I have been playing with TR for a while and decided to learn how to use the construction set, and made this house.
This is a house south on seyda neen on a small island, it is the home of the only cusion manufacturer in all of Vvardenfell. He prefers to be paid in oddities rather than money, but will still accept it.
The exterior model i chose fits the 3x2 interior pretty well.
there is a trapdoor under the bed, with a key for it sitting on a chair.
Scroll down to the bottom for the exterior showcase.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hi MinerMan, welcome to TR. Thanks for putting together a showcase.
Your interior fits the exterior, item placement is good, you’ve used plenty of de_p furniture and there is no style-mixing which is great to see. Northmarker is present and set correctly (though keep in mind that an exterior isn’t necessary for interior showcases). The cell lighting is appropriate, but perhaps a little bright; TR tends towards slightly darker than vanilla for dramatic effect. There are only a few things that need attention:
Your file is dirty, you've made edits to ground textures that should be removed; open it in TESAME and delete the unnecessary references (or set them to ‘Ignore’ under ‘Details...’ in File>Data Files).
Hiding the trapdoor underneath the bed seems a bit awkward for an area that seems to be visited quite regularly. If the owner was hiding something down there I could understand, but it looks like it's just a stockroom.
I'd like to see some more clutter on the bookshelf; it's very sparse at the moment.
The justification you’ve given of the owner accepting oddities as payment is fine, but there are a few items that feel inappropriate for the interior:
The ebony staff and dreugh pauldron are too valuable for a modest home like this.
T_Ayl_* items shouldn't be used in lower-class Dunmer interiors; they're too exotic for a region that doesn't have any Ayleid ruins.
Below is a list of general placement problems that should be addressed:
Placement issues
ebony staff - Bleeding into crate_01_levelweapons
flora_saltrice_01 - The end of the 'stalk' is visible at the bottom of the plant, bleed it into the planter a little bit more.
food_kwama_egg_01 - Bleeding into 'misc_com_basket_01' and resting on a point; rotate until one face of the egg is lying flush against the crate.
food_kwama_egg_02 - Resting on a point, rotate to lie flush.
food_kwama_egg_02 - As above.
food_kwama_egg_02 - As above.
furn_de_cushion_round_01 (-56, 210, -187) - Bleeding into wall.
furn_de_cushion_square_03 (75, -109, -389) - Bleeding into 'furn_de_cushion_square_03'.
furn_de_loom_01 - Floating.
furn_de_rope_03 - Ends are caspering; bleed it into the roof until the ends are fully submerged.
furn_de_tapestry_10 (517, -160, 19) - This one is sticking out a bit much; bring it closer to the wall to match the one on the opposite side of the room.
furn_de_tapestry_10 (256, 299, 41) - The ropes leading up to the knots are still slightly visible; bleed it up or back until only the knotted portion of rope can be seen.
furn_de_tapestry_10 (8, 299, 41) - As above.
furn_planter_01 - Floating.
Gold_025 - Placement is fine, but this seems precariously close to the table-edge.
ingred_bread_01 (310, -44, -437) - Bleeding into ingred_bread_01.
ingred_ectoplasm_1 – Placement is fine, but non-solid ingredients should be placed on a plate/sheet of paper.
ingred_saltrice_01 (-13, 116, -380) - Bleeding into ingred_saltrice_01.
ingred_saltrice_01 (3, 105, -380) - As above.
ingred_saltrice_01 (3, 117, -380) - As above.
light_de_lantern_10_177_Static (438, 188, -1) - Floating.
light_de_lantern_10_177_Static (245, 16, -253) - Bleeding into 'furn_de_rope_03'.
misc_uni_pillow_01 - Floating.
steel arrow - Floating.
steel arrow - As above.
steel arrow - As above.
steel arrow - As above.
steel arrow - As above.
T_Ayl_WelkyndInv_01 - Resting on a point.
T_Ing_Mine_OreGold_01 - As above.
Fix these up and I’ll review your interior again; if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
since paper has a lot of triangles in it’s model, how would you put an ingredient on it properly?
