Naming and Slang
THe yurts the gulakhans live in are called “gulakyurts”, so the tents the ashkhan lives in may be called “ashkyurts” (the k intentionally added, as “ashyurt” just looks funny).
The sulfur pits in the Ashlands are commonly known as “steampits”.
More to be found in this thread: http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/common-dunmeri-slang-use-dialogue
The term “Velothi” as it applies to Ashlanders is of uncertain usage. The Ashlanders prefer to call themselves Velothi, but Velothi is the term given to all mer who followed Saint Veloth on his exodus, and can equally mean ancient pre-Tribunal Dunmer, Houseless among the modern House Dunmer, or as a general name for all Dunmer.
Taken from: http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24385
Ashlander Camp Placements
One in/near the Armun Ashlands
One in/near the Grey Meadows (Ash Swamp), which the Indoril declined to settle.
Ashlanders live in both these regions because no one else in their right mind would!
Ashlanders will probably not be in Deshaan (where they would compete with the nomadic Dres clans) or in Argon (which is not very inhabitable for anyone.)
Taken from: http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24712
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 7 months ago
Some development since:
2016-10-01 19:13
6 years 5 months ago
you’re right. „ashyurt” sounds like „yoghurt”. btw, a small language excursion for the interested
: ashk-yurt does not have an extra k, it is in fact the only correct form since gulakh is shortened for gulakhan, as ashk is for ashkhan (meaning approximately „clan tent” in the composition with „yurt”). Except if you mean „khan’s yurt” as in „leader’s tent”, of course.
Ashlanders: didn’t they form into their current style of tribal life after they were banned by the Tribunal as heretics and liars? I believe I have read something along these lines somewhere…
The more I venture into the realms of wisdom, the more I realize that all wisdom is nothing but illusionary and theoretical.
So, in order to go completely illiterate and bogus, I need to know more about everything.