Proposed Agenda
Worldspace Implementation
- Progress on Andothren
- Thirr Valley interior planning
- Thirr Valley quest planning [1] [2] [3]
- Andothren House Hlaalu questline
Cross-Province questions
- Armor and weapons: sorting out stats, expanding or restricting vanilla sets, special cases (this agenda point could use some elaboration as to what specifically should be discussed and in what format we can best discuss it)
Quests and Dialogue
- 6+ has a few points to discuss regarding Foul Murder, and I think Why mentioned he wasn't fully satisfied with the current plans too.
- The "characters" of towns like Kartur
- General MG plans, particularly if someone with a good general idea of afterlife-, dreamsleeve- and soultrap-related lore is around
- The Handbook needs attention.
- We need a new/updated visual index.
- Discussing Thal's idea in detail, and finding volunteers for handbook writing: https://www.tamrielrebuilt.org/forum/division-labor-regards-lore-world-building-and-quality-managment
Preparing Template Meeting
- Clambering Moor
- How should the Kartur section be expanded?
- Cicero suggested on discord that the island could be split up into multiple smaller ones. The interiors would need attention if this is done.
Meeting Summary
The mural is finished, although it has a square shape instead of the currently used round placeholder, this means the waterfall area around it will have to be redone. No progress has been posted since the last file on Sunday.
Thirr Valley Interior Planning
Placed several interiors into Unclaimed:
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-1
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-2
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-3
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-4
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-5
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-6
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-7
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sadrathim-manor
The rest of the design interiors either rely on the round interior piece or are “just in case” claims.
Extending Thirr Valley
Dillon has suggested extending the Thirr Valley release file/region to the west, to allow for better questing for the TV release (coming after DoD?)
Quest Planning
Placed two quests into Unclaimed:
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/just-clockwork
- https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/herding-cats
The third, https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sanguine-love, was a bit too massive in scope and proposal to discuss at this point.
Furthermore, it was written when the Sload kingpin under Hlan Oek did not exist, forcing a long introduction of the Noesis Velothi tower (including an escort quest) when that entire bit could be replaced by, for example, a kingpin-run drug den in a cave a bit outside of town.
The artifact, Sanguine’s Lung, is flavorful however, and should already be made.