((My own thoughts and notes about the Khajiit breeds, generated by speculation and my own head canon. I put it here as it's not likely to find a place to be used in TR, but comments are certainly welcome!))
EDIT: Some of this is outdated as I research lore or correct logical inconsistencies. For most up-to-date lore, see latest posts.
Senche Raht
A rare breed, as they are typically born only one at a time. Elephant-size (Indian), quadruped, the forelegs slightly longer than the hind, similar to a hyena.
In war, they fill the niche of elephants. Though Khajiit warfare tends to be guerilla, it's assumed they could pull siege engines or supply wagons if it was needed, and some Imperial or Dunmer outposts may have tried to contract out or enslave Senche-Raht for this purpose. Among Khajiit, instead they are like large mobile platforms either for the bipedal Khajiit to shoot arrows and spells from, or the smaller Dagi and Alfiq breeds to leap down from in hordes to claw at the enemy's heads and eyes.
Domestically, Senche Raht are often where there is heavy manual labor to do, such as construction work, farming, quarrying, or hauling wagons. They are less fierce than they look, the term "gentle giant" may apply, and are sometimes also tasked with such things as looking after Khajiit children, particularly as they age and lose their strength. They will sometimes also look after livestock, particularly the more dangerous creatures such as bulls, as they are big enough to be able to control the beasts but gentle enough to not abuse them.
They often have a fear of boats, not because they can't swim, but because the barge that can house them comfortably has not yet been made!
Particularly grand parades or travelling circuses may use a senche as a centerpiece, decked out in colorful ribbons and with bipedal Khajiit peforming acrobats along their backs.
Birthing a Senche-Raht is considered a great honor. Gifts of gold, moon sugar, high quality meats, and medicines are common to give to such mothers; though this has become a ritualized affair now, in earlier times it probably developed as an aid to keep the mother healthy through her ordeal.
Often born in litters of 2-3. Horse-sized, forelegs twice as long as the hind, giving them a somewhat ape-ish posture.
In war, they are most often used as cavalry or supply carriers, filling in the niche of horses or donkeys. They are comparable to the Pahmar-Raht in this regard, but can carry more and are somewhat less manueverable than their smaller cousins. They are also slower than horses but can leap further and climb cliff faces and some castle walls. Senche are also able to walk on their hind feet for short distances, like a gorilla, and their forepaws have longer toes and a vestigal thumb that allows them to pick up and throw objects, but typically not use these objects with any skill.
Often quite loyal to a "blood-brother" or "blood-sister" who is also their rider; though sentient, they tend not to think for themselves, in the manner of a beast following orders, preferring to let other Khajiit take care of more complicated clerical tasks. Some Khajiit consider them stupid for this reason. They are little more clannish to their own stock as a result, choosing one Khajiit of the other stocks to pair with as a rider, or mingling solely with other Senche. This is the main reason they are not common outside of Elsweyr, and outsiders are sometimes confused by the term usage (aka, the ESO retcon).
Domestically, Senche will sometimes perform as scout or courier mounts across deserts and difficult terrain, as they have more stamina and climbing ability than the Pahmar-Raht, and can take care of basic tasks requiring hands should their rider become injured or die. They are not as fast and graceful as the Pahmar-Raht however, and so are often not used in situations where mounts are for show (parades, mounts of the nobility, etc). Besides living in their own clans, Senche may also be encountered alone, filling in the role of ranger in other genres. Being bestial they are more in tune with nature, but also have just enough smarts and hands to care for it. Senche may struggle with walking the fine line between beast and human.
Often born in litters of 2-4. Large as a horse, quadruped. "Giant tigers".
In war, Pahmar-Raht are used as mounts or shock troops. When sprinting, their speed may match that of horses, with claws and teeth to boot. Riding one takes skill however, as they are more instinctual and bloodthirsty than Senche, and liable to run off in their own direction rather than follow the command of their riders. Some armies don't even bother putting riders on them and instead just send them in as their own unit for this reason. Also, as they have a long flexible back, they are also harder to "seat", and require special saddles that force the rider to lie flat and hold on with their hands.
Domestically, they make good guardsmen, fishers, and hunters. Because they have no thumbs, they often have to hire bipedal Khajiit to handle their money, craft clothes and tools, do the cooking, and keep the books for them. Many Pahmar-Raht choose not to live the city-life for this reason, instead living almost half-wild on the edges of the wilderness, killing prey like a beast. Many a "Senche-Tiger" encountered by an outlander might be a Pahmar-Raht instead, either succumbed to hunger or disdaining of revealing its true intelligence to the foreign intruder.
Pahmar-Raht are also sometimes used as couriers, with or without a rider, as they are swift runners and can tackle most rough-terrain with ease.
Personality wise, they tend towards impulsive and aggressive, with the confidence to back it up. They are ravenous as kits, as they do much of their growth to full-size in the first 10 years. Though at their full height as teens/pre-teens, they are also rangy and at half-strength still, with the possibility of being injured if they try to take on an adult workload. In some Khajiit towns with a large population of Pahmar-Raht, it is illegal to employ them in manual labor until they reach the age of majority.
Often born in litters of 3-6. Quadruped. "Smart leopards".
