Warhorse, Interior Showcase

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Warhorse's picture
Interior Developer
2024-08-23 08:43
Last seen:
2 weeks 6 days ago

G'day fellow Morroweebs,

One interior showcase attached.

Played the game since release and messed around with mods on and off; but this is the first productive use of my time with the game. Made myself familar with CSSE which is quite nifty, but any pointers are appreciated. Rotating objects convincingly is fun.

Uses "ex_hlaalu_b_03" as the shell, overall 4x2x2 with basement conforming to my best judgement. Cell name is simply "TR_Warhorse_Showcase". Basement door fitted with minor lock.

Considered this is home to a startup adventurer, quite possibly sent to thier ancestors by a perfidious cliff racer or ravenous kwama forager. Like most fresh faced wanderers, they've taken an interest in alchemical and enchanting trinkets. Probably because, like me, they are compelled to amass anything with a whiff of magic despite lacking intent to use them. Includes some low level combat gear, loot that might be found in easy dungeons and other items to make it feel lived in.

Handful of possible no-no's:

  • Bleed. Basement, two guarskin screens sharing a post. Looks and fits better.
  • Bleed. Practice dummy post inset into wall. Post texture is same as int tile beams/columns, seems convincing.
  • Bleed. A few tapestries have been bled with rafters above as done in vanilla. Just too few clear locations available with the hall tileset.
  • Mixing. "furn_com_torch_ring_01" was used as a training club holder, looks neat. No "de" alternative and looks pretty generic anyway.
  • Mixing. "T_Com_Wood_Mace_01" used as a training club. The only mace/club without spiky bits that would shred burlap.
  • Mixing. Placement of "com" clutter such as bottles. Done extensively in vanilla too.
  • Greenlighting. Cast on walls and other furniture, at quite a distance. This is fixed by MGE XE's per pixel lighting. Let me know if there is a solution for players not using that setting.

Go hard on the review, I can take it.

I've just joined the discord under the same name.

Binary Data TR_Warhorse_Showcase.ESP11.89 KB2024-08-24 05:45
CdoubleOK's picture
Interior ReviewerQuest Developer
2021-07-09 00:40
Last seen:
20 hours 19 min ago

Grabbing showcase for review

Hainab stole my pants.

CdoubleOK's picture
Interior ReviewerQuest Developer
2021-07-09 00:40
Last seen:
20 hours 19 min ago

Great work on the first pass for your showcase, a few things to address nothing major tho should be easy fixes. Going to answer your questions posted under your "Possible no-nos"

  • Guarskin screens answered in review notes.
  • Practice dummy bleed is fine and looks good.
  • Tapestries need adjustments, details in reveiew notes below.
  • "com" items are fine for all ints generally, com standing for common. Hanging the club looks fine.
  • Same as above, com is fine for this int.
  • Same as above.
  • We generally build with the idea of pure vanilla being played. Any greenlighting shown in CS/Game will need to be fixed. Quick note for the future on claims, most devs will test thier ints in the vanilla engine as well as OpenMW to help identify and fix issues that may only appear in one version.

Good work on noticing possible issues, even years into being a dev theres nothing wrong with double checking and asking questions to keep consistant. Review notes below, fix any and all issues. If you need any help or have questions/clarification feel free to hit me up in discord showcase channel or a DM. Ill also be sending you a pic showing proper tapestry hanginf for this location. Good luck!

Name: TR_Warhorse_Showcase
Clean: Correct
Lighting:  A bit heavy on red overall. You may look at newer Hlaalu ints in TR to get an idea of the average.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Correct, (Future note, the node in front of door isnt nessecery since the node in front of stairs is close.)
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, Correct
Gridsnap: Correct

Coda: Correct

Steel Axe: Correct

Spoon in bowl: Correct

Soul gem: Misc_SoulGem_Lesser - needs to be rotated so it sits flat on a facet. Misc_SoulGem_Petty - Floating slightly on the narrow end.

Broom: Bleeding into floor slightly.

T_Com_WoodSpoon_c01 (x2) - minor bleed into table, mainly from sitting at an angle.

BookSkill_Alchemy3 - minor bleed into surface.

T_De_StonewarePitcher_01 - Always double check objects after "F" droppping or "ALT" placement, some won't initially make contact with surface.

misc_de_bowl_redware_03 (x2) - Qucik "F" drop.

active_de_p_bed_28 - Minor float.

misc_de_bowl_redware_02 - This needs to be bled into the shelf a bit as it has a "pointy" bottom. A few assets will have this and will need to be bled into surfaces.

T_Com_WoodPlate_b01 - Minor float.

bk_guide_to_vivec - Minor flaot

T_De_Guarskin_PauldronR_01 - Minor

T_De_Furn_Tapestry_03 - All tapestries need to be positioned per standards, Pics sent via Discord. The one above the stairs would be fine since its high up.

misc_com_bottle_02 - Needs to be rotated to sit flat on surface. Be sure to also rotate bottles standing next to each other so the textures appear less repatative and more natural.

T_Com_GoldCoinDae_01 and Gold_Dae_cursed_001 -  Are "Cursed" coins and will spawn a Daedra when picked up, these are generally only for shrines.

Several light sources are creating "greenlighting". Be sure to either move them in a way to fix this or swap them out for a similar source with less radius.

misc_dwrv_gear00 - Knowing this is part of the "theme" of your showcase as a piece of loot from the resident, just wanted to mention this would generally not be done in a NPC residence due to the legallity of dwemer artifacts in lore. But you can leave it in the showcase.

furn_de_screen_guar_01 - Cobbleing is generally looked down upon for our standards, I honestly can't be mad at this one as it looks fine, is only 2 pieces and does allow it to fit in the small space. But be warned any future cobbleing will probably be denied. Best case for the future is to ask in chat.

Hainab stole my pants.

Warhorse's picture
Interior Developer
2024-08-23 08:43
Last seen:
2 weeks 6 days ago

Thanks again for taking your time on the detailed review; I've learned a lot.

Everything addressed, some really easy fixes I should have found myself...

Some return comments where I've been unsure:

  • For lighting I've updated based on Andothren interiors, still pretty red though. If there is a preferred example location let me know.
  • Broom bleed reduced but not eliminated. Figure the straw would have some "give".
  • BookSkill_Alchemy3 bleed fixed, top right corner floating. Imagine it would on an uneven surface.
  • Tapestries updated to sit lower and nearer to wall, with rope coil bleeding a bit. Again, Andothren used for reference. Retained some of the hall tapestries (but adjusted position) as the cell has few available locations; let me know if these should be removed.

I've taken your advice and checked out the greenlighting with vanilla graphics. Replacing with low radius lights does the trick.

That's about it, keen for your feedback.

Binary Data TR_Warhorse_Showcase.ESP12.07 KB2024-09-09 11:41
CdoubleOK's picture
Interior ReviewerQuest Developer
2021-07-09 00:40
Last seen:
20 hours 19 min ago

Great work you've passed! Be sure to check our DM on Discord, if you havent, to see a few small details I want to bring to your attention. Congrats!

Name: TR_Warhorse_Showcase
Clean: Correct
Lighting:  Good
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Correct
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, Correct
Gridsnap: Correct

Coda: Correct

Steel Axe: Correct

Spoon in bowl: Correct

Soul gem: Correct

Broom: Correct




Hainab stole my pants.