Aidan1470's Showcase

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Aidan's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-02-09 23:12
Last seen:
7 hours 17 min ago

Hi there! I've built up a little interior showcase for TR here, it's a fairly standard Hlaalu-style 2x2x3 house. The owner I imagined as a down on his luck, rogue-ish Dunmer with some musical talent (according to him) and a bit of a penchant for drink.

The cell's name is "TR_Aidan_InteriorShowcase". This is the first time I've used the Construction Set for much of anything so I hope I've managed to get the work to a decent standard and I look forward to your feedback.

I took this down before to fix a couple issues, it should be a bit better off now.

Binary Data Clean TR_Interior_Showcase(Aidan1470).ESP49.29 KB2022-02-10 10:37
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago



Clean: No, many dirty edits. Will explain in comment

Lighting: Ambient too high, sunlight greyscale. Will explain in comment. Some greenlight issues are present too, but can only be noticed when the ambient is reduced.

Northmarker: Present, good.

Fits exterior: Does not appear to fit any of the hlaalu shells.

Pathgrid: None

Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good.

Gridsnap: Yes, good.

bk_AncestorsAndTheDunmer, into the shelf it's on
bk_PilgrimsPath, into the shelf a tiny bit
bk_SaryonisSermons, into the shelf
com_basket_01_food, bottom floor corner, into the floor and the tapestry
com_basket_01_ingredien, into the floor and the tapestry
com_sack_02_saltrice_10, into the tapestry
furn_de_p_stool_02, into the rug
misc_de_lute_01, into the hook at the top end of the lute
ingred_bread_01, into the plate
ingred_crab_meat_01, through the plate and out the other side
iron dagger, into the desk
light_de_lamp_04 x2 into the wall
misc_com_broom_01, into the floor
p_restore_health_s, into basket
pick_apprentice_01, into paper
pick_apprentice_01, into paper
text_paper_roll_01, the one closer to the bed, into the table

chitin cuirass
common_pants_01, this asset also does not have a bottom texture so it should never be placed so its bottom face is visible. Otherwise you get an effect called "caspering", where it appears see through from one side.
common_shirt_03, not sitting on bed flat
de_p_table_01_pos1 slightly into the bed
furn_de_p_chair_02 x3
furn_de_p_table_04 x2
Gold_25 x2
iron throwing knife x3 (the ones on the floor)
light_de_candle_04_64, rotation attempted but not quite accurate
misc_com_bucket_01, rotated by 2 degrees but doesn't need to be.
sc_paper plain, on the bedside table


No T_Data assets. When updating this, please load Tamriel_Data alongside it and add a few assets from there.

Furniture that is partially on top of rugs needs to be tilted so all 4 legs are on the ground. It's a lot of effort so people often just make sure all the furniture is entirely on or off rugs. Either solution is fine.

Sacks, such as com_sack_02_chpfood3, should be sunk into the floor a bit to simluate them being soft.

furn_de_rug_big_04 need to be sunk so the tassles are on the floor, this has been done correctly for 1 out of the 3 instances of this asset.

Tapestries not correct, will explain in comment.

Bladed weapons should be rotated slightly so the blade rests flat on the surface.

All assets on top of the furn_de_p_table_04 assets and the furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 asset need to be rotated so they sit flat on the uneven surface.

Misc_Inkwell perfectly rotated, take that as the standard for well rotated assets on uneven surfaces.

Inappropriate asset usage:
sack_tomb_ingred: this is for tombs and is a blocked reference

misc_com_bottle_07_float: _float assets have a script that makes them bob around like it's floating in water, not for use in ints like this

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

There's a few major things that need fixing, but fortunately you have a decent grasp on stylistic choices which are the hardest skills to teach. The rest is just standards and technique.

First of all, TR's standard ambient lighting settings are much lower than that of vanilla. Take a look at similar Hlaalu interiors in mainland for an idea of what levels to go for. As a standard you should be looking for a rich brown colour in the colour preview box. Also, make sure none of your lighting values have the same value 3 times, like your sunlight and your fog settings, because that just makes them pure black.

Second, these ints need to fit to an exterior shell. Take a look at the ex_hla statics and see which shell you want your int to fit, right now your door placement means it won't fit to any of the shells. Should be asimple case of picking a shell and moving/adding the door/s in the correct place/s.

Third, this needs to be cleaned in TESAME, there are a lot of dirty edits.

and fourth, there needs to be a pathgrid added to the cell.

Finally, tapestries should be placed like in the image below, with the stick stuck into the part above the wooden beam.

