I know I know, most if not all of this info comes from the heretical "The Elder Scrolls - Online"
Yet I would like it discussed here.
There seem to be a lot of subspecies of Guar, which isn't so far fetched because it is a domesticated animal (alltough some appear to be wild variants)
The Green Narsis Guar and the Pale Velothi Guar seem to be subspecies we could do something with.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 1 week ago
My issue is most of these are described to be cutesy (and also to bring in cash to the ESO devs with different colorings). Household pets is a modern day phenomenon--before that, most "pets" also worked for their keep, like herding dogs or cats that kept the silos free of mice. Only nobles/the well-off had pets that were for nothing but looking and touching, and I don't think Indoril (our aristocratic faction) would want to be associated with guars, who have a reputation of being stinky and messy, like pigs.
So, I don't have any problem with making different colors/skins for guars, but I wouldn't import the lore behind them. Another instance of this is that the Pale Velothi Guar IS an albino guar, and in TES3, that's already made out to be something rare and religiously special.
A striped guar we need--I think Tiger Guars predate ESO lore, and even in ESO lore they're bred for warfare and to be hardy and strong, which is something that would be valuable in TES3's setting.
I wouldn't do any pony guar. That just doesn't sound like something that would come out of Morrowind, more like an IRL analogue to horses to sell more pixels. <sigh> Ashlander guars may be smaller just by basis of having less nutrition and an isolated gene pool (think those small Mongolian horses), but House Dunmer specifically breeding for them doesn't make sense...big ones give you more yield for hide and meat, and breeding smaller solely for, say, taste, would be something done only by a wealthy niche group again, which in TES3's setting, all Dunmer are feeling the pinch, and luxury things like that would be rare.
2016-02-05 22:51
4 years 4 months ago