Delivery for a Scholar
Quest Summary
Find (or get directed towards) a ring on a dead courier with a scamp over his body. Get it to where it's going, or not.
50 coins, ring (if honest)
just ring (if you lie)
To play this quest:
Speak to Tyaco Vando at Teyn tradehouse, accept quest (ring from Ramaran)
1A.5 (Optional):
Speak to Dalam Ramaran at his manor in Bodrum
Speak to Tyaco Vando and either give him the ring or lie (100 or 105, quest should end); get 50 gold if you show it to him and keep the ring either way
Leave the cell and come back, he should be gone either way
(test note): killing him anytime before a conclusion stage should give a journal update, killing him after should not
Pick up the ring from the corpse without getting the quest or talking to either of them
(test note): this won’t give a journal update, but rather silently flips a global variable
->1B.5: (Optional):
Go talk to Dalam Ramaran
return and give the ring to Tyacalo, you should have a slightly different journo entry than A path (90)
CX:(any time before a quest ender journo)
Kill Tyaco Vando at any stage, quest should terminate
Dalam’s daughter, Rarvela Ramaran, is in the manor and should have dialogue if you’re at quest stage 30+ /or/ just know the topic “ring for Ramaran”
COC Teyn (A\C path start)
COE -10, -16 (B path start)
^^)Roth Roryn Region(
COC Bodrum, Ramaran Manor
TR_Update.ESP (note, I’ve played without this and it worked fine)
TR_Hotfix.esp (note, I’ve played without this and it worked fine)
TR_Delivery for a Scholar
Watch out for:
Quest giver should be disabled on next cell load after quest is over
latest rumour for those in Teyn and the Trade House for
Helpful Information:
TR_m4_T_Scholar <- Journal Entry
TR_m4_Tyacalo_Vando <- quest giver, in the Teyn Tradehouse
TR_m4_Dalam_Ramaran <- extant NPC with dialogue for the new topic "ring from Ramaran"
TR_m4_q_T_Scholar_RingGet <- (global starting @ 0; used to mark it was unexpected, e.g. quest not obtained from giver but item still found)
TR_m4_Q_T_Scholar_RingObtaining (script for picking up the ring)
TR_m4_Q_T_Scholar_Departs (script for ensuring the Scholar removes himself after quest complete, unless it completed via his death)
TR_m4_T_Scholar_Note (the note, it doesn’t have associated scripts)
TR_m4_T_Scholar_Scamp_Ring (the ring, summons a scamp briefly)
2022-04-18 15:48
2 days 22 hours ago
I've had a quick look in CS. No playthrough yet. My notes:
General Writing Notes
You've got a lot of double-spaces in various places. Perhaps these were copied out of another document? Anyway, no double-spaces please. Apart from that, writing is very nice.
NPCs / Objects
Departure script - Note that CellChanged fires when the player enters the cell, but not when they leave. This won't make any difference for your quest, but it's worth keeping in mind for the future. Also you've got him not Disabling on Journal == 105 - that's the journal index for if you lie to the guy, not for if he's dead. Should be 110.
90, 100
Latest rumours
Ring from Ramaran
2023-04-11 21:12
8 months 3 weeks ago
Life calmed down and I started to fix the quest per Pralec's corrections; however, the KT got axed as a faction like a month after this and it feels pointless to shoehorn this tight of a concept into another faction or generify it. As such I will make a new showcase/concept.