In war, Pahmar are used like wardogs. They may accompany a bipedal Khajiit as their backup, for special assignments, or let loose in large groups to speed across a plain and soften up the enemy. They are too small to be mounted by any Khajiit except the smallest Tojay and the Dagi, who sometimes prefer them to the "large stupid Senches". Pahmar are easier to control than the Pahmar-Raht, but no less difficult to ride.
Pahmar are somewhat calmer and clearer headed than the Pahmar-Raht, and have a taste for refinement, taking pride in their comparative grace. Females may opt to become part of an aristocrat's harem so long as they can wear gold collars and diamond tipped claws, for instance. A Pahmar's physical development also differs from Pahmar-Raht, being almost the opposite: they grow only slowly until the rapid teenage growth spurts. They are typically not as fixated on food in childhood for this reason, taking the time to develop their agility and dexterity instead. Their adolescence is then marked with persistent hunger and impulsitivity (think human teenage boys), and it's common for a mother to scold Pahmar teens by telling them they're behaving like "the 'Rahts" and that they need to "act their size".
Domestically, they serve in the same role as do many big dogs of other races--for herding, hunting, guarding, pulling light carts (pleasure or work-related), or companionship. Though they do not have the scenting capabilities as strong as dogs, they take pride in their sensitivity to the subtle, and are often found in the shops of perfume-makers, alchemists, or gourmet cooks, aiding them by telling them if their recipes smell right. They might also help track down and catch criminals, and enjoy being bounty hunters, as this fills their animalistic hunter urge. Being used as a companion may also sometimes mean being used as a prostitute, particularly for Pahmar with a skooma problem.
Like the Pahmar-Raht, many outlanders mistake them for being Senche-Tigers. Pahmar are smug about this, happily playing along and milking the outlander's stupidity for all it is worth.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Plantigrade bipeds. The player race for Skyrim and Oblivion. In Elsweyr, they tend towards clerical or crafting work that requires the use of hands. This is partly the reason they are so common in other provinces, as the more adventurous ones wish to escape the role put on them by Khajiit society. Travelling merchants are also common both in Elsweyr and abroad.
Cathay - Raht
Plantigrade bipeds, but huge and strong, standing around 1-3 feet taller than the average human. They have a reputation for being more aggressive than their Cathay counterparts, but this may just be rumor fueled by fearful prejudice from the other races.
Cathay-Raht have thicker skin than the Cathay, and a very bestial facial design, with heavier jaws and larger teeth (think charr from Guild Wars 2). They typically have a strong accent due to this. Their fingers tend to be short and stubby, reminiscent of a Senche-Raht's paw. They prefer tents or houses built with grand sweeping architecture, since the Cathay so often "do it wrong" with the door lintels that Cathay-Raht bang their heads on.
They tend to be jovial and roudy, and would probably enjoy the company of a Nord. They make excellent mercenaries and guardsman, particularly for manors, where they may double as butlers or kitchen servants, having the use of hands. Others may team up with Senche-Raht or Pahmar-Raht hunters or herders, skinning and butchering the animals they bring in.
Digitigrade bipeds.
Small and lithe, the same size as Bosmer or shorter. Suthay tend towards soft-spoken and graceful, with highly nimble hands, and it's considered something of a catch to secure the mating rights/marriage to a Suthay lady who can take care of the clerical work AND be a pleasurable companion! Suthay are common in the industries of tailoring, woodworking, and jewellery: those professions that do not require too much muscle and benefit from a refined eye. Suthay that sew will sometimes use their claws to punch holes in their fabric--very useful for stitching leather! Noble or religious Suthay are also commonly writers or priests. Suthay down on their luck, on the other hand, may go into the business of theivery ("acquiring") or prostitution.
In war, Suthay are almost exclusively archers or magi, as they do not have the strength of size to go toe-to-toe with most other races. Some break this mold by becoming martial artists, though this is more common among the larger Suthay-Raht.
Suthay - Raht
The player race for Morrowind. Digitigrade bipeds.
The facial structure of a Suthay-Raht is more human like, with a rounded domed forehead and smaller jaws. Being almost equally bestial and human, they are sometimes used as diplomats for other races or as legal representatives of multi-furstock communities in Elsweyr; the former may be what led to so many becoming enslaved in Morrowind, which in turn led to less of them going abroad by the time of Oblivion and Skyrim. Part of their legal duties is thievery, or "acquiring" objects that justice demands the injured party should receive, in cases where the injured party cannot get it for themselves. Suthay-Raht are considered to have both the beast-like agility and the human-like knowledge and intelligence to pull off their "heists" satisfactorily, and are highly sought after in this form of Khajiit lawyer-ness.
In other provinces, of course, this is understood to be straight-up theivery, and plenty of Khajiit express confusion or indignity at being accused of such. True thievery in Elsweyr (not backed by legal compunction or moral righteousness) is considered one of the most dirty of crimes, and some Suthay-Raht are outlawed for not following the careful dance--another reason they are common in Morrowind, where other Khajiit stocks would not dare to go because of the slavery issue.
