2021-07-11 Meeting Summary

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Gnomey's picture
Asset DeveloperWriterExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-08-10 20:50
Last seen:
1 day 14 hours ago

Proposed Agenda

Dominions of Dust

Anything release-critical that needs immediate attention?

Future Releases

  • Sorting out which cites have which guild halls
    • Thieves Guild
    • Morag Tong
    • How much do the Temple and Cult need this?
  • Resolving more Imperial Cult issues, perhaps up to a Template Meeting
    • IC shrines start appearing in Thirr Valley and need a better overarching characterisation
    • The faction endgame
  • Same thing for the Psijjic Order.
    • Requires Infragris and a whole lot of lore-aware people.
  • Thirr Valley NPCing preparations

Future Releases Part II

  • Where should the low/mid/high level quests go?
  • Marakh-Bazhul geography

Tamriel Data

  • Discussing cross-province armor and weapon stats


  • Work to be done on the unified wiki for PT and TR
  • Handbook structural revisal

Meeting Summary


VM template meetings:

The template meeting applies to MB, the additions detailed below serve to make the region more unique.


Closed from both the Morrowind and Cyrodiil side
Narrow, barren mountain valleys and passes - should not restrict player movement too much though; this will need some testing in practice.
Couple of streams flowing out the mountains


Cael: Ayleid ruin overlooking a river (the name is an Imperial corruption of the Ayleid name, Cey-El being suggested as the original -- but not in-game -- name)
Akgun: Dwemer ruin overrun by orcs
Frimvorn Pass: Mountain pass on the Cyrodiil side, controlled by Nords in their First Empire days
Ruined Redoran Stronghold: Towards Kogotel, on the BM side
Dragon Cave: Possibly in the far Northwest, maybe a lesser dragon?


Orcs, kobolds, goblins, gremlins and ogres if available and werewolves in various small tribes, fighting with each other, some ogrims what with Malacath worship, also wolves and trolls
“Arctic” cliff racer and other flying critters
There was some discussion on viable implementations of the dragon. It was considered unlikely (without a monumental scripting effort) to be able to implement a convincing fight with a free-flying dragon, and it's more likely the player would fight the dragon when it's grounded in its cave. The dragon could, however, sometimes fly outside of the cave effectively as a passive activator creature without being able to engage or by engaged in combat with the player.


Could have some assets from Southern Velothi mountains. Would need more unique assets, something rugged and dull that fits the personification of the Orcs. (Trama roots could be a good example of that). Probably no or few fungi.
