Roth Roryn Interior survey

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Vern's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2018-08-13 09:52
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16 hours 53 min ago


While suggesting even more “redos” for the latest release is probably gonna offend certain people (even with the ext redos now being opened), this was a job I wanted to do back in 2020 after I did the first interior survey for Andothren, but was told it was “too much work’ and “we didnt have the time’, only for Dominions of Dust to languish in development for another year and a half, during which time the interiors department was out of work at multiple points, and then right before the release certain people actually had the gall to suggest postponing the release to do a slap-dash job fixing the dungeons. 

This is my long way of saying, anyone who wishes to complain about the amount of work that this survey pertains needs to be done can take their opinion and shove it somewhere very deep and very dark, preferably within their digestive system. 


Now that disclaimer out of the way I am operating off of a few ground rules here.

  1. I will not be covering Andothren a second time here. I have many issues with the city's implementation, as do others, however we start pulling on that thread and this city will continue to be a monkey for the projects back even more than it already has been. 

  2. Oymanis is almost entirely new and Bodrum also got a soft redo, so those won't be covered either.

  3. I am not advocating that interiors be removed from mainland until their replacements are made (barring a few extreme cases where I think they should be deleted outright) and furthermore certain types of interior are a significantly higher priority to deal with than others, IE all-rock caves and buildings in Menaan and Arvud which have improper shell designs.


Something I want to address at the start, there are a lot of pointless and outright bad caves in Roth Roryn that are on the chopping block in this survey. Rather than just opening new cave claims I am instead advocating they be replaced with more interesting alternatives and to that end I have made a list of caves with the most suitable locations for such replacements which is at the bottom of the survey. 



Good: only personal taste concerns

Okay: minor errors that can be fixed in section

Needs Work: Needs to be fixed as its own claim and then re-reviewed

Scrap it: Needs a new claim be opened to replace it.

Hard Delete: When both the interior is bad and the corresponding entrance should not be replaced with a new interior.


I’ll be using the new exterior claims as a way to organize this, in claims 1 and 2 I’m also checking the nearby SVM ints (the “regions” too small to justify its own survey), meanwhile 11 and 12 will cover those area’s a little further east.

Claim 1.

Outposts and Buildings:

Gulmon Nulen's Hut 


Gah Julan armor needs to be replaced with either Stones March or Redoran watchman armor


Erishanu Ramaran's Shack

Scrap it

As a shack this is fine, but a shack doesn't actually seem proper for the region. I think this should be replaced with a redoran hut (which is good practice for devs heading into CM anyway)


Kartur Outpost


Needs a new name, gah julan armor needs to be replaced with watchmen/stones march armor, de_m furniture update. Small clutter pass


Marys Cave Dwelling


Exterior needs a path, otherwise the interior only maybe needs a clutter pass? 


Caves & Mines:


Okay-Needs work

In its current incarnation it needs the BC moss removed, its not something that belongs underwater and this isnt a dap region to begin with, that said this could use a pass to add some newer flora/touch it up a little. It is a nix den though which is a little boring so might be worth re-opening fully to give it a slightly better gimmick? 

“Water sections could be cut as the area is dry, and other areas re-worked around this. ? could be a daedra-sorcerer cave depending on who jathmund is supposed to be. could be touched up with some sorcerer crystals etc. I feel on the whole it could be made more compact.” - Aveno


Litu-Dur Mine

Scrap it- Hard Delete

Huge amount of the flora in here doesnt fit, bitter coast stuff, parasols that are ext only. Meanwhile no suggestion of what was being mined here at all. And cherry on top, its lava cave in a region where that just doesnt belong.

“How many working mines are in the area? if there aren't many this could be (once scrapped and redone) a working mine of whatever fits. if there are then scrap re-design as kobold infested mine w/e.” - aveno

“Couple of working mines in the area and theres also Urussabi right above filled with Kobolds, might be better to delete this one outright” - Me



Needs work

Recent int, but do wish we had something more to spice it up.

“Stinkhorn looks cool but is listed as cyr flora. This cave was mentioned on the server as an example of dod caves being too big so make it smaller, have a few room pieces, and design a final room to give the cave a sense of progression.” - aveno


Sad,  (this has been renamed but to what I don’t know)


One of my old claims, funny name aside, I think this could use a little flora and some better lighting. Exterior lacks a path.




Oh me, oh my proper use of the BM ice set as I live and breathe. Novelty aside though, I’m not sure the MW assets actually blend that well, but there isnt a real soloution for that at present… gonna need a second opinion. 

“I somewhat like the MW asset use as a novelty. understand the concern though, should be raised to other reviewers - we'll need standards for future Mw ice caves re what assets to use.” - aveno




Ext needs to be replaced with the new natural cave entrance/interior side should reflect that (when we get a proper piece) Could use some extra flora and some more bones lying around. 