(It's like how some cultures would settle disputes by duels. Well, Khajiit settle it by "stealing". The bigger the haul, the more shame to the one stolen from, and the more legal righteousness awarded to the thief (or the person the thief represents). )
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
A (Ever Increasing) Note on Khajiit Fertility and Families
The more bestial Khajiit come into season. As a general rule, the largest and most bestial only come into season once or twice a year. Females of these furstocks have less sexual dimorphism (physically and psychologically). If the female already has a position of power/honor within Khajiit society, then fertility celebrations are commonly held in her honor, and sometimes males will compete in trials of grace, strength, and thievery to win mating rights.
Note, after discussing this with Beyond Skyrim folks: Khajiit society is strong in free love and polygamy. The one who wins these competitions will probably not be the "winter mother's" only lover when all is said and done, but will probably sire the healthiest offspring of the batch, and will be vaunted for his "fertility". (The rational behind this is breeding practices among domestic cats: a young healthy male is sometimes used in conjunction with an aging champion male to encourage overall fertlity; both cats and Khajiit can bear children from multiple fathers.) The other bonus is that other Khajiit lovers wanting fertility will probably hit up the winning male, too! Finally, lesbian sex and a female winning these competitions is possible, due to the way penile barbs work in stimulating the mother cat to release ovum, and this could be stimulated artifically. Need brain breach yet?
The contests may either have traditional objectives with religious significance (more common among the conservative Khajiit populations), or chosen by the female in question (more common in liberal communities), though this carries the risk of public shame if the female does not choose the contests wisely.
In contrast to the winter mothers, smaller bestial Khajiit come into season more often, and may be termed summer or spring mothers. The Alfiq in particular are fast breeders (4-6 times a year), giving rise to the perjorative that one "breeds like Alfiqs". This term has passed to outlanders, who frequently confuse Alfiqs with all Khajiit, and Dunmer and Altmer in particular use it as a slur. The humanoid Khajiit (Ohmes, Ohmes-Raht, Cathay, Suthay-Raht; also Cathay-Raht and Suthay, but to a lesser extent) by contrast are often fertile year-round, however, in the manner of mer, conception is more difficult and less likely to occur.
Litter size is based partially on the mother's furstock and partially on the furstock of the child. In general, bestial Khajiit can bear more young at a time, while the humanoid furstocks are generally limited to 1 or 2; with triplets being rare. Larger furstocks are born as smaller litters.
This evens out the average number of children born to a Khajiit mother over her lifetime as being about the same among all Khajiit furstocks. However, by the same token, the incidence of some furstocks is rarer, as some can only be conceived "off-season" by Khajiit mothers that can also only bear a couple to a litter. This is especially true of the Senche and Senche-Raht, and probably the Tojay(-Raht) and Dagi(-Raht) as well.
All Khajiit, with the possible exception of Senche-Raht, are born about the same size and shape, and develop their distinguishing features as infancy goes on. This has led to the debate of whether it's the date of conception or the dates of birth/the first months of childhood that truly affect a Khajiit's furstock. Considering that the length of pregnancy is roughly the same for all furstocks, this may never be proven for sure. All furstocks take about the same length of time to mature, though some may do so at varying rates (see Pahmar-Raht vs. Pahmar for example).
Khajiit families are not necessarily defined by lineage, but by emotional attachment--the Khajiit that sires a litter may not be the one that is the cubs' primary caretaker, for instance. Males and females may have more than one lover, and cubs may have more than two parents. Families are large and more communal as a result. Jealousy is considered one of the prime major sins of Khajiit, likely associated with Molag Bal in the place of bloodline impurity and bastard children among other races.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Bosmer-like in appearance.
Some Ohmes are covered with a fine down, unnoticeable unless one is up close to them. Races with a good sense of smell also remark on how Ohmes smell more musky than Bosmer. Ohmes are popular as cooks, seeing as how they don't have fur to accidentally drop into their dishes.
Males and females both wear their hair long, and males take pride in their beards, framing their face like a mane with bare chin, lips, and cheeks (kind of like this guy). Most Ohmes will tattoo themselves in patterns reminiscent of leopard spots or tiger stripes, though this has become a less common practice abroad, where Ohmes take advantage of their similar appearance to Bosmer to blend in. Sometimes this is to take advantage of Bosmer being better received by a target audience than Khajiit, but at other times it's to try and smear the Bosmer's reputation; some famous antics of the Bosmer could actually be attributed to an Ohmes. These insults may have been part of what set off the wars between Elsweyr and Valenwood.
During the Five Year War with Valenwood, some Ohmes masqueraded as Bosmer to spy on the opposing side. In the present era, this has been grandfathered in as Ohmes assassins and agents using the identity of a Bosmer to hide their trails, sending half of their pursuers on the trail of a bestial-looking Khajiit, and half after a Bosmer that does not exist.
In war, Ohmes can fill in all the roles of any other race, though they tend to eschew heavy armor and arms. At home, they are frequently seen in the cities along the Elsweyr border, working at inns, taverns, embassies, and chapels of the Divines, where their elf-like faces are more familiar and comfortable to outlanders. Most Khajiit regard this anti-bestiality of the outlanders as laughable, but concede it's better for business.
Despite the similarity to Bosmer, Ohmes are thought to be the most level-headed and logical of the Khajiit, and consulted on matters of science and mechanics. Khajiit from the heartland may also come to Ohmes for counsel on foreign matters and understanding non-Khajiit, believing their humanoid appearance leads to a better understanding of humans and mer in general (though this is not necessarily true).
