Hello, I've been lurking the PTR discords for about a week now and would like to share the interior showcase I've put together over the last few days.
The cell is 3x2x2 +2 and follows the ex_hlaalu_b_10 exterior shell. Additional notes are in the esp summary.
Any feedback is very appreciated :) My discord handle is .tomix
2021-07-09 00:40
10 hours 7 min ago
Hey Tomix, Im going to be handling your showcase. Ill give it a look over and get back with you on Discord. Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions.
Hainab stole my pants.
2021-07-09 00:40
10 hours 7 min ago
Review Pass 1
Overall Very good start, interior is setup and cluttered well. Grand majority is aproppriate for hlaalu poor int and creativly built. Fix the issues and post the new file when ready. Feel free to give me a shout in the TR discord Showcase channel or in a Direct message if you have questions, need help, or more clarification on issues. Great work!
Name: Nasama Homestead
Clean: No, Has exterior edits.Be sure file is clean with TESAME (https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Interior_Guidelines#Cleaning_Your_...)
Lighting: Ambient and Sunlight is a bit high, No Fog levels set. ( Check out some existing Hlaalu interiors in TR to get some context.)
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Decent but could use a little clean up. A few nodes get really close to walls and furn, dont be afraid to add an extra node to make sure paths are cleared. One node is floating, generally wont cause issues but is good practice to keep consistant.
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Everythings good except the stairs and nearby wall on the bottom floor. in_hlaalu_wall is off grid but also isnt needed, check out T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs. There are some other options that could help you out. Also for the Exterior leading doors use a load door version such as hlaal_loaddoor_01.
Coda: Both are floating. The one in the basket needs to rest on the side of the basket more, and the other is very minor but is floating on the leaf area.
Soul gem: Misc_SoulGem_Lesser needs to be rotated to rest on a flat side, currently resting on an edge.
Axe: Minor bleed into the floor. Also needs to be slightly closer to wall so axe head touches. Very close tho, good work.
Broom: Broom head is bleeding into the floor.
Spoon in bowl: One has Minor bleed into rim of bowl, very close. The other is floating off the rim.
Bleeders & Floaters: A quick glance through shows a good amount of floating and some bleeding. Be sure to double check placements and correct where needed. FYI some objects like apparatus_a_mortar_01 may not have flat bottoms and may need to be bled into surface to be proper.
Be sure to check for "green lighting" from too intense light sources. Check the round table with 3 light_de_candle_03_64.
When placeing carpets with "tassles" such as Furn_de_rug_big_09, be sure to bleed rug into floor so tassles rest on floor.
The T_De_Furn_Planter_Small_01 are fine for use, but the flora choices are rather large for the small planters and generally placed on surfaces (tables, shelfs, ect). furn_planter_01 are more common on floors.
When hanging things light lanters make sure they are hanging straight down. light_de_lantern_02_256_Off is tilted slightly.
Be sure to use only Poor varient objects for the int. There are some middle class assets in use (T_MwDe_FurnM_Dw1Clt, T_De_FurnM_Bench_01, Furn_De_rm_Winerack, ect)
Also make sure any other objects are fitting for the "poor" int, such as misc items, drinks, books, ect.
Hainab stole my pants.
2024-05-30 01:13
12 hours 33 min ago
Fixed the issues mentioned as best I could. Had a hard time differentiating the amb/sun/fog settings but https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Hlaalu_Interior_Guidelines + looking at some Andothren interiors helped me find a balance that sounds about right. Looking forward to review pass 2, always willing to improve.
2021-07-09 00:40
10 hours 7 min ago
Great work on the update. Only a few minor issues to fix that should be quick and easy! Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions.
Name: Nasama Homestead
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, Correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Both correct
Soul gem: Bleeding: The larger end is bleeding into the stool.
Axe: Correct
Broom: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Both Correct
furn_de_tapestry_13 - Behind bookshelf, bleeding into wall.
furn_de_p_stool_02 - Near entrance on bottom floor. Minor Bleed into floor.
T_De_HlaaluCompanyScrip_01 - Minor bleed into nearby coin.
T_De_StonewarePlate_03 - All three of the plates are bleesing into each other.
misc_com_wood_spoon_01 - Bleeding too much into the folded cloth its resting on.
light_de_candle_02_off - The one in the rear. Bleeding into shelf
ingred_comberry_01 - upper leaf bleeding into basket.
com_sack_03_wickwheat - Bleeding into floor a bit too much. A little is acceptable for sacks, but dont go far.
furn_de_cushion_round_02 & furn_de_cushion_round_05 - very minor, just need to hit the "F" key once more so its touching. Be sure to do the bottom one first.
Misc_Quill - Needs to go all the way into the inkwell and touch the bottom. Hit the "Q" key and set the Snap Axis to +Y, that will make it easier to start your placement when useing "ALT" key placing.
T_Com_WoodKnife_a01 - Both need their handles fully resting in the tray. Theres an angle to them.
misc_com_wood_spoon_01 & misc_com_wood_fork- all need their handles touching as well.
misc_flask_01 & misc_flask_02 & misc_flask_03 - Pointy bottom objects. Youll need to bleed this into the surface a bit
misc_clothbolt_02 - Needs to slide closer to wall.
chest_small_01_gold_50 - Under bed. Another one to fix with a single "F" key tap.
common_belt_02 - Close, either needs to rest better on its own or be moved to rest on the shirt.
There are a few furn_de_ex_*** objects, the "ex" in the id refers to it being for exteriors generally unless called for otherwise. We've also dropped the non-flat surface showcase requirment, so you can swap these out. There are flat versions in T_De_FurnP_Table.
Being a Poor class int there shouldnt be any Blueware items (misc_de_bowl_01, misc_de_pot_blue_02, misc_de_pitcher_01). Not a major issue since there is very little here, but is still something to be aware of. Extra info here if needed: https://wiki.project-tamriel.com/wiki/Interior_Guidelines#Asset-Specific...
Hainab stole my pants.
2024-05-30 01:13
12 hours 33 min ago
Here's version 3, everything in the above post should be addressed now.
2021-07-09 00:40
10 hours 7 min ago
Great work, everything is fixed. Recommending for Promotion, Congrats!
Name: Nasama Homestead
Clean: Yes
Lighting: Good
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Good
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, Correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Both correct
Soul gem: Bleeding: Correct
Axe: Correct
Broom: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Both Correct
Bleeders: V2 errors fixed
Floaters: V2 errors fixed
Hainab stole my pants.