“Seems like it was supposed to have water” - Aveno


Neleni-Shalsar Egg Mine

Good-Needs work

Ext really needs a path/a little more build up. I think this either needs a new room for miners/guard accommodation or maybe a new hut or something outside for the same purpose. The actual mine itself is great.



Towers & Tombs:


Needs work

Being named for a french chef aside, the tanna + ash their in should be replaced, the stronghold brazier likewise be replaced with velothi equivalent. I think the curved halls been replaced so the collusion pieces could also go. After those the cluttering is a bit weird and could stand to get touched up. (Amount of objects being changed a new claim + review seems more prudent)

“To add - I dislike the cobbled platform piece. Table shouldn’t be on/off rug. If this is supposed to be a taken-over sorcerer tower, there top floor should be cluttered as such (bed, bookshelf etc)” - aveno

“Needs a serious redo, my second int ever and it's embarrassing lol. It literally has the hall piece with the broken collision. I volunteer to fix this one.” - Jack


Romavel Ancestral Tomb

Needs work (less for re-review and more it might need cutting from the file)

This should be moved away from the dwemer ruin, no way the dunmer would build one of their tombs right under a dwemer fortress even after the disappearance. That out of the way, I think this tomb could use some verticality, just swapping a few bits of hallway for more stairs would be good, also the shrine doesnt belong in here (I see why the old timers started putting notes saying not to add them) 

“Needs descending staircase at entry as per vanilla” -Aveno


Dwarven Ruins:


Needs work

This place was slated to get expanded as its supposed to be a major dwemer ruin. I would like to see it get expanded upward into its towers and also the second cell get some serious expansion.

“Yee. more challenge before boss, more of an interesting journey to it.”- Aveno



Okay-needs work

Okay this might just be me, but the layout here looks very similar to Lefunchs and I think this might need a few tweaks to deal with that. Maybe commit a bit more to the snowy theme with some extra icicles?

“Agreed, icicles should be more widespread, yet still placed with restraint, perhaps the one room without ice has lava or something.” - Aveno


Claim 2



Scrap it

All rocker, enough said about why it's up for scrapping. Delete both entrances and replace with a ruin.



Needs work

The parasols need to be removed and a lot of the rocks too, after that this should be updated with the new kwama assets. 

“As part of this swap fake water for kwama acid pools.” - aveno




Usual VM note about flora

Outposts and Buildings:

Erechel's Shack

Good/Scrap it

Much like ramarans shack above, I think a redoran hut would be more fitting but this one is justifiable since its on the water. Will wait on further input

“A riverside redoran hut would be pretty. No strong feelings either way though.” - aveno


Towers and Tombs:



Redoran in Gah Julan armor should be updated to use stones march, could use a clutter pass. 

“I dislike the cobble of the entry hall and how it goes off normal Z-rotation to presumably match the ext better.  Should follow normal Z-angles for interior pieces. Ext match where it can but it doesn't have to be 100% accurate/require cobbling. Braziers in top room greenlight. Rug by them bled too much.”- Aveno


Claim 3

Outposts and Buildings:

Surol Suth's Shack

Scrap it

Another shack where it doesn't belong, cut this and replace it with a redoran or velothi hut.


Caves & Mines:

Ralit Egg Mine

Needs work - Scrap it (Delete location, cut out and fix int for later use)

So looks like the NPCers forgot about this place which is good because it needs updated  first and foremost it needs TD kwama assets to be added and  rocks cut back, its not using the proper Kwama mine entrance, the custom ledger should be deleted and replaced with generic ledgers, bedrolls get replaced with hammocks or bunks, bonemold be replaced with redoran watchman armor, the combo of doorway + arches of cavern beams is obnoxious, then  in the lower levels there are no beams or signs of work. 

What is keeping me from saying delete is that some of the cobbling done here is tasteful enough to warrant preservation. Bodrum was very much supposed to *not* have a Kwama mine (to differentiate it from Gnisis) so I think after all that this should get cut and reserved perhaps for CM.



Needs work- Hard Delete

I thought this was an all-rocker when I first looked at it, it is “just” overloaded with rocks though still borderline at the bottom of the large shaft. Given there seems to be the skeleton of something decent here I’m gonna say make this a refit claim, rather than a redo. Major reservations about the ladder as well and the top entrance in general (it leads to somethign thats barely a lookout, ends dont feel like their justifying means. 

“Agreed, may need an ext-rework so there’s a reasonable entrance for the inhabitants (Look out area seems inaccesible, underwater entry is underwater. I’m generally not too keen on double entrance caves.” - aveno

“Should just be a full redo, the ext edits you'd need to do to fix the issues aren't worth it just replace it wholesale with something that fits. Kill the top entrance and call it a redo.” - Jack

“If it was gonna be scrapped I’d go with deleting it outright because of the locations difficulty” - Me



Scrap it

Borderline all rocker and its using mudcave in a location better suited to mold, along with flora that doesnt belong in the area (mainly the bloatspoor despite not being a kwama mine/den) all told this doesn't seem worth fixing or keeping. 