Mothers typically bear only one child. Bosmer with cat ears, tail, and fur, plantigrade.
Smallest quadruped, size of a cat. "Talking house cats". Puss-in-Boots archetype.
"The size of a housecat with the heart of a lion...or a peacock". Alfiq have the reputation of being the most bold of the Khajiit furstocks, relative to their size. Alfiq enjoy playing pranks and have high energy. Though they carry themselves sometimes with outrageous pride and vanity, they can be easily distracted by moving leaves or patches of light. Many tales about Khajiit tricksters may have had an Alfiq as the main character (though these have since been modified to include more humanoid main characters to the taste of outlanders).
Some Alfiq enjoy dyeing their fur or wearing hats, collars, vests, socks or other scraps of clothing to differentiate themselves from cats, and add to themselves a little flair and style. Another way they differ from housecats is their ability to balance and walk on their hind feet for short stretches, although they do not have opposable thumbs. They typically instead use this as a way of performing tricks, reaching doorknobs and table-tops built for other races, or startling outlanders, the latter much to their amusement.
Alfiq are as agile as cats, jumping and climbing with the same ability. Though logic dictates that an Alfiq would die if they tried to bed most of the larger furstocks, this does not stop some from some making boastful tales of trying. In combat, most Alfiq are either self-taught magic-users (though this may be because paper is hard to handle with just paws, it may also be they're too proud or energetic to learn from a book!), or as feints and distractions: leaping up to claw their opponents' faces, or winding around legs to trip up opposing armies. Some have learned how to carry tiny specially-crafted rapiers tipped with poison between their teeth, and to poke these into gaps in an opponent's armor. This is more typically used as an assassination technique than in war or formal duels.
Though Alfiq do not have the facial and throat structure to speak anything but Ta'agra, some will serenade with wordless songs, and have surprising good singing voices, considering their bestiality. Their voices tend to be clear and light. Alfiq are typically employed for entertaining, or to watch for intruders. They will also keep grain stores clean of mice and insects. Lords will also sometimes employ Alfiq to be informants or scouts, for they love to find out secrets, can get into places many larger furstocks can't, and many outlanders will mistake them for being harmless housecats. This is a role usually only offered by outlander employers however, as Alfiq have a tendency to babble about their exploits, making the secrets they find impossible to keep in communities that speak Ta'agra.
Quadruped. Some outlanders may mistake them for lynxes or bobcats, as they are about the same size. Paladin archetype.
Contrasted to the Alfiq, Alfiq-Raht are larger and more regal in appearance and bearing. They have a genetic tendency towards short tails; there is one story in which an Alfiq-Raht, born without any tail at all, was too embarassed to come out of his room and govern his holdings properly, until his servants and lovers amputated their tails in his honor.
Like the Alfiq, near and dear to the heart of the Alfiq-Raht is the love of adventure and valor. However, they go about this in different ways. Unlike Alfiq who are noted for being flighty, Alfiq-Raht are considered very trustworthy, steady, and loyal as friends and lovers. The downside is they can be arrogant and too attached to notions of honor, which, among outlanders, are Khajiit values and alien, and so sometimes mistaken as a tendency towards pettiness or dishonesty.
Alfiq-Raht make for good sentries, as they have the ability to sit very still for long stretches of time; this is born out of their customs of good manners, where it is polite to sit upright, showing little emotion, while entertaining guests. (This can be witnessed when Alfiq-Raht entertain dinners or parties most especially, where they set themselves up on a platform raised above the heads of the other Khajiit, unmoving except to greet party-goers or direct servants. This is thought to be a form of humility instead of vanity, as the Alfiq-Raht is not joining in the festivities out of duty, and the position also draws attention to the Alfiq-Raht's small stature in relation to everyone else.)
Alfiq-Raht, like the Pahmar, will also work in capacities that require keen senses, such as the tracking down of criminals, hunting, or helping alchemists and cooks distinguish between ingredients and pick the freshest. Some Alfiq-Raht grow or glue tufts of fur to the ends of their ears, claiming this aids with their hearing.
Alfiq-Raht nobles will also engage in the sport-hunting of birds and small mammals. An Alfiq-Raht is prided on being able to catch their prey without damaging their fur or feathers, so that these can be made into high quality clothing, satchels, or other items. Unbeknowest to outlanders, many of the leather goods exported from Elsweyr came from an Alfiq-Raht. Typically an Alfiq-Raht will carry one such crafted item around with them at all times, made out of the skin of their best catch. Thieves targetting Alfiq-Raht will steal these to dishonor and incense them.
In war, Alfiq-Raht perform many of the same tasks as the Pahmar, sometimes within the same unit. Like Alfiq, they have a strong tendency towards magic, though they prefer to attribute this to the divinity of their chosen god rather than book-learning or pure talent.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Little monkey Khajiit. Inspiration: lemurs, tamarins, capuchins. A little bigger than a housecat.
The Dagi resembles small monkeys with feline heads. Their forepaws are monkey-ish with grasping fingers, while their back feet resemble cat paws with long curved claws for hooking into bark. Their tail is long, but not entirely prehensile, more often used for balance than gripping branches. The males will sometimes develop a mane along their spine and tail like that found on colobus monkeys.
