Replacing textures with old TR_Data models

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skeletalbob's picture
2021-09-12 23:17
Last seen:
1 year 3 weeks ago

I want to replace a specific piece of armor that was redesigned in the latest TR update and revert it to the previous version, specifically the Bal-Darum Greaves, for no other reason than I just preferred the look of them before they were updated. Is this possible and if so how would I go about it? I've tried trying to delve into the TR_Data folder in the explorer but I'm not sure what I'm doing and don't want to screw anything up! 

If anyone can tell me how to achieve this I'd be really grateful! 


Kynesifnar's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerInterior Developer
2021-07-08 11:32
Last seen:
1 hour 21 min ago

Your best bet would be to extract the relevant assets from the previous version of Tamriel_Data, which is still available on the Nexus, to your Data Files with an application such as the Bethesda Archive Extractor. The mesh and icon filenames begin with the string "tr_a_bone_st", while the texture filenames begin with "tr_a_bonemold_stone".