Puzur-Attin Egg Mine

Needs work

Actually a decent claim for its time, this needs more developed miner accommodations and new TD kwama assets added, a general clutter pass wouldn't be a bad idea either. Ext should get some form of connection up to the main road or failing that a small dock on the river.

“Yeh could just do with some touchups. Maybe adding more of a downward descent here and there.” - aveno

Towers & Tombs:

Raloran Ancestral Tomb

Needs work

Lacks much of any real tomb despite a very impressive set of hallways, I’d want to see this get a slight expansion (keeping in mind the quest taking place here). Ext pillars need to be removed and double shrine activator is suspect at the best of times and this is an especially small tomb

“Needs a descending staircase at the entry door. Altars in entry room should look more orderly (the rotated pair seem messy imo). Current entry room could be at the bottom of the staircase from the door. Shouldn’t have nerevar activator shrine unless required for quest (vanilla use veloth/tribunal for tombs)” - aveno


Berendas Ancestral Tomb

Needs work or Scrap it

I think the cobbling needs to be removed, but if the cobbling is removed then the int will lose basically all its character, besides that its location would somewhat beg it to be more… well more. 

“I quite like the cobbling here but it's not big enough to warrant it, I'd say touch it up with a focus on keep the original setpiece but making the whole tomb a bit more substantial. Currently definitely feels like they made the set piece then ran out of steam and the contrast is pretty jarring.” - Jack


Claim 4

Outposts and Buildings:

Veran Cave Dwelling


Little over cluttered for a cave dwelling, otherwise fine

“Agree re overclutter. Not enough that this needs work, okay as a one off.” -aveno


Ulannanit Cave Dwelling


Might be worth checking to add some new td stuff


Shulun Harrinat: Trader


Mold rocks should be removed, could maybe use some clutter being added after their removed

“The shack planks between posts don’t look great imo” - aveno


Shaamishalk Cave Dwelling


Little under clutted
“Re-sized containers need correction to meet current standards.” - aveno


Shapes-Beginning-To-Take-Form's Shack

Scrap it

Another day, another shack that doesnt belong (there are legitimately no tree’s nearby to build it with) . I would be looking to replace this with a redoran or velothi hut, but maybe transfer the argonian hunter along with the int.
“Agree with scrap/re-do in other style. Claimant shouldn’t go as crazy on the animal busts (if using them at all) - aveno

“Total redo, it being a shack is problematic in itself but the number of mounted heads is way overboard. (I also really don't like this argonian's name.)” - Jack


Balur Cave Dwelling


Cut back on the sacks and the two less filled redoran shelves, clutter and flora check. Maybe remove awnings as well
Quite a busy cave. Could benefit from some ref culling - aveno


Monastery of St. Felms


The “challenge” that was this places development makes it more than a little hard to give this a passing grade, if the new shell asset is made I will be suggesting a more sane redo, otherwise gonna avoid suggesting this place get touched at all.


Caves & Mines:

Pryai-Nur Egg Mine

Needs work

This is a funny one, it has too many rocks near its entrance then the rest of the mine is virtually rockless, lacks beams further into the cave. Someone apprently went in and added an acid pool with cocoons over it from the TD stuff but didnt do any other edits. In addition to fixing the above, yet again, this needs accommodation for the miners. 


Dwarven Ruins:


Needs work 

The observatory dome and Berne vampire living in it should go and the moldcave be replaced with pycave.

“Total underuse of light assets and instead a horrible overly dark monochrome ambient setting. Also the observatory cell is missing a pathgrid. Also the spider spam room is dumb, I get it's meant to be a set piece but 8 spiders is way overkill. Just annoying to fight. Probably reduce that down to a pair of spheres.” -Jack

“I'd say i'm in agreement with your and jacks comments on Mevelthgntngngn. I dislike the purple lighting in the tower room/obs room. Not against existence of an obs room if there's one in ext. Could generally do with a brush up. More dedicated Dwe->Cave pieces would be good (asset-wise. Shiva's mentioned it would be an easy job to make more). There's an air of mild jank about it. Probably the variety of room/hall types mixed together. Dislike all the watery sections. Especially on the border of ashlands. A wet dwemer ruin is an oddity, and if in existence should be somewhere wet. If this has anything fancy it should be lava sections.” - Aveno


Claim 5

Outposts and Buildings:

Essurdan Cave Dwelling


Clutter and flora pass wouldnt hurt tho.


Caves & Mines:


Needs work

Entrance needs replacing both in and out, patchy rock distribution, its got lots of beams but not a lot of real development with the bandit portion. I also question how much water is here given how Roth Roryn is repeatedly described as dry but there are all these damn flooded caves.