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
For the non-solid ingredients, a little bit of bleed-through is acceptable, but scaling the ingredient down or scaling the paper up should be enough to get most things to fit on the flat portions.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
i’ve updated the showcase, and i fixed the problems which you mentioned, and added a lot of stuff to make the house filled, such as a table and chairs for organizing deals. Also a custom scroll (which is kind of bland) that increases mercantile.
sirrah, thank you for taking the time out of your life to reveiw all of the things that you do.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
I appreciate the thanks, but it really is my pleasure, getting new people on-board for interior work is worth the effort.
Here’s my second review:
Your note is formatted correctly for in-game texts, but rather than directly say “They give you some context on what is in the house” it would be better to describe the log as detailing trade for unusual goods and let the player make the connection to the miscellenae around the house.
I had meant to mention this in my first review, but it must have slipped my mind; the way you’ve hung tapestries is permitted (top-post completely out or completely in the wall/ceiling), but it’s generally better to hang tapestries either consistently in or out of the wall within an interior. As I said, there is nothing wrong with how you’ve hung the tapestries, so it’s up to you whether you want to change it or not, but it’s something to keep in mind in the future.
The remaining placement issues are all very minor; address these and I’ll have no concerns recommending you for promotion.
food_kwama_egg_01 (77.042, 216.334, -371.008) - Bleeding into basket.
food_kwama_egg_02 (63.126, 173.928, -368.282) - Resting on an edge; try and get it so one of the faces of the egg is lying flush with the basket.
food_kwama_egg_02 (58.536, 242.806, -368.139) - As above.
furn_de_cushion_square_03 (74.710, -109.405, -388.897) - Bleeding into 'furn_de_cushion_square_03'.
furn_de_loom_01 (522.450, -50.286, -135.721) - Bleeding slightly into floor.
furn_de_p_chair_01 (292.705, 216.182, -148.387) - Floating.
furn_de_p_shelf_02 (256.000, 289.500, -70.280) - Floating. This should sit level with the wall (bleeding into it slightly is fine).
furn_de_p_table_06 (205.432, 224.325, -156.247) - Floating.
furn_de_p_table_06 (216.178, 184.929, -413.573) - Bleeding into rug.
furn_de_tapestry_10 (516.961, -160.113, 19.331) - This one is still sticking out too much compared to the one opposite it, move it into the wall.
furn_planter_01 (374.463, 209.291, -443.000) - Bleeding into rug.
ingred_ash_salts_01 Scale:0.50 (245.100, -116.186, -55.531) - Consider scaling this up a little. Setting the scale to 0.8 fits fine in it's current position.
ingred_bread_01 (363.932, 46.676, -437.368) - Bleeding slightly into 'ingred_bread_01'.
ingred_bread_01 (39.047, 222.323, -376.074) - Floating.
ingred_saltrice_01 (2.960, 104.525, -380.278) - Bleeding into 'ingred_saltrice_01'.
ingred_saltrice_01 (-8.563, 110.841, -380.278) - Bleeding into 'ingred_saltrice_01'.
Misc_Quill (235.578, 244.612, -112.018) - Floating. Try to get the feather texture to rest against the rim of the inkwell without visibly bleeding.
sc_paper plain (245.003, -116.338, -55.535) - Floating. Paper doesn't 'F' correctly into place, so you need to manually move it down slightly after 'F'ing.
sc_paper plain (39.654, 223.636, -378.517) - As above.
steel arrow (126.079, -167.332, -46.321) - Bleeding into barrel.
steel arrow (-18.801, 197.354, -376.266) - As above.
steel arrow (-22.859, 197.010, -376.266) - As above.
steel arrow (-26.001, 195.261, -376.266) - As above.
steel arrow (-29.328, 195.815, -376.266) - As above.
steel arrow (-32.738, 194.102, -376.266) - As above.
steel arrow (-36.964, 195.883, -376.266) - As above.
T_IngMine_Sapphire_01 (5.534, 205.257, -443.000) - Resting on a point, rotate to lie flat against the floor.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Before I post the fixed version of the showcase, when i delete the texture edits in TESAME it resets the textures of all of the land in the exterior cells the plugin edits to the default texture.
I know that I don’t have to worry about this because it is an interior showcase not an exterior one but it is annoying.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Sorry, I may have judged incorrectly in claiming the LTEX records were dirty references; I’m not very familiar with the landscaping tool, I’m afraid! Maybe someone with exterior experience can give their insight.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Well, i am finished with the showcase. It is cleaned except for the aformentioned landscape textures. (i probably should have posted it on sunday when i finished it instead of waiting for your response)
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Thanks for seeing this through, MinerMan. I couldn’t spot any errors this time around, so I’m happy recommending you for promotion. A lead will be around soon to promote you officially. Congratulations, and welcome to the team! You are (or will be) the first person promoted to interiors since the forum change!
