Sticky Situation/Cola's Quester Showcase

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ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

Hi. I’m Cola I’m sure many of you have talked to me in the Discord server. While talking about my quest in there I was pointed to this subsection and I thought I’d try my hand at being a quest developer.


Who are you:

Like I said before I’m Cola The Lionheart I’m a 21 year old student living in england. I’m an avid gamer and writer I enjoy Roleplaying with friends online crafting rich and detailed tales between us. I’ve run a number of these before I’ve always had something for writing but I never knew it until a few years ago, ever since I’ve just been loving collaborating with people to make enjoyable stories!

For the gamer side of things I tend to play on two extremes. I like very slow paced games that force you to stop and think, Like Xcom, Stardew Valley, Crusader Kings 2, Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld. But on the other extreme I love fast paced games like Serious Sam, Unreal Tournament 2004 or Overwatch. Morrowind fills a unique space on my list of games I love it’s not part of ether extreme but It’s by far my favorite game of all time.


Why do you want to be a quest developer for this project:

Writing is something I’ve always enjoyed, I know I don’t have the best grammar and that there are times that my coding work isn’t fantastic but I’ve learned a lot in the short time I’ve been in the Discord alone. I think that the quality of the work in Tamriel Rebuilt is fantastic there are so many wonderful quests in already and while I’d prefer to work on smaller Misc quests as I’m not fully confident in my abilities to work on big projects at the moment I’d like to give back to this project that's provided me with so many hours of fun.


What can you provide to the team:

An English accent and a can-do attitude!

No but really. I feel that I could provide a lot to the team I understand better than anyone that I currently have a rather meager skill set only within this week learning how to code a quest that I wrote the dialogue for “Sticky Situation”. But I feel that I have a lot of potential I could bring and with patience and some help from the people on the team I could provide a lot of high quality quests for the team to use where they feel is appropriate!

I hope this all was okay I’ll be providing the ESP to my quest below this and here is a link to the other thread in case you missed the hyperlink:

Thank you for reading!

Binary Data Sticky Situation.ESP8.03 KB2017-05-02 21:24
Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

File looks clean; I have yet to give it a test run to see if the conditions and scripting are correctly implemented. I'm hung up on the grammar again. There is missing or unnessecary punctuation, incorrect capitalization, and run-on sentences. I gave you some tips earlier about these; give the dialogue another run through and see if you can spot and fix the mistakes on your own. I'd like you to be able to do this for yourself when you are a quest dev, as reviewers shouldn't be doing more than correcting the occassional typo or awkward phrasing.

If you are still stumped after looking through it, let me know. Your writing and characterization seems pretty strong, just have to get the grammar working too!

ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

I'll get to work on that.

I'm the living embodiment of the "Stop the Moon" Shrine

Feel free to add me on Discord: Cola the Lionheart#4703

ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

I've uploaded the file with the changes here is a changelog:

Changelog Sticky Situation:


Yep. Been cutting and laying stones in this town since I was small still I reckon I could do it better. I’ve got this idea see, to improve my mortar but I ain’t sure what’ll work. mind givin’ me a hand?

Changed to:

Yep. Been cutting and laying stones in this town since I was small. Still, I reckon I could do it better. I’ve got this idea see, to improve my mortar, but I ain’t sure what’ll work. Do ya' mind givin’ me a hand?

Great. Could ya’ get me some Sload Soap I reckon the waxiness might help with tha’ mortar.

Changed to:

Great. Could ya’ get me some sload soap? I reckon the waxiness might help with tha’ mortar.


Well ain’t that a shame. Still tell me if ya’ change ya’ mind.

Changed to:

Well, ain’t that a shame. Still, tell me if ya’ change ya’ mind.


Hey. did ya’ get the Sload Soap?

Changed to:

Hey there. Did ya’ get a hold of the sload soap?

( Ahold is the informal version of a hold I thought given his informal tone throughout the quest it was the most appropriate. Source: )


Waxy just like I asked, ya’ done good for a %PCClass let me add it to the mix real quick. Hmm It ain’t working like I expected, how about ya’ get me some Scrib Jelly, that’ll add the sticky quality I want to it.

Changed to:

Waxy, just like I asked. Ya’ done good for a %PCClass. Let me add it to the mix real quick. Hmm, it ain’t working like I expected. How about ya’ get me some scrib jelly? That’ll add the sticky quality I want to it.


Well I’ll be. Didn’t expect to ya’ back again so soon. Let me get that that jelly and add it to the mix. Nah it’s got the waxiness and the stickiness it just needs somethin’ else. How about some good ol’ muck for texture?

Changed to:

Well, I’ll be. Didn’t expect to see ya’ back again so soon, %PCName. Let me get that that jelly and add it to the mix. Nah, it’s got the waxiness and the stickiness, but it just needs somethin’ else. How about some good ol’ muck for texture?