“Agree. Cut the water parts. Not every cave needs water tunnels, especially in a dry area. Re-work once water cut.” -aveno


Daedric Ruins:


Needs work

I think the ext warrants a larger interior than this, but the current int could be retained, just moved deeper/expanded on. Com ruin rubble should get replaced with one of the newer daedric rubbles. (? about the argonian priest and a bunch of dead args in a bal shrine)
“Agreed. Could be 2 or even 3 layer. Agreed re NPCing choice, just seems odd unless there’s a quest to explain why there’s an argonian priest with a bunch of dead lizards.” - Aveno

“I remember exploring this and being surprised it was only one cell. The actual work is fine but it should be made into one of 2 or even 3 cells for this int.” - Jack


Towers & Tombs:

Andathril Ancestral Tomb

Needs work

This needs the altars cut back in the large halls, the “urn storeroom” acsess by ladder needs to go, ditto the caved in delyn shrine. The Daedric summoning area seems suspect, even if this is the tomb of the same family who ruled Tur Julan. 
“Yeah cut the urn room. This tomb is massive for a tomb as is and doesn’t need fluff. Activator shrine should be veloth or tribunal ?Cut the gospel book, they’re generally overused.” - aveno


Claim 6

Outposts and Buildings:

Llaram Plantation, Manor

Scrap it

Bad Shell, Bad layout and bad mixture of furniture. Redo it.


Llaram Plantation, Slave Shack

Needs work

This looks unfinished, not just sparse.


Llaram Plantation, Storage Shack


Not sure why there's kwama chitin

Naru Ouradas' Shack


Rare case in RR of a shack in the correct location for it. Does need the water and blacksquares removed from the cell though, thats not a thing for shacks.


Salavel Cave Dwelling


Actually a little under-cluttered for a cave-dwelling


Athemiran Cave Dwelling


Also a little under cluttered


Unusual Shipwreck



Caves & Mines:


Scrap it

Crystal cave with daedric ruin parts and a lava pit… near the coast of Roth Roryn? This isnt even py or lavacave either. Its uninhabited except for a single Breton nightblade living in a small dwelling part away from the daedric…. This whole complex just looks weird and out of place.
“Agreed. Seemed odd when I played it. Caves should be functional dungeons.” - aveno



Needs work

Layout actually seems fine, but has just enough odd structure pieces that I think a refit claim would be better than just section edits. Cut back the tiki torches, replace the dock pilings with beams or shack platform pieces, add more clutter.

“Can just swap platforms with the non-barnacled variant” -aveno




One of the more recent ones, just needs the flora updated



Scrap it

All rocker so replace with prejudice, check that the NPC in the ‘hidden dwelling’ isnt involved in any quests




Remove the iron
“Npcs could perhaps be a bit tougher. This cave is far from “starter” areas, so level 2 is a bit low” - aveno


Towers & Tombs:

Ultham Ancestral Tomb


Layout is fine, but has a lot of stuff that needs deleting and replacing, first point of business is the skeletons on altars should be replaced with Urns (wtf is this mannish bullshit) and in the same room the pillars blocking navigation. Shrine of St Aralor should be replaced with one of Veloth.  Lighting and clutter pass.
“The thousand candles should be cut too, and the jagga” - aveno

“More fucking Jagga??” - Me

“This one needs a thorough lighting pass. I'm a stickler for good lighting and so I'd be much harsher than you to this one because the lighting is really bad. Close to redo territory imo.” - Jack


Savani Ancestral Tomb

Needs work

This one seemed fine at first but got weirder the longer I looked, all the free standing pillars need deleting, the double shrine of Nerevar and Alma is weird and should be a single shrine to Veloth, the urns need rescaling and after that some slight clutter touch-ups, rubble or cobwebs.


Claim 7

Outposts and Buildings:

Idrerayna Andalor's Shack


Greenlight from the candle


Hyrrik the Rude's Shack


Greenlight from the candle


Delvarrapal Cave Dwelling


Little under cluttered


Teyn, Lighthouse


Recently redone, has the same issues I have with the rest of Teyn (see further down)


Fort Ancylis


This was reviewed properly and caused no end of grief during that time, so I’m not going looking in here


Caves & Mines:


Needs work

Not bad, but we’ve got a lot of new ocean assets and it’d be worthwhile going back over this and making use of them.
“Needs bubble activators by live kollops” - aveno




Honestly this should just be another cave dwelling, as is just add some vines and a drip effect to sell this as being coastal.


Weteselimu Grotto

Scrap it

This is just some mudcave, cave plants and a shipwreck at the end with no explanation. Scrap this and make a proper grotto.

“Name is odd too” -aveno

“Shipwreck with no obvious way it could have gotten there. Silgrad Tower type of error.” - Jack


Sadrapit Mine

Hard delete

This whole int seems questionable, the waterfall, the scaffolding and platforms despite having no corresponding signs of life near the entrance, even the presence of rubies. Could be replaced, but also not a great location for an int in the first place so could honestly just delete it outright and save us some extra work.


Dwarven Ruins:

Dwemer ruin at -6, -12

This doesnt seem to have an int at all? Why is it here? 