Dagi carry a reputation for rudeness, as they are well-noted for screaming insults from the top of trees, too far out of reach or too well-covered to be shot by a bow. They love nothing more than to find a Khajiit who has been dishonored and follow him around making playful insults--but if anything this can be seen as a positive sign for the dishonored Khajiit, as those that have committed truly heinous crimes are shunned instead. Dagi are less given to hyperbole than the Alfiq, and it's said that one can gain great wisdom by sitting and listening under the Dagi trees, so long as one does mind the occassional insult or bit of trash thrown down.
Domestically, Dagi are helpful in maintaining orchards, and some have quite the green thumb. In desert regions, they will also use their climbing abilities to tend to (or steal from) the nests of rock falcons--gathering the eggs either for food, or chicks to be trained for falconry. Because of their loud voices, they will also sometimes be used as heralds and town criers. Though they can learn to speak other languages, their accent is thick, making this role more common in deep Elsweyr. In busy cities, Dagi will sometimes also be used as mail-carriers and small-goods deliverers, as they can climb up to balconies and rooftop gardens more quickly than other Khajiit, and have the hands to be able to take down a letter or seal up a package.
Dagi love to stash all manner of objects they find in their homes, which they typically build up in the branches of a favorite tree in rural communities. In cities, they like buildings where they can see a wide view, and typically rent out their lower apartments to other Khajiit.
In wartime, Dagi are typically used as treetop skirmishers, raining down abuse with stones, insults, and spells on an unsuspecting army, then running away before they can be caught. Dagi also pride themselves on the "off-with-'em" technique, where they jump onto the back of an enemy's neck just long enough to slit the throat or stab the eyes before fleeing. In battles fought out of the reach of trees, Dagi will find another Khajiit to hitch a ride on, clinging on their shoulders until they see an opportunity to strike. Senche-Raht can sometimes be seen carrying hundreds of such Dagi, and the writhing of tiny bodies along their backs is said to be a nightmarish sight.
Larger monkey-like Khajiit, similar to a baboon or gorilla.
Dagi-Raht are similar in appearance to Dagi, except that their hind feet are flatter with stubbier claws, better suited for walking on ground than climbing trees, and their tails are shorter and not as dextrous. Although larger, they can climb trees nearly as well as Dagi, though they prefer sturdier thicker-trunked trees, or cliffs and plateaus with no other access. Dagi-Raht are knuckle-walkers, rarely standing upright except to look around or make a point during conversation.
Dagi-Raht tend to be strong-willed and brusque, and to most outward appearances their insults are much less light-hearted than the Dagi's. Among Dagi-Raht and others who have been accepted as friends however, the insults are understood to be a kind of hazing--if a Dagi-Raht is acquainted with you, he'll insult your profession or your race. If he likes you, he insults your clan or gods. If he really likes you, he insults your mother and father, and an insult directed towards your children (whether existent or not) can sometimes be taken as a flirt.
Dagi-Rahts enjoy to brawl, moving with the power of a gorilla. In combat they will sometimes take the front line as shock troops when armored appropriately, riding on the back of Senche or Pahmar-Raht if swift mobility is needed. Their hands give them the ability of wielding weapons, but just as often they are happy clawing and punching unarmed. They especially favor brass knuckles, as these can be designed to give them traction and protection when knuckle-walking over rough ground.
Domestically, Dagi-Rahts are favored as bouncers at taverns and skooma-dens, as well as guards, farmers, and general laborers due to their inborn strength and hands. Older Dagi-Raht will sometimes serve as teachers of martial arts, philosophy, or magic, particularly among quadruped Khajiit, as they perhaps better understand the hamperings these furstocks face in not having hands, needing to use their own to walk upon. A Dagi-Raht mentor is a mentor of hard-knocks that nonetheless inspires deep thinking among their students: a favorite teaching method is to send a student out to do back-breaking labor, and upon their returning, only rewarding them with an obscure proverb, which the student is expected to decipher and create their own meaning for.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Child-sized bipedal, barely digitigrade (short feet). Tinkerer archetype. Tojay have slightly stooped shoulders, and are able to drop down and run on all fours faster than they can run on just two. However, they prefer to walk around and conduct most daily business standing upright.
Tojay are sometimes mistaken as children among outlanders, as they look very similar to a Cathay when standing straight, but are only a few feet tall, and their voices are deceptively high and child-like. Some Tojay take advantage of this in begging or to get off lightly when caught thieving. Tojay can speak clearly in other languages, but often very quickly. Outlanders that mistake them for children may be surprised when they are scolded with a discourse on the effects of racism if they try to treat Tojay with a lollipop! To other Khajiit however, a Tojay's facial and bodily proportions are too obviously "off" to be a child, like a dwarf (the genetic disorder) are to us.
Contrasted to the other bipedals,Tojay are not often found to be cooks, farmers, skinners, smiths, or other crafts that may require a substantial amount of muscle. They are instead more likely to be found doing clerical work, or crafts that require fine detail and small hands, particularly painting, jewellery, locksmithing, or the tailoring of fine clothes. Like the Bosmer that lived in a shoe in Breton folktales, the stitchwork of Tojay is famous for being tiny and exact, and has found great popularity in silks and footwear exported to other provinces. Similarly, locks made by Tojay lock-smiths are prized through Khajiit culture, and many Tojay dabble in making clockwork contraptions for Khajiit kits to enjoy.