For these issues, I'd recommend taking a look at the showcase guidelines here:
For more specific explanations of the major issues that need working on, take a look at:
The Pathgridding tutorial:
The TESAME cleaning tutorial:
and the Item Placement tutorial:

As ever feel free to let me know either here or on the discord if you have any further questions

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Aidan's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-02-09 23:12
Last seen:
7 hours 17 min ago

Hi again, I've (hopefully) fixed most of the issues that were present in the original, I've changed the interior so that it fits the "ex_hlaalu_b_22" shell, had to move some clutter to the other corner to fit the door but it worked out I think. Hopefully all those floaters and bleeders are gone. I've run the esp through TESAME, think I caught all the dirty edits, nothing really stood out to me afterwards, but if I missed anything I'll give it another run. So yeah, hope it's an improvement!

Binary Data TR_Interior_Showcase(Aidan1470) (Updated).ESP52.06 KB2022-02-15 00:15
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

When cleaning in TESAME you gotta get rid of all records except new assets you made specifically for the esp, the record of the cell itself, and the record of the pathgrid. Edits to objects that already exist that you place in the cell need to be cleaned away, otherwise they make a change to every one of that item in the whole game.
To clean this one, you need to get rid of everything record except the cell and the pathgrid.

Just sort that out and I can do a proper review.

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Aidan's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-02-09 23:12
Last seen:
7 hours 17 min ago

Hey sorry for the confusion, here's the cleaned file.

Binary Data Clean TR_Interior_Showcase(Aidan1470) (Updated).ESP12.54 KB2022-02-16 01:49
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

Name: TR_Aidan_InteriorShowcase

Clean: Yes, good

Lighting: Ambient blue a bit high, all sunlight values too high. Sunlight values should all be below 25 for an int of this type.

light_de_lantern_04_157 x2 are causing greenlight. Greenlight is a visual bug that occurs when a light is too bright or too close to a surface, or sometimes just randomly because Morrowind engine. In this case, they should not be directly under the wooden X on the ceiling. Compare it to the one above the table where the ceiling above it still looks normal. Just scooch the other two over a bit until the ceilings aren't green. Provided an image to show what I mean.

Northmarker: Present, good

Fits exterior: Yes, good

Pathgrid: One unnecessary node, bottom floor in front of the table with the knives on it.

Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good

Gridsnap: Yes, good

active_de_p_bed_04 & de_p_chest_02_mclothes3, a tiny bit into the wall at the bottom on the right side. Shift both about 0.6 on the y axis and you'll be able to fit the bed in without touching the table.
furn_de_p_table_04, the feet bleed into the wall at the bottom, shuffle it forward a tiny bit.
Potion_Local_Brew_01, bleeding into the bottle next to it.

furn_de_p_bench_04 is half on a rug, so it needs to be tilted slightly so all 4 legs are on the ground.
Misc_Com_Bottle_14, the one on the floor


com_sack_01_chpfood5, we have sacks designed to use for leaning up against stuff. Swap this out for any of the com_sack_03 assets.

The tipped over chair blocks access to a significant amount of space, remove. Make sure to adjust the pathgrid to account for it not being there.

3 of the iron throwing knife on the table and the iron dagger by the bed still need tilting so their blade rests.

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Aidan's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-02-09 23:12
Last seen:
7 hours 17 min ago

Alright, hopefully that's everything spruced up now. :D

Binary Data Clean TR_Interior_Showcase(Aidan1470).ESP12.5 KB2022-02-16 13:36
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago


Clean:Yes, good

Lighting: Greenlight still present, still need to move the lanterns. Example position shown in attached image.

Northmarker: Present, good.

Fits exterior: Yes, good

Pathgrid: No issues

Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes, good

Gridsnap: Yes, good




ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Aidan's picture
Senior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2022-02-09 23:12
Last seen:
7 hours 17 min ago

Okay, they've been scooched.

Binary Data Clean TR_Interior_Showcase(Aidan1470) (Scooched).ESP12.5 KB2022-02-16 14:17
jackimoff wackimoff's picture
jackimoff wackimoff
ModeratorSenior DeveloperWriting ReviewerInterior ReviewerQuest Reviewer
2021-02-06 12:11
Last seen:
1 week 1 day ago

Perfect, that's a pass. Congrats!

ₒₕ, bₒₒ𝒹?

Mark's picture
ModeratorSenior DeveloperInterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2020-07-31 02:09
Last seen:
4 hours 6 min ago
