Warped Interior Showcase

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Warped's picture
Interior Developer
2024-09-01 18:00
Last seen:
1 week 4 days ago

So this is the first time for me on the dev side of anything, but I am excited to learn, and hope to start with good habits. Been playing the game and following the mod team for many years now, so I finally wanted to give back a little. So far, I just have the shell done plus some lighting and item placement requirements. Int concept is a seedy shop that went out of business and squatters moved in after being unused for a long time. I tried to put together a workflow list as follows

Create shell : Done

Match exterior : Done

Place northmarker : Done

Place statics : Done

Clutter : Done

Lighting : Done

Make pathgrid : Done

Clean with TESAME : Done

Review for discrepencies : Forever

UPDATE: I am comfortable with the int, I would say that I am R4R.

Lots of little placements and broken things lying around. I think I kept unwanted bleed in check, but that's what the review is for. Lighting I think is okay, but it's hard to tell, I couldn't figure how to load into the cell in game. From a dev perspective, I kept the entryway somewhat dark seeing as how the business should be closed, however once the player steps in upstairs or towards the sales counter you can see more light. Upstairs has the major living area and skooma room. Only one real skooma bottle is in, hidden slightly behind the furniture. Not sure if this is proper tapestry use, but I wanted the area to feel like a little secluded alcove. I'm hoping there's enough cluttering, this being a 3x2x2 made me try to be on the lighter side of things. Top entrance would be blocked off, ala Greidil Half-Troll's shack in Dagon Fel. 


UPDATE 2: Counterfell

I was told double bar counter in the entryway was a bad look so I minimized it. A few corrections on items that I misplaced slightly.

Binary Data TR_Showcase_WarpedClean.esp11.38 KB2024-09-06 02:16
Silvone's picture
Senior DeveloperExterior ReviewerInterior Developer
2023-02-09 23:53
Last seen:
2 min 46 sec ago

Some pre-review notes while you wait for an official review:

Should make it easier and have the tiles themselves rotated on grid. Also, they aren't gridsnapped to each other on a gridsnap plane. Use multiples of 8 (8, 16, 32, 64). I can tell because turning on gridsnap and moving a single tile moves it off plane from everything else. 

- scroll of Almsivi Intervention is bleeding into the floor
- common_shirt_02 on first floor shelf is floating. Just needs a second f-drop
- the various bottles in T_Com_Var_BarrelBroken_01 on bottom floor are floating. Easy fix is to alt-drag them slightly. The player likely would never notice this, but your reviewer will.
- misc_com_redware_vase on bottom floor bookshelf is bleeding too much into the shelf. Alt-drag to fix.
- misc_com_bottle_01 on bottom floor bookshelf is floating
- T_Com_BrokenBottle_03 on bottom floor bookshelf is floating on broken end
- Sink the common_amulet_01 on the cloth rags on bottom floor bookshelf so that the string is flush against the cloth and not floating. This will also cover the caspering issue (seeing through the model)
- F-drop the rest of the clothes on the bottom floor bookshelf again to sink a little and cover caspering
- light_de_lantern_05_128 on bottom floor bookshelf has greenlight. By moving it forward a little I was able to get rid of it.
- misc_com_wood_cup_02 on bar is bleeding into bar
- T_Com_Dice_01 are bleeding into bar
- ingred_bc_coda_flower in secluded area is just slightly off. One of the pedals needs to be resting on the ground more, is currently floating slightly
- furn_de_p_stool_01 in secluded area is floating. F-drop again (common issue with this stool, needs two f-drops, as do most clothing and some other furniture)
- misc_skooma_vial is not technically floating or bleeding, but you should rotate the bottle so it is resting on a flate plane rather than the points. Will  help make it look more natural.
- com_sack_02_chpfood3 on second floor by mattress needs to be bled more
- Com_Chest_11_moonsugar is floating
- Ex_De_Shack_Plank_03 is bleeding into the floor 
- T_De_Var_UrnBroken_11 is unrealistically resting on a single point
- Gold_001 in broken urn is bleeding into the side. Try angling the coin so that it is resting on both the side and floor of the urn instead.
- Playtesting is always important; I can't go down the stairs without collision issues.  
- Misc_SoulGem_Lesser is slightly floating
- misc_com_broom_01 is bleeding a little too much
- T_Com_Iron_Tanto_02 needs to be resting on one end, it is not "perfectly balanced, as all things should be"