Would suggest replacing with a dreugh keep rather than opening another underwater dorf ruin so close to mudan.

Claim 8

Outposts and Buildings:


Scrap it

The redoran occupied velothi tower down in Armun I sorta get, but this has been fully converted into a pseudo temple, but its squarely in the Hlaalu part of RR? This just looks weird and wrong, if its gonna be kept redoran it should be replaced with a redoran watchtower, otherwise the new claim should be a dungeon.

“Agreed. If remaining redoran they should be more covert akin to occupied towers in vanilla. Could do with an entry room as in other towers. Dungeon is a good option otherwise.” -Aveno


Monastery of St. Aralor, Abbey


The implementation still has some jank, but the rework that got done during the latter part of DoD covers all the main issues. 


Caves & Mines:


Needs work

A straightforward refit, mudcave should be replaced with mold, add some more rocks and clutter
“That crate bleeding at the back needs a fix lol. I also wonder if the npcs are a bit weak too.” -aveno



Scrap it

Another mudcave with no enemies, a bunch of vanilla plants and more water than can be justifed in Roth Roryn. 

“Agreed” -aveno


Towers & Tombs:

Llendu Ancestral Tomb


RR rocks should be replaced with mold rocks and the ashpits should be made redoran, quick clutter pass. Ext is using the wrong entrance for a tomb

“Not too keen on use of in_velothismall_room_05 in tombs. No strong opinions either way on ashpit choice, vanilla uses velothi most even in redoran tombs eg venim.” -aveno

Telomas Ancestral Tomb

Scrap it - needs work

You’ve seen Velothi towers with urns and ashpits, now get ready for an ancestral tomb thats got a wizard and all their gear in it. I get its a necromancer but damn…. 

“If It cant be replaced on grounds of being dumb, there is the bones of an okay tomb here most of the rooms lack doors and the ext pillars need removing, general tlc
Could also do with decobbling in parts” -aveno

Claim 9


Half the ints in this town dont fit their exteriors and will need remaking, I would strongly suggest replacing some of the shells and also adding 2-3 new buildings before opening fixer claims.

“Agreed on menaan” - Aveno


Menaan, Vando Manor

Scrap it

Shell is bizarrely designed, one half uses the tall set the other uses modular pieces for no apparent reason… and the ext shell doesnt make sense either. Get past those and the layout isnt good and this needs a clutter update anyway


Menaan, Nadras Arvel's House

Scrap it

Doesnt fit the shell and also has cobbling, is rich and the owner is a noble, but this isnt a  manor shell (two nobles in a town this smal??) Assuming traps are from a quest, retain in new claim?


Menaan, Orzuk gro-Gum: Smith

Needs work

de_Forge should be replaced with the Hlaalu forge, door at the top of the stairs should be removed, shell is badly done and has posts covering gaps that need to be removed and bed should be made de_p, could also use new armors and a clutter pass. 


Menaan, Morio Stulti's House


PC taps and rugs should be removed (its a poor int so they cant be justifed), as well as the com_lantern and the door needs to be replaced with the load version. Clutter pass worthwile


Menaan, Novor Dals' House

Scrap it

The shell is fine but all the clutter is jank, it would be quicker to make a new claim.


Menaan, Storage Tower

Scrap it

Entire clutter job needs replacing to make this a proper guard tower


Menaan, Garrison Tower

Scrap it

All the clutter would need replacing to make this a proper guard tower


Menaan, Darra's House


De_m drawers need replacing and could use a little more clutter


Menaan, Gols Ulven's House

Scrap it

This would need to be re-opened to fix the shell and re-arange the clutter sufficiently and frankly this is worse than a showcase in quality, scrap it


Outposts and Buildings:

The Grey Lodge

Needs work-Scrap it (for new shell)

This needs extra rooms (being so isolated the publican needs their own room and also extra ones for patrons) so the current shell could just get an expanded basement, but I think a larger shell to fit the “inn on the edge of the wasteland” look would be better. Bar and beds need updating to de_m

“Agreed. Some NPCs should be made dunmer. Mainland should have a greater amount of dunmer than outlanders, and a wasteland-edge isn’t a place for outlanders.” -aveno


Delethren Cave Dwelling


Could use some more hunter-appropriate clutter, bow and arrow, some hide ingreds.


Caves & Mines:

Anbarsud/Romayon /Ald Virak

Burn it in a fire

Every sin you could hope for. All-rock portions? Mixing rock types? A buried ruin that isnt properly designed? Imperial assets cobbled in despite not making sense? This claim is infamous among the int team already so I won't labor the point. 

For sanity's sake I suggest that we disassociate Romayon from Anbarsud and make it that the mine leads to a velothi ruin where the Ancient and their library can be located instead, Romayon then being placed above ground and made a full stronghold (perhaps with its vault still having a connection to the mine via tunnels). “Ald virak” should be cut as it is pointless as a tower and its name comes from ESO. The mine itself should be remade, with normal cave assets and the “lair” part have more considered use of imperial assets.


