Since I would like to join the project and work together on creating Tamriel Rebulit mod, I'd like to present my interior project. This is my first work when it comes to CS, so I ask you for your understanding. I would mainly like to focus on creating and editing interiors for Tamriel Rebulit, and perhabs later I could try to working on terrain.
The modyfication I have created adds an alchemist's house in Pelgiad, The alchemist's making there potions and tries in the meantime to find a cure for their illness. To run the modification, Morrowind.esm is required.
2018-08-13 09:52
3 hours 40 min ago
I'm not handling showcases at the momment but this interior doesnt meet the showcase requirements because it does not use de_p furniture, as this is a com style building you also cant just replace the currrent furniture with de_p since those would not blend, sorry to say but just from the off your going to have to make a new showcase, I would reccomend going with a Hlaalu or Velothi style building, ask on discord for further help..
That said there area few issues with this showcase that you should know about in advance
First you dont have Tamriel Data as a master, which is essential for all claims and showcases. This is very relevent since in your case your using a lot of assets sub-optimally, when there are pieces in TD that do the job properly, as an example you have a lot of pillars placed around, where TD already have the relevent intgertated versions already made, less = better with tileset pieces. You should already have TD if your playing TR, if not link can be found up top in "downloads", peeps on discord will mention an addon to you but thats not relevent until after you get the showcase done.
Second, this file is dirty you need to use TESAME ( https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/TESAME ) to clean out everything from a claim except your interior cell, the cell which it connects to externally and your pathgrid, speaking of:
Third, you need to have a pathgrid: https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Interior_Guidelines#Path_Grids every interior claim and showcase needs to include a pathgrid (with a few exceptions such as underwater grottos where they dont work)
For how harsh being rejected outright might sound, this does show promise, head around the discord if your still interested and see about getting extra feedback when you go for a second attempt: https://discordapp.com/invite/9T6TtNU
"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
Hellow again. I've created new Hlaalu interior for showcase 3x2x2 with poor furniture, tried to follow showcase guidelines.
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
eh i didn't pay attention to the ruggy patch grid upstairs, here is the fixed version. Sorry for inconvenience, and the cell name is the same as filename.
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
I realized that i had made a mistake in setting up the door upstairs and had to fix it, otherwise the interior wouldn't match the exterior design, here's the corrected version.
2022-10-07 22:15
2 weeks 6 days ago
commented on discord
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
Improved version of interior for ex_hlaalu_b_22. Ready for review:
- Reversed some items on the shelves to make them look more realistic
-Fixed intersecting objects
-Removed the bedroll, replaced it with a bench and clothing chest
-Fixed rug placements
-Removed greenlighting
cell name: Showcase_Hlaalu_Interior_by_sonic_inu
2022-10-07 22:15
2 weeks 6 days ago
replied on discord re use of gridsnap, file cleaning.
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
Cleaned and fixed file, ready for review.
2022-10-07 22:15
2 weeks 6 days ago
left comment on discord
2023-08-17 16:36
1 year 3 months ago
- replaced pillars by changing in_hlaalu_room into in_hlaalu_hall
- used grid snap
2020-12-31 14:03
18 hours 29 min ago
Greetings, allow me to be your reviewer for today (and onward):
Lighting: Sunlight is too high. Do not put it higher than 20.
Pathgrid is off (see screenshot).
Exterior: Fits ex_hlaalu_b_17.
- All 3 wall shelves are either disconnected from the wall, or buried too much in it. Aim for them to be flush with walls.
- Rugs with tessles should be sunk into the floor until tessles connect with the floor.
- All 3 lampstands are not touching the floor.
- All wooden furniture pieces (except the tilted bench) require another F-drop.
- Pillows, sacks and other similar soft objects need to be sunk for a couple of inches to emulate their softness. Sink the pillow for 1/3 of its height.
- All of the tapestries require a fix - some of them are rotated inward, and others are bleeding with the wall. Only the stake could be bled with the wall (still, leave a couple of inches between the wall connection point and the knot on the stake). See screenshot for the desired placement of a tapestry.
- All the items on the round table (except the candle and one plate) are floating. Make sure your wooden knives are tilted so their handle is flush with the surface. And tilt your spoons so they connect with the surface with at least 2 points.
- bk_tamrielicreligions and the lute are bleeding into the wall.
- The bucket is hanging on T_Com_Chisel_01 which is disconnected from the wall. Use a static wall hook instead. Also, the bucket is bleeding into the wall.
- All items on the bookshelf (except the iron bucket, misc_de_cloth11, and the top leftmost redware pot) are either floating or bleeding into the surface. Kindly, adjust them more so they sit flush with the bent surface of the shelf. Make use of the side view, wireframe (W) view, and low object rotation/movement values (Preferences). Dotted bounding box lines will be your indicator that the bottoms of items lay flush with the shelf.
- Two of the 3 green bottles on the bookshelf are bleeding into each other.
- The candle on the middle shelf is too powerful and creates greenlight on the basket and on the tapestry. Replace it with a 64 version.
- 3 red bottles noticeably have the same rotation (Z-axis). Randomise their rotation so they do not look copied.
- The tilted food urn is bleeding into its neighbor and into the floor.
- rotate chest_small_01_empty for the lock to face the user (possibly, do the same for the cloth chest).
- All items on the southern topfloor shelf are floating.
- A candle on the northern topfloor shelf is floating. Also, it's too powerful and casts greenlight on the neighboring bottles. Also, rotate one of the bottles, so their rotation is different from each other.
- All items on the small square table are floating. The table itself (and its chair) are bleeding through the tapestry. Also, it's best to remove the bench that's nearby, because it complicates the traversability of the spot very much.
- furn_de_screen_guar_01 bleeds into the rug with one of its legs.
- The shirt and the pants are floating. You need to either sink or adjust the rotation of clothing items to make them flush with the surface.
- The lamp atop the staircase is off the carpet with one of its legs.
- The lamp near the working bench casts greenlight on the tapestry. Move it away a bit to prevent that.
- Your staircase piece doesn't match the adjacent hallway piece, which creates a caspering hole on one side, while there's a solid wall on the other (see screenshot). Pick a different staircase.
Good stuff:
- You have sufficient amount of clutter.
- Environmenal storytelling is good.
- You have no stylemixing.
- You'll gonna make it!
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear,
because fear has to do with punishment.
The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18