Hey so I just got the TR mod installed and was messing around by setting a new chars acrobatics to 200 and the speed to 1000 to quickly explore the map, and as i jumped and glided from one city to the next, I noticed some areas had work done, some were complete, and some barren. So i figured I would try to scroll around and see if there was a quick way to see exactly what parts of the new landmass were fully completed including npcs interiors etc. Well all i really managed to find were some changelogs and updates to progress, but that doesnt really help fill me in since Im completely new to the mod. Anyone care to point out what cities or areas have been completed up to 1709?
(Reply #1) Posted on Fri, 2017-11-17 05:49
2016-06-10 21:48
1 hour 30 min ago
north and east of almalexia, so the entire right side of the map
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 1 week ago
^Scroll down until you see the maps. TR_Mainland is complete, TR_Preview = what you see is what you get.
2017-11-17 05:42
7 years 1 month ago
thanks, but when i was looking at the livemap at areas like necrom it showed some of the interiors didnt exist,so i figured maybe it wasnt complete yet, ill check it out ingame later. Thanks for the help though.