CTD Near New Landmass

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Nerevar7's picture
2016-07-31 23:58
Last seen:
7 years 3 months ago

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, i am receiving a deluge of errors and a crash to desktop when exiting ebonheart heading south.  This is the closest i have gotten to the new landmasses and am wondering if i installed TR and MSGO3 incorrectly?  I’ve posted a screenshot.  in the screenshot is an error message that I hope means more to you fine folks than it did to me :)  I receive many of them, then CTD...

Image icon MW CTD.jpg640.16 KB2016-08-02 01:45
Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

Your BSA is not registered or loading.

First, make sure your BSA is registered.

In the Morrowind Directory you should have a file called Morrowind.ini

All that the BSA registration software does is add a line to the [Archives] section. You can look/edit this .ini file with any text editor.

You should see the following (or something similar) under [Archives]. This section is usually way down towards the bottom of the file.

Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2 =TR_Data.bsa

If you have other .bsa files registered, they will also appear in the this list. The only requirement, we have, is that TR_Data.bsa must come after both Tribunal and Bloodmoon.

If that is the case, then try installing Morrowind somewhere other than c:\Program Files\, and/or run it as an administrator.

Nerevar7's picture
2016-07-31 23:58
Last seen:
7 years 3 months ago

I know this is literally a year too late, but i wanted to say thank you for taking the time to reply, i'll give this a shot as i hope to pick up a morrowind lets play again soon! So thanks, sorry it took a year to get to this!

Nerevar7's picture
2016-07-31 23:58
Last seen:
7 years 3 months ago

Also, does it matter if TR_Data.bsa is archive 3 and not 2?  For example, my morrowind.ini reads:

Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2=Flora Glow.bsa
Archive 3=TR_Data.bsa

is this ok? or does TR need to come immediately after Bloodmoon.bsa? Thank you so much, greatly appreciated!

Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
1 month 2 weeks ago

That's perfectly fine, it doesn't matter in what order the BSA files are loaded (unlike ESM/ESP) smiley

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago


Also, does it matter if TR_Data.bsa is archive 3 and not 2?  For example, my morrowind.ini reads:

Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2=Flora Glow.bsa
Archive 3=TR_Data.bsa

is this ok? or does TR need to come immediately after Bloodmoon.bsa? Thank you so much, greatly appreciated!

That is fine, but you still need PT_Data.bsa, in Archive 4 with this setup.