2021-05-09 Meeting Summary

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Atrayonis's picture
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2015-09-28 20:13
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2 years 7 months ago

Rename Results

Verarchen - 90 votes
Meeting Result: 82 (91%) / Keep Verarchen 8 (9%)

Cormar - 88 votes
Meeting Result: 64 (72%) / Keep Cormar 24 (28 %)

Andothren - 88 votes
Meeting Result: 77 (88% ) / Rename to Bal Foyen 11 (12%)

Kragen Mar - 93 votes
Meeting Result: 60 (65%) / Keep Kragen Mar 33 (35%)

Baan Malur - 94 votes
Meeting Result: 75 (80%) / Rename to Blacklight 19 (20%)

Kogomar - 84 votes
Meeting Result: 60 (71%) / Keep Kogomar 24 (29%)

Bahrammu - 80 votes
Meeting Result: 77 (96%) / Rename to something (Bahruul?) 3 (4%)

Dreynim/Dreynim Spa - 78 votes
Meeting Result: 73 (94%) / Rename now 5 (6%)

Adurin-Ouaka - 84 votes
Meeting Result: 78 (95%) / Keep Adurin-Ouaka 6 (5%)

Ildrim - 87 votes
Meeting Result: 47 (54%) / Keep Ildrim 40 (46%)

Uneyn - 81 votes
Meeting Result: 77 (95%) / Keep Uneyn 4 (5%)

Bodrem - 90 votes
Meeting Result: 58 (64%) / Keep Bodrem 32 (36%)

Ilaanam - 81 votes
Meeting Result: 66 (81%) / Rename to Lanaaru/Lanar/Lanaam/Llaanam 15 (19%)

Fort Ancylis - 91 votes
Meeting Result 86 (95%) / Rename to Fort [sth]moth 5 (5%)

Hlarud - 95 votes
Meeting Result 30 (32%) / Rename to Hla Rud 65 (68%)

Iliath - 91 votes
Meeting Result 85 (93%) / Rename to a non-ESO alternative 6 (7%)

What and when do we do with this?

  1. The name change of the settlements which are not yet in TR_Mainland will be implemented as soon as feasible.
  2. The name change of the settlements in TR_Mainland will be implemented alongside the Imperial Telvannis Redo of Charger24.
  3. Cicero has volunteered to see this through.
Cicero's picture
Senior DeveloperAsset ReviewerWriting ReviewerExterior ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2016-01-25 21:01
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7 hours 20 min ago

Just going to comment here in case there are people reading it that are not sure what any of this means.

- Verarchen will be renamed to Veranis

- Cormar will be renamed to Cormaris, and lake Cormar to Cormar bay

- Andothren will stay as is, though the bowl landscape it sits in will be referred to as the Bal Foyen. If there is a cavern created in the future to the underworld, the cavern will be named as Bal Foyen (almalexia punching the earth to stop the floods)

- Kragen Mar will be renamed to Kragenmoor

- Baan Malur is staying, with pre-armistice imperial texts/maps and imperial dialogue on the off chance referring to it as Blacklight

-  Kogomar is being renamed to Falenmar

- Bahrammu is staying as is

- Dreynim is staying as is for the time being

- Adurin-Ouaka is being renamed to Andar Mok

- Ildrim is being renamed to Darvon, and Menyaan is being renamed to Ildrim

- Uneyn is being renamed to Andrethis

- Bodrem is being renamed to Bodrum

- Ilaanam is staying as is

- Fort Ancylis is renaming as is

- Hlarud is gaining a space to make it Hla Rud

- Iliath is remaining as is