Thank ya’ for the muck let's get this in the mix quickly. Hrm this is perfect the Sload Soap makes it waterproof, the Scrib Jelly makes it sticky and the Muck makes it sturdy. Shame about the cost though. If I put this on every house in the city I’d be bankrupt. Still ya’ did good work %PCName here take this saved me a couple times when I was workin’ on up on the walls.

Changed to:

Thank ya’ for the muck. Now, let's get this in the mix quickly. Hrm this is perfect the sload soap makes it waterproof, the scrib jelly makes it sticky and the muck makes it sturdy. Shame about the cost though. If I put this on every house that wanted it, I’d be bankrupt. Still, ya’ did good work, %PCName. Here, take this. It saved me a couple times when I was workin' up on the walls.


I hope the old amulet is servin’ ya’ well. I’ve had a few orders for the new mortar for some of them fancy manors the nobles like so much.

Changed to:

I hope the old amulet is servin’ ya’ well. I’ve had a few orders for the new mortar for some of them fancy manors. The nobles seem to like this new mortar.



The name’s Eulix Festius. Hey, I got a favor to ask: mind helping me with an idea I’ve been brewing up for a New Mortar? I’ll make it worth ya’ while.

Changed to:

The name’s Eulix Festius. Hey, I got a favor to ask. Ya' mind helping me with an idea? I’ve been brewing up one for a new mortar. I’ll make it worth ya’ while.


Have ya’ got the soap for the new mortar?

Changed to:

Have ya’ got the soap for the new mortar?


Thank ya’ again for the soap. Now have ya’ got me the Scrib Jelly for my new mortar?

Changed to:

Thank ya’ again for the soap. Now have ya’ got the scrib Jelly for my new mortar?



I have declined Eulix Festius request to help him make new mortar. I can ask him about the subject again if I change my mind though.

Changed to:

I have declined Eulix Festius request. If I’d like to take his offer to help him create new mortar, I can ask him about the subject again.

I have accepted Eulix Festius request to help make him new mortar. I need a portion of Sload Soap for it’s waxiness.

Changed to:

I have accepted Eulix Festius request to help make him new mortar. I need a portion of sload soap for its waxiness.

I have gotten Eulix Festius the sload soap. Now he is requesting I get him Scrib Jelly for the stickiness.

Changed to:

I have gotten Eulix Festius the sload soap. Now he is requesting I get him scrib jelly for the stickiness.

I got Eulix Festius the Scrib Jelly. Now he wants me to get him some muck.

Changed to:

I’ve got Eulix Festius the scrib jelly. Now he wants me to get him some muck.

I'm the living embodiment of the "Stop the Moon" Shrine

Feel free to add me on Discord: Cola the Lionheart#4703

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 1 week ago

Yay! A few more clean-ups--

Did ya’ get ahold' of the sload soap?
A hold is two words.

I stand corrected.

Well I’ll be.

Hrm this is perfect the sload soap makes it waterproof, the scrib jelly makes it sticky and the muck makes it sturdy.
Comma, run-on, also use "Hmm" instead of "Hrm", though that's a nitpick.

I need a portion of sload soap for it’s waxiness.
its, not it's. It's is contraction for "it is": "it is waxiness" makes no sense.

Didn’t expect to ya’ back again so soon, %PCName.
Word missing?

I think you've made it! The number of corrections in this post is what I would consider the acceptable amount of typoes and minor mistakes, so use that as your guide. Recommendation for promotion pending another lead to take a look.

ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

Okay I've fixed that all in the ESP and on the change log!

I'm the living embodiment of the "Stop the Moon" Shrine

Feel free to add me on Discord: Cola the Lionheart#4703

Meej-Dar's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-21 23:14
Last seen:
7 years 8 months ago

While ahold is correct, the apostrophe after isn't. Unless you're using it for a specific purpose.

ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

Don't worry I fixed it in the ESP!

I'm the living embodiment of the "Stop the Moon" Shrine

Feel free to add me on Discord: Cola the Lionheart#4703

ColaTheLionheart's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-23 00:46
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

Well this has been up for a while so Bump

I'm the living embodiment of the "Stop the Moon" Shrine

Feel free to add me on Discord: Cola the Lionheart#4703

Rats's picture
Developer EmeritusAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2014-01-08 21:55
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3 days 21 hours ago

Recommended for promotion.  Promoted.

Thank you for your patience and welcome aboard! I have some suggestions for improvement (mainly adding new Topic entries of each of the ingredients Eulix asks the player to get), but those can be worked out when this is being merged into Old Ebonheart section.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 8 months ago


ThomasRuz's picture
Asset Developer
2016-05-09 13:13
Last seen:
12 hours 15 min ago

Also congrats!