Template Region: Asset Catalogue

Asset Catalogues

Flora Catalogue
Bulb Trees (Statics)

Bulb trees of Aanthirin are the most common flora you will encounter in the region. They have a hard and brown log with colorful green and orange leaves.

Mushroom Tables (Statics)
Description goes here.
Spartium Bealei (Statics)
Description goes here.
Orange Moss (Statics)

Moss clumps are common in shady and moist areas across the Mainland Morrowind.
Both the soft fronds and the dry pods are alchemically active, though the pods are far more valuable. The orange variation is found on Aanthirin.

Temple Dome (Container)
Description goes here.


Fauna Catalogue
Rabid Guar (Hostile)

The local variant of Guar should be placed near fallen trees or Temple Dome locations.

Mushroom Tables (Statics)
Description goes here.