After awhile of being in the TR discord I've gotten time (and energy) to put together an interior showcase and apply for the TR team!
Below is a somewhat small, typical ancestral tomb with a pre-tomb room meant for a caretaker or a family member visiting for a bit. The name of the cell is the same as the file name. Thank you in advance for taking time to review!
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
commented on discord
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
Put forward the suggested changes as follows:
- Reduced both the amount of used light sources and their radii
- Removed the com bed and furnm chest
- Recontextualized the use of the de_p objects as a desecrated room used for smuggling, as I've seen in either a vanilla or TR tomb. Broken altars and urns to indicate careless habitation, as well as some de crates. Entire room was moved from staircase to being next to the other side room of the tomb.
- Since this was allowed to my preferece, I have kept the bones within the ashpits unchanged.
Below is the updated file.
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
Fixed remnant pathgrid of previous room location
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
Name: TR_Ouranos_Showcase
Clean: Yes
Sunlight too high. Should be >25. See lighting guidelines on wiki. With raised ambience you can remove some of the excess sconces. Also double check again for greenlight.
Northmarker: Present.
Fits exterior: N/A
Pathgrid: Opposing nodes in a square should connect (main room). yellow path overlaps with lecturn.
Illegal to Sleep Here: No. Correct.
Gridsnap: Correct.
Urn_ash00 - some bleeding into altars. simply raise and f-drop to correct this.
urn_05 - by tribunal altar
Altars - okay for these to partially bleed into the sloped portion of the floor (but try to avoid if possible), however they should not bleed into the wall
light_velothi_brazier - platform slope
ingred_green_lichen_01; ingred_fire_petal_01 - either tilt or raise on Z slightly (can see platform through it)
Furn_shrine_Veloth_cure_01 - into wall
furn_de_p_table_01 - into floor slope
chitin spear
T_IngFlor_TempleDome_01 - needs to be tilted to lay flatter
T_Glb_Var_SkeletonPelvis_01, T_Glb_Var_SkeletonForearmL_01 - needs to be tilted/bled further into ash
T_De_StonewarePitcher_01 - needs more tilting to lay flush
p_cure_common_s - needs tilting
in_v_l_int_rail_01 - use T_De_SetVeloth_I_Rail_01 instead
furn_banner_temple_02_indoors - should bleed into the wood bar not rest in front
common_amulet_03 - tilt this
chitin war axe needs tilting
chitin spear on altar needs tilt
chitin guantlet - right
bk_ConsolationsOfPrayer needs tilt
Urn_ash00 -- these should ALL be 0.5 and be on an altar.
light_spear_skull00 - rotate one so Z rotation differs slightly
in_velothismall_ndoor_01 - needs to be manually budged further into doorjam
furn_bone_rib_01 - cut these, better to stick to one bone set in ashpits
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
ESP updated and corrected as directed, objects tilted and sat flush to the best of my ability, Please do let me know if it's not sufficient or if incorrect in a different way, thank you for your time.
EDIT: Forgot to clean, file now cleaned
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
Name: TR_Ouranos_Showcase
Clean: Yes
Lighting: raise the ambience (doesn't need a massive increase). for this int don't have the R G B equal in ambience.
Northmarker: Present.
Fits exterior: N/A
Pathgrid: fine
Illegal to Sleep Here: No. Correct.
Gridsnap: Correct.
Altars - some still bleeding into wall (brown band)
chitin spear (z lift and f drop to check its placed correctly)
T_De_StonewareCup_02; T_De_Chitin_Longsword_01; T_De_BluewareKnife01 (btw normally this is for rich ints, giving it a pass here as it could be looted); light_de_candle_16_64 (on small table); light_de_candle_15_64 - needs tilt
T_Glb_Var_SkeletonForearmL_01 - needs to be tilted/bled further into ash
potion_local_liquor_01 - needs slight tilting
p_cure_common_s - needs tilting
chitin war axe needs tilting
chitin spear on altar needs tilt
Cut braziers from altar room, they don't fit well.
Make use of furn mist in the main ashpit. Add a trap to a door.
Bonus points: Add a few appropriate creatures
(see NPCing guidelines:
Add an NPC marker for the smuggler.
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
Hopefully this should be the last edits needed, though there are some items like the chitin war axe, and the ash yam that I'm unsure about, I've tried to get them as flush to their respective surfaces as possible without bleed. Braziers in the side room were removed, and both mist and a trap to the main ash pit room were added. Two altars on the side of the lecturn pllatform in the main chamber were moved more forward so they wouldn't clip with either the platform or the wall. Plus, added some generic leveled tomb undead, and an NPC marker for the smuggler.
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
Name: TR_Ouranos_Showcase
Clean: Yes
Lighting: fine
Northmarker: Present.
Fits exterior: N/A
Pathgrid: fine
Illegal to Sleep Here: No. Correct.
Gridsnap: Correct.
light_velothi_brazier_128 - on platform
potion_local_liquor_01 - completely floating, however when f-dropped it sits flush
p_cure_common_s - needs tilting
chitin war axe needs tilting
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
Braziers lifted and correctly set down, sujamma set flush, re-oriened the cure potion and it seemed to sit flush, and I think I've finally set the war axe down flush on the surface, acros the altar.
2022-10-07 22:15
3 hours 17 min ago
all issues fixed, recommending for promotion
2023-05-04 07:08
2 weeks 4 days ago
Crossposting from the PT forum and requesting the quest dev role here as well!