Etana Egg Mine

Needs work

You guessed it, this needs miners quarters. That said, does not need the TD kwama assets thats already been handled. This needs to get the mudcave replaced with mold, otherwise I’d suggest adding a building outside for the miner residence instead of editing the int further.



Needs work

Needs to be replaced with mold cave, BC flora be replaced. Clutter pass. NPC’s questionable.



Needs work-okay

One of my claims, actually includes one of the first things I made, ah memories. Sadly also means its aged as well as that would imply, so needs more rocks, better variety with the cave beams, lotta TLC to bring up to standards (I call dibs on it when opened)


Towers & Tombs:

Olthan Ancestral Tomb


Remove a few of the altars and this one is actually okay for a small tomb, I kinda want to say expand it, but given how bad the rest is, gonna suggest sticking to the essentials.

Needs descending stairwell at entry. Imo small tombs are fine. Most vanilla ones are small. 

“Greenlight needs fix.” -avneo


Claim 10


Before even starting, I wish to reiterate that I believe this entire town is a travesty and should be deleted outright on principle, but will still survey it as though it “just” needs fixes.

“Make all of the containers the correct size as per the recent re-sizing guidelines on the wiki. this town is filled with miniature crates and barrels.” - Aveno


Teyn, Alrysa Faali's House


Uses the wrong doorframe


Teyn, Bola Rervam's Shack



Teyn, Census and Excise Office

Needs work- scrap it

Main buildings too small for the shell, it should be x3 across and then with that the census taking should be move to the main floor. Given we now have stacking stairs the accommodation would be moved underneath the main building rather than weirdly snaking out via the tower like it does now, along with that inlcude a small contraband lockup

I do however question why the Census office is seperate from the fort


Teyn, Cirifae's Tradehouse

Scrap it

Tavern shells should be 4x4, this is 4x5 which makes this painful enough to fix but the downstairs bar and kitchen? This is atradehouse any secondary business should be trade, but even a nominal tradehouse is yet another similairy with Seyda Neen this town doesnt need. Replace this with a normal tavern claim (if any part of this wretched town must be kept)


Teyn, Customs and Contraband Warehouse

Hard Delete

Census office shouldnt even have a separate warehouse except for sake of copying Seyda Neen, above that though this is just a super boring warehouse. Even if the rest of the town isnt removed, this at least should be.


Teyn, Felespyre's House



Teyn, Geloise Marard's House



Teyn, Kaarnut's House



Teyn, Merius Jades' House



Teyn, Mulus Roloth's Shack


Needs a clutter pass, thin even for a shack


Teyn, Nulvese Telrith's House


Remove the damn deshaan bread


Teyn, Pien Vene's Shack



Teyn, Talaru Gelvendu's Shack



Outposts and Buildings:

Vendro Nelam's Shack

Scrap it

Return of the Shacks in places they make no sense, this time also having fish being cooked and Jagga just to make it even worse

Should be replaced with a Hlaalu farmhouse

“Agreed” -avneo


Caves & Mines:


Scrap it

If this was in Aanthirin it would be fine, but its another mudcave filled with BC plants and water in arid Roth Roryn….. Why couldn't Old TR keep their theme consistent? I suggest replacing with a kwama den.
“Agreed” - avenioeoeoeoe



Needs work

Same issues as the above, but it's actually near some water justifying the water in it and has more going for it than bad flora so might be worth fixing. Needs the BC plants removed, and set replaced with Mold Cave.



Scrap it

This one is already a moldcave (yaaaay) but is literally just water and cave plants, with more BC flora.  No other gimmick.



Scrap it-Needs

A moldcave that isnt filled with water is a nice surprise. There is potentially something worth salvaging here, but its buried under a lot of excess rocks and it might just be easier to open a new cave.



Scrap it 

Another mudcave with water and it also includes a nasty little cobbled basement-shack thing. Its got some technically sound parts but it would make more sense to start over with a new claim.


Daedric Ruins:

Veranzaris, Shrine

Okay - needs work

The cobbled part above the shrine should be removed and be replaced with normal roof parts. Kinda think this place should be bigger to match the ext better but otherwise okay.

“Manic library will need a rename to better match vanilla ruin cell names” -aveno


Indoril Ruins:


Scrap it

Usual messy old cobbling for an Indoril ruin, should be replaced as soon as the new assets are availble ready.


Towers & Tombs:

Arvel Ancestral Tomb


Lights a bit questionable, biggie is once again altars but this time just needs a few of them culled for navigability. Decent size, no egregious cobbling, okay clutter…. This ones actually pretty good

“Cut down on lights to normal tomb level. Needs staircase at entry. Cut the rugs. Scatter some mist statics.” - aveno

“Lighting issues again. Not as bad though but it does make the otherwise nicely cluttered int look like ass.” -Jack

Claim 11

Vathras Plantation

Vathras Plantation, Feles Modril's House

Scrap it

Lot of shell issues (uses ladder-attic for a room with furniture, yulch), should be remade with the new stairs and probably get made de_m since the guy has his own slave.


