First time modder here, but I wanted to try my hand at putting together an interior showcace. The cell is called TR_0_test_Hla02 and is made to fit ex_hlaalu_b_14.
Looking forward to getting some feedback.
(Reply #1) Posted on Sun, 2025-01-19 20:53
2016-01-25 21:01
1 hour 22 min ago
Welcome! I just looked through the showcase and overall it is pretty good. There are several things to fix however, which are:
The esp doesn't need Mainland.esm, Sky_Main.esm, Cyr_Main.esm loaded -- these should be cleaned out using Wyre Mash
Chitin Longbow near the entrance might be better positioned inside a holder or just laid flat somewhere like a table or bench. I have a longbow in real life and balancing it on a bench like that is impossible, it would just fall over.
The paper with the golden kanet on the bench is floating
misc_de_bowl_redware_01 on the dining table should be bled into the table more so that its not balancing on a pencil tip point
BookSkill_Axe4 is rotated strangely on the bookshelf, it would just sit up straight
T_De_StonewarePitcher_01 on the bookshelf is floating
T_MwDe_Furn_Vs4Food is bleeding into the ground
furn_de_p_shelf_02 on the top floor should be moved into the wall a little bit so that the connection pieces aren't showing any gaps
com_sack_01 under the bed should be bled more into the ground
the key under the pillow should be under the pillow entirely so that its not obviously showing the bleeding and the player would need to loot the pillow to uncover the key
active_de_p_bed_13 is bleeding too much into the ground
The pathgrid is not correct, some of it is going through furniture and one node is going outside of the house interior, the stairs need more care for the grid also
2025-01-16 20:35
1 hour 11 min ago
Thanks for the feedback! I believe this version should have all these issues addressed. For the bow however, I opted to just swap it out for a staff instead.
2016-01-25 21:01
1 hour 22 min ago
Looking better. Just a few more things sorry:
Pathgrid Nodes should continue past the bed to the door and also past the table to the storage area
T_De_FurnP_Table_03 is floating on the part that isn't on the foot mat
sack under the bed is bleeding a bit too much this time
These are all that remain
2025-01-16 20:35
1 hour 11 min ago
With that in mind, I believe this version should be good.
2016-01-25 21:01
1 hour 22 min ago
promotion time!