Once you’re approved, you’ll find a list of unclaimed interiors currently awaiting design in your Dashboard under Help Needed. (or in the Claims Browser under the Development tab at the top of the page). Just hit “Request this Claim” on the interior you’d like to work on and it’ll be yours.
Keep in mind that populating interiors with critters and linking to exteriors is handled at a seperate stage, so any interiors you submit should be free of either.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Promoted. Welcome aboard!
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
I have made an exterior showcase, as there are impending exterior claims for Lake Andaram.
It edits 6 cells, 2 from vanilla MW in Sheogorad, with an island that has a Dwemer Ruin.
Hopefully it isn't too reference-dry, as i wanted to show more that i knew how to do everything than make a really detailed exterior.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Update. Added some more textures to the landscape, added some patches of kelp on the sea floor.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Taking a look at it.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Okay, a few brief notes what to improve!
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Thanks for the response! I will fix these things and update it.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Here it is. I did what you said, i made the transition from sea floor to land smoother, added more flora and rocks to the main island, did some vertex shading where necesary, and i fixed the pathgrids (man do feel dumb for not fixing those after editing the terrain!).
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Looking much better! I took a quick look at the file, and I would add even more detailed vertex shading, i.e. underneath each rock and tree, by the cave entrance and on the seams where two different textures meet. I would also fine-tune the landscape where the two islands are connected by the Dwemer bridge so that it's even smoother.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Ok, i will fix this and upload a new version, probably on Wednesday.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Here's the update, i added shading under the trees, and made the land around the bridge better as suggested.
EDIT1: Still need to add shading between two textures meeting.
EDIT2: Fixed.
EDIT3: This is ready for review.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Sorry for the delay, I'll get to this ASAP!
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
The vertex shading could still be improved, I think. I've added a before and after screenshot to illustrate what I mean. Other than that the showcase is looking rather good. I would make the Dwemer towers stand less askew, though, and perhaps replace the Dwemer bridge with the more common ex_de_docks set.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Here are the changes that you requested. The vertex shading does make it look a lot better, and taking a second look at those dwemer towers made me wonder what i was thinking. I didn't do a terribly interesting job with the docks, but they work. I also noticed a few texture seams, but i left them as they were because of the default textured wilderness cells.
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Taking a look at the file now!
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
It appears some vertex shading is missing from the file (see screenshot). Other than that it's looking good. Here are the errors I found:
"Ex_De_Shack_Door" 53627.762 234750.781 321.341 bleeds into the shack
"ex_dwrv_ruin40" 49476.789 229673.438 2032.303 caspers
"ex_de_docks_center" 53504.000 235648.000 192.000 caspers
"ex_dwrv_ruin80" 51970.023 230393.313 400.327 maybe rotate this bit on the Y axis to make it rest more naturally
"ex_de_docks_center" 53120.000 231040.000 192.000 caspers
"ex_de_docks_center" 53376.000 234368.000 192.000 make the ground smoother around here; looks a bit too jagged for a pathway
"Ex_T_menhir_L_01" 46614.297 223802.578 -1842.928 a visible texture seam near this
2016-10-09 23:10
14 hours 43 min ago
Fixed all mentioned errors.
The vertex shading is there, it just isn't visible due to fullbright being turned on.
With fullbright on:
With fullbright off:
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
Oops, okay then, my bad.
I'm gonna take a look at the new version tomorrow.
2014-01-08 21:55
1 week 8 hours ago
I think this showcase is nearing the finish line! :D
This is what I found:
terrain_rock_ac_03 47668.105 226937.953 -456.217 wholly underground/not visible
Flora_kelp_03 47580.027 221264.656 -1385.898 major floating
flora_green_lichen_01 50679.941 226824.766 227.883 bleeds into the rock too noticeably; rotate differently
flora_green_lichen_01 50840.785 226934.375 227.883 bleeds into the rock too noticeably; rotate differently
terrain_rock_ac_11 49875.281 232040.516 810.313 caspers