Vathras Plantation, Guard Tower

Scrap it - Needs work

Tad Extreme but it needs a new basement connection to add proper bedding, needs de_m furniture, new taps… easier just to have this be a new claim


“Don't think this one warrants a claim, fixes are visually major but really simple. Just a small basement for beds, a find/replace on the tapestries and making the furniture _m.” - Jack


Vathras Plantation, Slaves' Shack One



Vathras Plantation, Slaves' Shack Two 



Vathras Plantation, Slaves' Shack Three

Hard Delete

This has 6 bedrolls and between shack one and shack two the full number of slaves on the plantation is covered, with room to spare, this is just ridiculous. 

Vathras Plantation, Vathras Manor

Scrap it

Layout and clutter would both need extensive reworks to make this feel like a proper manor, better off just starting over.


Vathras Plantation, Warehouse

Scrap it

Wrong shell to use for a warehouse and it doesn't  do the job properly, new claim with a stouter building would be significantly better. 


Outposts and Buildings:

Anmu-Shaddr's Yurt


Should use an ashlander rather than generic dunmer lantern. Placement of the yurt seems questionable (unless its related to the obnaits quests)


Crumbling Shipwreck


Has West Gash rocks, should be replaced with either ascadian or RR rocks

Caves & Mines:

Issurnawia Mine

Scrap it

Ext rocks in the top half, virtually nothing in the lower, then going down into the lower cavern a bunch of ext flora and other nonsense. If the alchemist down there is tied to a quest the new cave should preserve the characterisation otherwise replace with a smuggler cave or kwama den.

(I actually missed this place, thanks Av for flagging the absence)

Towers & Tombs:

Landoth Ancestral Tomb

Needs work

Under cluttered and a few too many altars (those angled ones should be fixed or removed). Conceptually this being occupied by bandits despite being the closest tomb to town rubs me the wrong way and if there isnt a quest tied to them they should be removed and replaced with undead.
“If bandits are kept, the tomb should appear more ruined, making use of smashed urn assets. Otherwise regular undead tomb is good option.” - aveno


Tomaril Ancestral Tomb


Mournhold style hangers should be replaced with the normal de ones and the caved in rocks should be replaced with mold cave (and some extra rubble added for good measure). Otherwise a solidly designed tomb

Claim 12

-Includes the small amount of RR stuff east of the distillery


Savrethi Distillery

Literally every single interior in this place had structural issues warranting new claims, I cannot recommend strongly enough redesigning the ext for this place and reorganizing how its designed instead of just remaking the ones that are there now.

“Nuke from orbit and redo the whole thing. In fact give it to me to do all of it (including ext edits). Huge PITA to work with when making the Poisoning the Well quest, so I wanna take it on to ensure both maintained compatibility and for my own closure/sanity.” - Jack


Savrethi Distillery, Aging Storage

Scrap it

I could maybe pardon the dodgy conceit and the heavy cobbling, if this wasnt using velothi pieces/misusing the mine entrance one. This should get remade into either a conventional warehouse (closer to the actual distillery) or be remade as a Hlaalu-cave hybrid


Savrethi Distillery, Brandy Distillery / Savrethi Distillery, Offices

Scrap it

The offices are what did it, the distillery is okay (ashpit being used that way is foul though) but the office tower has too much hacky cobbling along with the usual sin of ladder use (shrine is especially fucky). Should get remade with a more forgiving shell (also offer the new claim to Frem, they seem to like distilleries)


Savrethi Distillery, House

Scrap it

“House” more like “corridors and doors” this is bad even for old layouts


Savrethi Distillery, Savrethi Manor

Scrap it

Doesnt fit the shell at all and doesnt include any interesting clutter justifying its presence


Savrethi Distillery, Workers Shacks

Scrap them

All 3 of them have too many hammocks and the middle one had a pointless “basemetn” that was all rock. I am not even going to bother lisitng these.


Outposts and Buildings:

Alver Farmhouse

Needs work

De_m furniture update, expand the basement and move the other bed downstairs (if its for the slave make it de_p).


Verano Farmhouse

Needs work- scrap it

Layouts ass and I’m not convinced it actually fits the shell. 


Laavys Cave Dwelling


Where is its exterior, the door marker leads out onto the river but dwelling itself is missing, is this from a quest?


Caves & Mines:


Needs work

Too many rocks, water where it should belong and BC flora, does have a decent layout and is moldcave like it should be though so only needs a refit
“Agreed cut water/cull some rocks.” - aveno



Needs work

This one isnt actually that bad, but I'd want to add some more tunnels between the entrance and the big central chamber/add something to justify all the effort building up around the rock in the first place. Clutter and furniture pass would be good as well. Ext being so close to Menaan is questionble as well.