Vern's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2018-08-13 09:52
Last seen:
5 hours 53 min ago

I dont handle showcases at the momment but a note as an interior reviewer: grid setttings should either be 32 or 64, variabls lower than that are just a pain to fix or edit later as they are not standard and no one wants to have to go into settings and figure out what lower value got picked.

I personally reccomend always using 32 as it provides the best balance for speed and control, 64 can ocaisonally be a bit clunky. 

"Forum sigantures suck" - a great man

Warped's picture
Interior Developer
2024-09-01 18:00
Last seen:
1 week 4 days ago

I'll be making some adjustments, thank you for the insight. 

If we could all cooperate we can do it! Imagination and strong will is all it takes!!

Warped's picture
Interior Developer
2024-09-01 18:00
Last seen:
1 week 4 days ago

Alright, I covered all the notes afaik, and made sure grid was set at 32 for the shell.

My only other concern are probably web placements, not sure what is encouraged for them, but I tried to make them look natural. 

Binary Data TR_Showcase_WarpedClean2.esp11.77 KB2024-09-06 20:15

If we could all cooperate we can do it! Imagination and strong will is all it takes!!

aveno's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-10-07 22:15
Last seen:
4 days 20 hours ago

picking up for review

aveno's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-10-07 22:15
Last seen:
4 days 20 hours ago

please correct that which is bold

Name: TR_Showcase_Warped
Clean: yes
Lighting: fog shouldn't be monotone
Northmarker: present
Fits exterior: yes
Pathgrid: needs to be redone. nodes out of building & not connected.
Illegal to Sleep Here: yes correct
Gridsnap: incorrect upstairs, z-fighting

Axe: bleeding slightly
Coda flower: fine
Soul gem: fine
Broom: handle bleeding
Spoon in bowl: fine

active_de_bedroll - instead of bleeding down like this, use the TData bedroll if you want the other style
common_amulet_01, 4, 5 - don't bleed in hard solids. the string can float in most instances
Ex_De_Shack_Plank_03 - also not resting flat
misc_com_bottle_01 - unnecessary X rotation
T_De_FurnP_Bookshelf_01 into wall

probe_bent needs tilt

in_hlaalu_hall_3way - unnecessary downstairs, just use a two way piece

Cut the alcove. Doesn't fit with typical shell design. No need to move the secret skooma gear elsewhere or re-place the coda.

For future reference de_p interiors use beds/hammocks 9.9 times out of 10.

T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs_mid_01 - downstairs, not gridsnapped in correctly

furn_de_tapestry_10 - should be typically bled into the stucco not the wood. interior also needs more tapestries. see narsis ints for reference.

furn_web10 - upsidown

ingred_muck_01 - for future reference keep in mind this is an alchemy ingredient not literal muck

Warped's picture
Interior Developer
2024-09-01 18:00
Last seen:
1 week 4 days ago

Here's the updated file

Binary Data TR_Showcase_WarpedClean2.esp12.14 KB2024-09-08 17:56

If we could all cooperate we can do it! Imagination and strong will is all it takes!!

aveno's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-10-07 22:15
Last seen:
4 days 20 hours ago

all passed (please upload your latest file for posterity though)

Warped's picture
Interior Developer
2024-09-01 18:00
Last seen:
1 week 4 days ago

Updated for amulet and tapestry fix

Binary Data TR_Showcase_WarpedClean2.esp11.28 KB2024-09-08 19:21

If we could all cooperate we can do it! Imagination and strong will is all it takes!!