are obviously working titles) a pack creature lead by the strongest and oldest, female or male in the slat wastes. Their cool horns are the other main weird specific thing featured on the Dres Swamp Armor Helmet.

Females and Male horns are set up differently. I like to imagine that these creatires reproduce quickly and grew quite strong when older. So much so that their subsistance system is based around hunting other animals in the deserts, including others of their own kind.

I don't know why drawing would be better : the one that is kind of panther shaped or  the other one.