Although Tojay love to tinker, they are not so skilled at understanding the technical aspects behind their creations (Ohmes are thought to grasp this the best); their joy is in the creation and creativity rather than the getting the facts right. As a result, Tojay mechanisms have a (not entirely unwarranted) reputation of failing spectacularly. Tojay demonstrate a lack of concern surrounding this, and will happily espouse for hours with outlanders or Khajiit alike about their creations. (The Imperial Archaeology Society used to hire Tojay to be dungeon-delvers and engineers until they found this out the hard way.)
Tojay are not often found in armies, as they lack both the natural weapons of the smaller quadruped furstocks as well as the size of the larger bipedal furstocks to be able to fight among the ranks. They will sometimes tag along with a Pahmar(-Raht) or Senche(-Raht) in a magical support capacity, casting healing or buff spells, or throwing things like caltrops or alchemist's fire among their opponents. The more mechanically-inclined are noted for developing a variety of magical landmines, tripwires, deadfalls, and other traps, and Tojay-populated settlements are notoriously hard to lay siege to due to these clever weapons.
Small bipeds, barely digitigrade (short feet), slightly stooped at the shoulder. They are more heavily set than the Tojay and stand half a foot taller, around 4 feet. They have the same preference of running on all fours but conducting all other business standing on two.
Like the Tojay, the Tojay-Raht are known for eccentricity, if not as light-heartedly. Tojay-Raht are not as sociable as the Tojay, particularly among outlanders. They show little interest in interacting with outsiders: not in a belligerent way like the Dagi-Raht, but simply in an uninterested way, like a housecat who only greets its human owners when its hungry.
Among themselves, Tojay-Raht are very intelligent. They enjoy meditating for long periods of the day, and are a common sight at Khajiit monasteries, sitting cross-legged. They typically answer questions in a heavy mix of metaphor and imagery: this is a reflection of how they think, rather than an attempt to be obtuse (as the Dagi would be), though outlanders may still take it as an intentional offense. Tojay-Raht sometimes have difficulty understanding human emotion and logic as a result.
Perhaps due to this mysticism, there are a lot of untruthful legends about the nature of the Tojay-Raht (and all probably started by a Tojay-Raht, who meant it as a metaphor).
For instance, among outlanders there is a story in which a giant-sized (9+ feet) Tojay-Raht that plucked enemies from the tops of mountains and smashed them to bits with its hands, until their blood became the color of its skin. Some versions of this story tell it that the giant was actually a mechanical construction, like those made by the Dwemer. Scholars believe this was actually a sighting of the Numidium, when it was first used in the Battle of the Red Mountain in the First Era.
Another favorite folktale is of a Tojay-Raht who had mastered the art of changing furstocks, leading to confusion among outlanders of just what a Tojay-Raht (among many other furstocks) actually looks like. (Another nod to the ESO/Legends retcon.) This cat managed many great deeds before the Mane grew so afraid of its power that he banished it to Oblivion. This is thought to be a story teaching about the many faces of virtue, and how all of them can be intimidating to the weak-minded.
The Tojay like to carry on a one-sided rivalry with the Tojay-Raht on who is more intelligent. The Tojay-Raht, for their part, either don’t care or don’t even notice that this rivalry exists, so the Tojay often end up arguing amongst themselves. One such debate was whether the true nature of the planets is better explained by science or the divinity of the gods. A Tojay-Raht stepped in and said: "Both!" to the immediate exasperation and confusion of the arguing Tojays, who then despite themselves spent many months theorizing on how this could be.
As mentioned before, Tojay-Raht have somewhat of a stoop to their shoulders. Among ignorant outlanders, they are believed to be little more than very old Khajiit, and will often make use of this disguise when traveling abroad and hoping to garner more sympathy than xenophobism from their hosts. Tojay-Raht are often skilled in magic, adding to this appearance of being "cat-faced witches".
2017-09-24 17:10
3 days 18 hours ago
I think it would be awesome to have a few of the more common Khajiit breeds dispersed throughout some of the more multicultural areas of mainland Morrowind, while the majority of Morrowind's population would remain Suthay-Raht. Not sure if it would be possible to implement but I might try doing some concept sketches based on your descriptions.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
New thoughts to be worked into the lore here:
SUTHAY is the player-race for Oblivion at least, as they are the less bestial version of Suthay-Raht, in the same way Ohmes are less bestial than Ohmes-Raht, and Senche less bestial than Senche Raht. Replace with current Cathay description
CATHAY-RAHT run on all fours, walk on twos, like the GW2 charr.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
new CATHAY concept-- humans with tiger heads and shoulders (mane), like a tiger-version of Bastet the Egyptian god, furless (except for head/shoulders), no tail.
Tojay: midget Suthay-Raht, as already written. May be mistaken for Dagi at a distance, but Tojay are mostly bipedal that can run on all fours, while Dagi are mostly quadrupedal that can stand or awkwardly walk upright sometimes.
Tojay-Raht: manticore or sphinx like with Bosmer-head on cat body. Mostly quadruped with minimal ability to stand like the Dagi-Raht, but Tojay walk on the pads of their forepaws/hands, unlike Dagi-Raht which are knuckle-walkers.
