Great House Hlaalu

Hlaalu Canal Corner Pieces

There was talk on Discord after showing my waterfront pieces that corner pieces for regular canals would be nice. Since that was an easy task I thought I should do that right away, otherwise it will be forgotten. There is een normal and inverted corner. Can also do smaller corners if that is needed.

If you ask yourself why they aren't the same size, that is sloppyness and me beign too lazy to change it. They snap correctly anyway.

Narsis Waterfront Meshes

Waterfront meshes to decobble the Narsis dock area. Add verticality and something unique. The waterlevel tunnel can be used for shady TG quests and merchant storehouses. The upper promenade can be used but the common folk for market, trade or strolling.

Currently in the set:
Straight pieces:

  • with door
  • with dock
  • with dock & door
  • Double piece with stairs
  • Double piece with stairs
  • End 01
  • End 02

Curved pieces:

Andothren TR_i4-125 (East #61 Mages Guild)

Dubious fitting of the ext and questionable cluttering:

  • New living quarters (underground), replacing the current beds at the sides of the teleporter room, these should be turned into a training room and a research area
  • expand the entrance hall a cell to the left (fitting the exterior) and turn it into a properly staffed entrance hall
  • replace some of the sitting room arrangements with bookshelves
  • find something exotic to add

The above aside:


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