These 2 regions are mostly complete, only pending a few future ext claims and section edits. However due to the ever changing nature of these regions, and me not wanting to edit the vastly outdated handbook pages, here we are.
Aanthirin Region
Aanthirin is undergoing a light region overhaul and will overall be more unique than it used to be.
Ground Textures:
-ai_dirtroad - minor roads and paths (pending unique dirtroad)
-T_De_SetInd_TxCobbleStone_01 - Veloth's Path
-Sand_02 - underwater
-AI_Tilled_Dirt - For farms, we may get a more appropriate texture at some point.
-Rock_Coastal - on coasts, and as a bare rock texture until the new AT rock set is in
-AI_Grass_Rocky - rock texture until the new AT rock set is in
-T_Mw_TerrCloverAT - lush ground texture
-T_Mw_TerrDirtGrassAT - dry ground texture
-T_Mw_TerrGrassAT - common grass texture
-T_Mw_TerrCrackedEarth_01 - dry rivers
Ascadian Isles rocks until the new AT rock set is in
Static Flora:
-T_Mw_Flora_ShroomTableG_**/O_** - common small fungus
-T_Mw_FloraAT_LilypadOrange_** - in shallow water around shores
-T_Mw_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_** - grows in clusters
-T_Mw_FloraAT_SporeCloud_01 - around large moss clumps
-T_Mw_FloraAT_TreeB_** - drier trees
-T_Mw_FloraAT_TreeG_** - lusher trees
-flora_tree_ai_04 - less common smaller tree until the AT replacement is made
-T_Mw_Flora_TreeOak_** - less common large tree
-flora_emp_parasol_** - rare
-T_Glb_Flora_Fern_** - replace BC grass with these
-flora_grass_01-04 - small grass statics for detailing
Container Flora:
-T_Mw_FloraAT_OranMoss** - On mossy ground
-T_Mw_Flora_LichenOr** - Grows on rocks
-T_Mw_Flora_TempleDom01 - pair with light T_Mw_Light_AanthirinMushroom
-flora_kreshweed_01 - common plant for velk to eat
-T_Mw_Flora_BlueKanet_** - common plant, replaces gold kanet
-flora_plant_03/T_Mw_Flora_TimsaComeB** - common flower, replaces stoneflower
-T_Mw_FloraAT_Uracia_** - common shroom
-T_Mw_FloraAT_Lily_01 - grows with orange lilypads in water
-flora_sedge_** - common flower, replaces anther flowers
-flora_corkbulb - uncommon medium plant
Cultivated Flora:
-flora_comberry_01 - winerys
-T_Mw_Flora_Hamumroot** - common crop
-flora_kreshweed_01 - cultivated where velk are ranched
Vertex Shading:
-Under statics: 104,100,90
-Between textures: 121,121,121
Coronati Basin Region
The region formerly known as Thirr Valley will be undergoing a similar in scale touch up, this time more involving rock culling and keeping the lush areas closer to water.
Ground Textures:
-ai_dirtroad - minor roads and paths (pending unique dirtroad)
-Sand_02 - underwater
-AI_Tilled_Dirt - For farms, we may get a more appropriate texture at some point.
-T_Mw_TerrDirtGrassAT - dry ground texture
-T_Mw_TerrDaeStoneAT - Daedric ruins
-T_Mw_TerrDirtRockTV - rocky slopes
-T_Mw_TerrDirtTV - dry areas
-T_Mw_TerrGrassDirtTV - dry areas
-T_Mw_TerrGrassMossTV - lush areas
-T_Mw_TerrGrassTV - more frequent in lush areas, uncommon in drier areas
-T_Mw_TerrRoadTV - main roads
-T_Mw_TerrRockMossTV - lusher rocky areas
-WG_road - Hlaalu settlements
-WG_cobblestones - Hlaalu settlements
Static Flora:
-T_Mw_Flora_ShroomTableR_**/O_** - grows more frequently closer to water
-T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeGeran_** - common tree, grows in clusters
-T_Mw_FloraTV_TreeZifa_** - found frequently around the river, and infrequently inland
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeRedLeaf_** - uncommon tree to add diversity.
-T_Mw_FloraAT_LilypadOrange_** - in shallow water around shores and in swamp puddles
-T_Mw_FloraAT_SporeCloud_01 - around large moss clumps
-T_Mw_FloraAT_TreeB_** - rare tree
-T_Mw_FloraOW_OvaryTree_01/T_Mw_FloraOW_OvarySprout_01 - uncommon medium plant
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeMed_** - uncommon tree, more frequent near OW
-T_Mw_FloraOW_TreeTall_** - uncommon tree, more frequent near OW
-T_Mw_FloraTV_ManShroom_** grows exclusively on water and coastlines
Container Flora:
-T_Mw_FloraAT_OranMoss** - around the river and lake
-T_Mw_Flora_TempleDom01 - pair with light T_Mw_Light_AanthirinMushroom
-T_Mw_FloraAT_Uracia_** - common shroom
-T_Mw_FloraAT_Lily_01 - grows with orange lilypads in water
-T_Mw_FloraTV_SpoLotus** - grows in shallow water
-T_Mw_FloraTV_Weepveil** - pair with BC mushroom light - grows more frequently near water
-T_Mw_FloraSH_Tanna** - grows in clumps in drier areas
Cultivated Flora:
-T_Mw_Flora_Hamumroot** - common crop
-T_Mw_FloraOW_SujPod** - near OW
-T_Mw_FloraSH_Tanna** - common crop
Vertex Shading:
-Under statics: 64,54,52
-Between textures: 121,121,121
Lake Coronati
A majority of the lake still needs to be made, and should have room for Dreugh Citadels if we make it before they are ready.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Bulbshroom_** - Pair with light T_Mw_Light_Bulbshroom_** - Use as you would use kelp in other underwater areas.
-in_cave_plant(00/10) - In flora patches with bulbshrooms
-T_Mw_Flora_Seacup_** - Common underwater container.
-T_Mw_FloraOW_Tulband** - Fruit that grows in shallow areas. Place so the fruit is on the surface of the water.
-Ex_barnacles_** - On rocks, docks etc
-kollop_** - Use less frequently than you do in other underwater areas.