Another Dagi-Raht inspiration (posture rather than any of the other characteristics)
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Final draft of the Khajiit appearances. The personalities and role of society may need to change to suit:
Alfiq: The size and the shape of a short-hair house cat.
REASONING: This is alluded to heavily in ESO, and was also given to us in a dev interview with Douglas Goodall (Daggerfall/Morrowind era lore).
Alfiq-Raht: The size and shape of a lynx, including a shorter tail and tufted ears.
REASONING: Douglas Goodall said that the Alfiq-Raht are similar to Alfiq but larger, and likening them to a lynx is a popular headcanon.
Ohmes: Look so much like a Bosmer, non-Khajiit may have trouble telling the difference!
REASONING: This is alluded to in Douglas Goodall's interview. Ohmes are also the player race of Arena.
Ohmes-Raht: Similar to an anime catgirl: Bosmer or Breton with cat ears, tail, and light fur.
REASONING: This is alluded to in Douglas Goodall's interview. Ohmes-Raht are also stated to be the player race for Daggerfall.
Suthay: The player race of Oblivion, Skyrim, and ESO, with fur, a tail, a cat-like face, and plantigrade feet. Fur color can be variable.
REASONING: Up until Oblivion, any changes to the shape of Khajiit was said to be due to their furstock. Though there is a dev interview stating these later Khajiit player races are Suthay-Raht, I personally lump this into the same bad-retcon bin as the furstocks presented in Legends, and hence ignore it. So why did I choose Suthay instead of Cathay as the Wiki states? By the official lore given to us in the Ohmes and Senche furstocks, the -Raht Khajiit forms are not only bigger, but more bestial in configuration. Suthay-Raht have digitigrade feet, which makes the plantigrade feet a logical choice for a less-bestial non-Raht. Also, as stated in my Cathay reasoning below, a digitigrade Khajiit probably appears larger and stronger than a plantigrade Khajiit, making a plantigrade version of the Suthay-Raht to be necessarily the smaller Suthay. Regarding the Wiki, I cannot find any official references behind their choice of Cathay. (If someone can point me to the reasoning, please tell me!) Some reasoning out there also points at the lynx-like fur color of the Skyrim Khajiit versus the jungle-cat-like fur color of the Oblivion Khajiit, saying that this should mean they are a different furstock. As I am trying to make the furstocks be markedly different and not just details like this, AND as ESO gives us a lot more options for fur color for their Khajiit, I don't see this as a reason compelling enough to make the Skyrim Khajiit a whole different furstock. Khajiit may simply have regional or familial differences in their coloring, much like IRL humans.
Suthay-Raht: The Morrowind player race, which has digitigrade feet, tail, fur, and a cat-like face. Is capable of running on all fours, but prefers to walk about on two.
REASONING: It is stated specifically in Morrowind that their player race is the Suthay-Raht, so this one is straight forward. The game Redguard also sees a few Khajiit that are said to be Suthay-Raht, but is inconsistent with whether or not they have those digitigrade feet: one concept art and the ingame art shows them with plantigrade, while the Cyrus Origin comic shows them as digitigrade and able to run on all fours as well as stand on two. I assume the ingame graphics is a technical limitation, and the other art is a minor retcon--it's worth mentioning that the Khajiit pictured in that art is a cripple. So maybe he is a deformed specimen of Suthay-Raht...?
Cathay: Similar to the Egyptian god Bastet, with a tiger or lion like head, and a human body. The body is tailless and furless (at least, as furless as humans are, and some of us are still quite hairy!), and in males, the mane may extend down the back a ways, as in Peter Jackson's depiction of Beorn in the (2012-2014) Hobbit movies.
REASONING: As I am attempting to make the furstocks massively different in appearance than just size or fur color, I went with this unusual choice. The Egyptian god look is one so far unused in popular cat people fantasy, and is unique enough I think it deserved a cameo. As for why I chose Cathay for this and not some other furstock: the interview with Douglas Goodall states only that the Cathay are larger and stronger than the Suthay-Raht, but smaller than the Cathay-Raht. A plantigrade form may appear smaller than digitigrade, as if a digitigrade were stretch out their legs, they would be taller. Digitigrade legs are also built for springing and jumping, and a digitigrade Khajiit may be able to jump further or run faster, lending again to the impression they are stronger. Finally, Ohmes and Senche lore gives us a precedent that the non-Raht forms are not just smaller, but less bestial in their appearance as well. As the form of Cathay-Raht is already well established, this gave room for Cathay to be both human-sized and given a more human-like form than a Suthay-Raht.
Cathay-Raht: Similar to the Suthay-Raht, with partially digitigrade feet, tail, fur, and a tiger-like face. Particularly large (6-8 feet tall), and like GW2 charr, may prefer to go on all fours when running, though they will usually walk about on two.
REASONING: Lore given states this furstock are like an upright jaguar, so a mix of big cat and human attributes seemed appropriate. The other parts are popular head-canon.
Pahmar: Similar to a leopard, svelte and agile. Quadruped.
REASONING: It is stated by Douglas Goodall that Pahmar are like a tiger. To differentiate them from Pahmar-Raht, I make them a little leaner and smaller in appearance.
Pahmar-Raht: Might be called a dire tiger if this was D&D. Heavier-set and thicker furred than the Pahmar.
