Great House Hlaalu

Othmura #11

A small Mages Guild hall similar to the one in Caldera, with a guild guide, two or so bunks and one or two services. It can be built into the cliff and downwards one floor. Use de_m furniture, and don't forget the supply chest.


Old description

Hlan Oek #23 - Sewers

Hlan Oek 23 Sewers

The sewers under Hlan Oek, hidden behind the filth a cammona tong hideout with their main stash in the middle thirr, along with a small lab for making skooma.

Claim should be made using the new Hlaalu Sewer set

Furniture: De_p or de_ex

Shell: Sewer, check the map for sewer grates, note that claims 12, 16 and 19 will also have sewer connections from their basements.

Shorted a Kwama
The player is asked to transport some goods from/to Andothren and some other town. They are given a stack of Kwama Eggs (or something...this references the quest title, so could be guar hide for Shorted a Guar or whatever...) and told to go take them to another NPC in the next town over for an agreed on profit of 200 gold (or around there).


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