Affiliated with the Great House

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Declen's picture
2021-11-11 03:19
Last seen:
2 weeks 2 days ago

Reading some older posts I found out it's a consensus that it should be more difficult to join Great Houses Inoril and Dres. Various proposals were suggested on how to implement it. Here is one of mine.
The player shouldn't be able to join them right away at all. Instead, he/she is given the opportunity to work for the House as a formal associate with the prospect to join it. If the player accepts this, he/she is included into a quasi-faction "affiliated with House Indoril/Dres". The faction should have 3 to 5 usable ranks called something like "client", "associate", "contractor", "ally", with the last one being "candidate".
As soon as the player reaches that rank, he/she is offered to join the House properly. The process itself might include some additional steps, but after it's done, the player is immediately promoted to the rank of Oathman (or its analog), since he/she has already proven him- or herself to the House.
This approach could also be used to allow players, who already joined another House to work with Great House Indoril and Dres (unless two Houses are in a direct conflict that is). Of course, in that case the player is never promoted to the rank of the candidate and can't join the House.

Sultan of Rum's picture
Sultan of Rum
Senior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2019-08-25 19:28
Last seen:
10 hours 43 min ago

The information on our website on the native houses is generally quite outdated. Several new clean-slate proposals for the houses are in works and being discussed on Discord. Some of that info has by now trickled into the wiki (although most hasn't yet). We now aim to bring joining Indoril and Dres quite a bit closer to what the vanilla houses do. Similar to what you suggested, you'd be able to become essentially a hired hand quite easily, as the houses will naturally need people for menial tasks, no matter how exclusivist they are for later ranks. Like the vanilla houses, you will need to find a patron to progress to later stages, or do something similar to that. Perhaps that will be more difficult for Indoril and Dres.

Declen's picture
2021-11-11 03:19
Last seen:
2 weeks 2 days ago

So, you want to reserve lowest ranks of a faction for essentially non-members?
Or you'll just give the player House quests while keeping them formally outside (until what)?

Stele's picture
Asset DeveloperAsset Reviewer
2023-01-04 02:03
Last seen:
1 day 15 hours ago

Game mechanics forces you to join faction before getting faction rep afaik, so such clout gathering phase wouldn't work.

Declen's picture
2021-11-11 03:19
Last seen:
2 weeks 2 days ago

Game mechanics forces you to join faction before getting faction rep afaik

That's what I believe, too.

clout gathering phase

A what phase?