Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions: You have a question? So had others! Somebody might have already asked your question and we added the answer to our list of frequently provided answers. If you have any questions about Tamriel Rebuilt, this is the place to start.
Pipeline & Progress Report
Pipeline & Progress Report: Our production schedule, or pipeline, is our guide to how we are designing and implementing each part of our mod. These pages contain an explanation of our pipeline, and a progress report that is kept up to date for each region.
Meetings & Discord server
Meetings & Discord server: We have semi-weekly public meetings online to discuss progress and make plans. This page contains information on where and when the meetings are and also the meeting recordings & notes. The meetings, Discord, and the forums are where almost all of our discussion takes place, and are all open to the public.
Project Wiki
Project wiki: Shared with Project Tamriel, this is where we now host our planning information and modding guidelines.
If you have questions, feedback, or would like to help improve something you see in here, please visit us on our Discord server or post on the forums.