“Scrap it”

No issues with the int itself per-se but this should be moved south into armun as its a pycave, with the relevant quest updated accordingly.  Don't replace this with another cave though.



Scrap it

And one final time, a mudcave with BC flora and water…. “Dry highland wilderness”


Scrap it - needs work

Another pycave on the RR side, way too many rocks, but the real kicker is the lair at the end…. This place bugs me but I dont know if thats being a puritan so will leave that decision to others.

“I’m not vehemently opposed to caves leading to another set eg; cave with velothi at end to occasionally mix things up, but the dwelling at the end seems like a house mod rather than a dungeon cell. Claim could be a redo. Change to appropriate cave set. Cull water section. Make cave section more of a dungeon, make velothi section more of a dungeon (grittier, less like a cozy manor, built more for dungeon function than house function, no living NPCs aside from necro/prisoner, more undead throughout). Doesn’t necessitate a general size increase.” - aveno

“Agree w Aveno it should be redone. Also change the name.” - Jack 




These are the ints which should be replaced outright or cut completely, below is map for those who need one
Red circles are replacements, yellow crosses are hard deletes.



Replacement 1, Kumaralk

I suggest replacing this two entrance cave with a small Daedric or Dwarven ruin. I put Daedric slightly ahead as there are already two Dwemer ruins nearby.


Replacement 2, Basan Dur

I suggest replacing this with a small dwemer outpost, basically just the tower and maybe a small basement area, ala Dagon Fel.


Replacement 3, Elandad

Given its position I think replacing this with a velothi tower would work well


Replacement 4, Malumed

Simply replace te cave with an ancestral tomb



Replacment 1, Erishanu Ramaran's Shack

Replace with Redoran Hut


Replacement 2, Erechel's Shack

Optional, but replacing Erechels shakc with redoran would help with regional consistency


Replacement 3, Surol Suth's Shack

Replace with Redoran Hut


Replacement 4, Shapes-Beginning-To-Take-Form's Shack

Replace with Velothi Hut


Replacement 5, The Grey Lodge

Replace the current shell with T_De_SetHla_X_Building_08


Replacement 6, Vendro Nelam's Shack

Replace with hlaalu 5 shell



Here is a picture of what is roughly required externally

IE delete Ald Virak, move romayon outside and leave the mine where it is now.


Shout out to Aveno, Jack and Mark for checking all this over.


Vern's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2018-08-13 09:52
Last seen:
16 hours 53 min ago

For the record, these shouldnt go up as claims (design or otherwise) until the TV fixup claims are finished and the next round of SS claims are up.

"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man

shivatheo's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset Reviewer
2022-07-23 17:33
Last seen:
13 hours 20 min ago

Why not?

Vern's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2018-08-13 09:52
Last seen:
16 hours 53 min ago

In the simplest terms, keeping the browser in order. 

To expand, theres roughly 30 claims here, most of which either need some degree of collaboration with the ext redos or are tied to quests, and this is all work that has to be done in such a way as to not impede on the progress of the main releases. Making sure we have the last round of interior fixes settled and any pending designs ready will help minimise the headache on our end.

"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man

aveno's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-10-07 22:15
Last seen:
5 hours 32 min ago

Vathras Plantation, Warehouse - is this calling for an ext replacement? just to clarify 

Snailsting's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2022-06-24 12:52
Last seen:
3 hours 5 min ago


Scrap it

All rocker so replace with prejudice, check that the NPC in the ‘hidden dwelling’ isnt involved in any quests

The NPC in the hidden dwelling isn't used in any quests
He is currently TR's master acrobatics trainer though, so it might be worth moving him elsewhere

 Menaan, Nadras Arvel's House

Scrap it

Doesnt fit the shell and also has cobbling, is rich and the owner is a noble, but this isnt a manor shell (two nobles in a town this smal??) Assuming traps are from a quest, retain in new claim?

The traps are indeed for a quest yeah
He's a Morag Tong target who managed to outsmart the last assasin they sent, but he's (rightfully) assuming they'll send another so he made some preparations

Dwemer ruin at -6, -12

This doesnt seem to have an int at all? Why is it here?

Would suggest replacing with a dreugh keep rather than opening another underwater dorf ruin so close to mudan. 

The current spot of the ruin seems rather close to the coast and a bit on the undeep side for a dreugh citadel, IMO at least

it could be moved out further or have some terrain work done to accommodate it but with Firemoth right there where it is that might not be the best idea either, especially if we do want to keep that one optional

I'd personally suggest just removing it outright or replacing it with a dreugh heavy grotto instead 

Vern's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2018-08-13 09:52
Last seen:
16 hours 53 min ago

Re Aveno: Yeah new ext, single story ideally.

Re Snail: Good Notes, will see about factoring the notes about the NPCs into the requests. It'd be nice if th ext devs could see about doing a small dreugh entrance, they need to include the big tower, but if that cant look good then yeah skip straight to grotto.

"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man