Checked out:
File versions:
This release file contains the new exterior claims, covering the western parts of Shipal-Shin, Othreleth Woods and some portion of Velothi Mountains, including the city of Kragenmoor.
This is the file where dialogue, quests, and claims for Eastern Othreleth Woods should be merged. This file is dependent on TR_Mainland.esm (22.11). See: Editing guidelines
Always use the newest Tamriel Data from the TD_Addon GitHub with release files.
Development Plan
Relevant queues: Othreleth Woods
Last updated: 2023-10-22
Assets: Shipal-Shin caves are needed. Some Othreleth flora and ground textures are still getting made. Kragen and Sadras bonemold will be needed.
Exteriors: All exterior claims besides SH_15 need to be made and reviewed. (OW_01 to 03, SH_15 to 17, VM_01 and VM_02)
Interiors: All of them.
Quests: Not applicable.
Merging this into OW East (to
Merging this into OW East (to become Othreleth Woods section)