How do you reset region names?

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MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
3 days 15 hours ago

I have a save that i started useing Tamriel Rebuilt on version 16.03 and then upgraded to 16.09, but all of the region names stayed the same, and Aanthirin shows up as “Inner Sea”.

In one post worsas said: “You need to clear TRs region entries from your savegame so the game refreshes their names and values. After patching a savegame the old region entries are just given the ids of their newer counterparts but none of their values are changed”.

How would I do this?

worsas's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset Reviewer
2016-01-26 12:34
Last seen:
2 weeks 2 days ago

you would have needed to patch your savegame with an updated version of the filepatcher to prevent that region stuff from happening.

One possibility would be that you edit your savegame with the enchanted editor, removing its region entries. which will reset their values, when you load your savegame again. Alternatively, you can repatch a still-unpatched version of your savegame with the more up-to-date filepatcher at the bottom here, which should also clear the region entries from your savegame:

MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
3 days 15 hours ago

Okay that worked, thanks!