File should be clean and quest should be fully playable. Quest can be started by talking to Nelmyne Athones in her shop in the Market Quarter.
File should be clean and quest should be fully playable. Quest can be started by talking to Nelmyne Athones in her shop in the Market Quarter.
2022-10-05 00:13
8 hours 40 min ago
Hey Kronifer, thanks for doing the showcase. Please get familiar with Writing and Dialogue Guidelines on the wiki if you haven't yet. Here are the changes I'd like you to make:
2023-04-02 06:01
3 weeks 6 days ago
Thanks for reviewing! there's a few points I'd like to touch on.
1. Gently-Rocking-Hull can still provide training before the quest. The training that happens during the quest is more of a scripted sparring match that ends when either you or Gently-Rocking-Hull hits half health. I agree that there should be 0 indication of who the thief is and that's why Gently-Rocking-Hull doesn't have the robe until the quest starts, as well as why it can't start with a dead Gently-Rocking-Hull but I do need to change how I did that.
12. I completely missed the part with the soul gems as a reward, thanks for reminding me lol
17. That check exists because you can get the robe after killing Gently-Rocking-Hull, as it felt like the most natural way to add a journal entry for getting the robe without assuming the player immediately takes it off of Gently-Rocking-Hull.
22. That's there solely to avoid either GRH or the player dying during the event (see 1, though this could still happen if someone had a sufficiently powerful spell). I'd be fine with removing this, I'd just need to remove that part and have it solely be a training event.
If we could talk about those here or on discord that would be great. It'd really help me on clarifying what I should do next.
uhhhhhh post complete
2023-04-02 06:01
3 weeks 6 days ago
Reworked the quest, should fit the requirements above.
uhhhhhh post complete
2022-10-05 00:13
8 hours 40 min ago
Thanks for fixing the things I mentioned. The quest is much better now, but it still has several important issues:
2023-04-02 06:01
3 weeks 6 days ago
Should be fixed now.
uhhhhhh post complete
2022-10-05 00:13
8 hours 40 min ago
Good work, only a few minor issues left. Fix them and you'll be promoted:
And three things I mentioned before which haven't been fixed:
You can write any scripts in dialogue results. They will work the same way as the npc's local script, except the fact that they're compiled only upon receiving that dialogue entry in-game. If you need an example of using conditions in dialogue results, see the "stolen velk" topic.
2023-04-02 06:01
3 weeks 6 days ago
Should have everything done.
uhhhhhh post complete
2022-10-05 00:13
8 hours 40 min ago
A few more minor issues:
2023-04-02 06:01
3 weeks 6 days ago
All changes implemented.
uhhhhhh post complete
2022-10-05 00:13
8 hours 40 min ago
Spotted only one more bug which I'll fix in a review: GRH should have alternative dialogue in "stolen robe" topic after you confront her. Currently, she still attacks you after being exposed.
Everything else is fixed. Recommended for promotion.