REASONING: It is stated by Douglas Goodall that Pahmar-Raht are the larger and stronger versions of the Pahmar. To differentiate them more clearly, I imagine they are quite large and muscular.
Senche: Similar to a tiger in all aspects except their forelegs, which are twice as long as their hind legs, and feature paws with thumbs.
REASONING: The part about the forelegs comes from earlier lore. Earlier concept art also suggests that the length of these forelegs give them some ability to stand upright like a great ape or troll, so I gave them thumbs. This also reflects the lore (previously stated) that the non-Raht forms of Khajiit are not just smaller, but less bestial than their non-Raht counterparts.
Senche-Raht: The size of a small Indian elephant (7 feet at the shoulder). Quadruped, heavy-set, similar in appearance to a sabertooth tiger with a short tail.
REASONING: Earlier lore states that Senche-Raht are like huge tigers, and stand at twice the height of an Altmer. If this was measured on a quadruped from the shoulder, these Khajiit would be so massive as to be illogical and difficult to implement in an ingame space. Instead, a Beyond Skyrim dev suggested they are measured this way when standing on their hind legs. Dropping back to all fours would put them back at the height of a polar bear or small Indian elephant. The short tail is a nod to some fan concept art I found, as well as to differentiate them more clearly from the Pahmar-Raht.
Dagi: Similar to a tamarin monkey, with grasping paws, a long tail, and is primarily quadruped as it gets about in trees. Of a similar size to the housecat-like Alfiq.
REASONING: Dev interviews and the lore book Mixed Unit Tactics say this furstock lives in trees, and are on the small side. We also have a concept art from MK that gives us a size (small enough to perch on someone's shoulders), though their exact physiology is harder to pick out in that picture. Rather than make Dagi simply a small Suthay-Raht, I wanted to get creative. I chose the tamarin as they have manes and moustaches like the earlier concept art of Khajiit, and so I can see them being tweaked slightly to look like a cat.
Dagi-Raht: Similar to a baboon with a lion-like face. Quadruped but can stand upright for short stretchs, have grasping paws, and may be a knuckle-walker. 3-4 feet tall at the shoulder when standing on all fours.
REASONING: The lore gives us that Dagi-Raht are similar to Dagi except for being bigger and less able to climb trees. Going with the image of Dagi as monkeys, this made baboons a natural choice. Some notable fan concept art makes Dagi-Raht big and heavy-set like gorillas or giant sloths, but try as I might, I can't quite see this working for a cat people, so I went with a smaller and more agile-looking great ape.
Tojay: A halfling-sized (3 foot) Suthay-Raht, with a head and facial structure ranging from anime catgirl to dome-headed cat. May run about on all fours, but prefers standing and walking on two.
REASONING: The only thing we know from official lore is that the Tojay live in forests and swamps, and that it is smaller than the Tojay-Raht. This gives us a lot of room to head-canon it up with this furstock. As most of the fan concept art is just different takes on Suthay-Raht, I took a leaf out of Beyond Skyrim's book and made Tojay into tiny Suthay-Raht, as I enjoy imagining them with a predilection for tinkering or mischief like gnomes and halflings in other universes. This small size also gives them the ability to climb trees like the Dagi, backing up the official lore of them living in heavily wooded areas. To then distinguish them from the Dagi (and give a few nods to the fan artwork), their face and head are more like a Bosmer's.
Tojay-Raht: Manticore or sphinx-like, with a Bosmer-like head set on a quadruped cat's body (no wings obviously). About the size of a large dog (thigh-height on a human); the forepaws may be talons or grasping paws.
REASONING: The only official lore we have is that this furstock is bigger than Tojay. Like the Cathay, I then sorted through other configurations we have for combining human and cat features in fantasy, and landed on the manticore. The grasping paws/talons comes from the speculation that this form may be bipedal, and hence be able to manipulate objects with its paws, and also the fact it probably lives in trees like its Tojay cousin, and so needs good feet to climb. Their relative size is based off the Tojay.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 3 weeks ago
Final Classifications (for now...lol) quick ref for myself
Bipeds, Playable
Tojay - half-size Ohmes-Raht, may have stub tail and small ears
Tojay-Raht - skinny half-size Suthay-Raht
Ohmes - Bosmer (Arena)
Ohmes-Raht - catgirls (Daggerfall)
Suthay - plantigrade catman (Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO)
Suthay-Raht - digitigrade catman (Morrowind) (partly quadped)
Cathay - Bastet, cat-headed humans, light furring
Cathay-Raht - charr (partly quad-ped)
Alfiq - house cat
Alfiq-Raht - lynx, short tail
Dagi - tamarin monkey (partly biped with hands)
Dagi-Raht - sphinx
Pahmar - leopard
Pahmar-Raht - dire tiger
Senche - forelegged were-cat (partly biped, hand-paws)
Senche-Raht - polar bear cat
Also, a nifty moon chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gcEn3lXYlqgu6kAjX8qlQtVeCZwy3M0EXo38lG1HsuU/edit?usp=sharing
Note, for math calculations: Masser cycles in 24 days, Secunda in 30, Tamrielic months are considered 30 days long, and the New/Full phases considered to be 5 days long each (else certain furstocks like Senche and Ohmes never appeared)