Blades in TR

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2022-08-04 13:34
Last seen:
2 years 1 month ago

How exactly are the Blades going to be portrayed?I was under the impression the portrayal of the blades in Oblivion was a retcon and that the Blades in TR are going to be mainly spies with the exception of some public members as ambassadors.However I just went through the 1st Pocket Guide again and it does mentions the use of Blades as shock troops with Akaviri equipment.


The high crafts of daikatanas and dragonscale armor came from Akavir, as did the banners and military dress of Septim's shock troops, the Blades. The high crafts of daikatanas and dragonscale armor came from Akavir, as did the banners and military dress of Septim's shock troops, the Blades.

And in  Daggerfall lore they are a secret order of warriors founded by Tiber septim and according to the Underking they also once served as the honor guard of Tiber Septim


If you are unaware, the Blades were once the honor guard for Tiber Septim. Today they are loyal to the empire and Tiber's code, but not always to the current emperor. The Underking has reason to not wish harm upon the Blades. We want you to infiltrate Castle Llugwych in Ykalon and remove the (magical item). Please have this done in (time limit) days if you want your information and reward."

Lady Brisienna

"(Player's first name), I'm glad you could meet me here. The Blades and your emperor need you again. You may or may not be aware that the Totem of Tiber Septim has been found. For a brief time Lord Woodborne of Wayrest had it. Where he got it from is still a mystery. The Blades mounted an assault upon Woodborne Hall to retrieve it. Although the Hall fell, many of our number fell with it.
We sacked the Woodborne Hall, but the Totem was gone. I have reason to believe that Gothryd has the Totem. The Blades no longer have the men to mount an assault on Castle Daggerfall. You have shown yourself to be quite adept at getting in and out of these places. Would you go into Castle Daggerfall and retrieve the Totem of Tiber Septim?"


So the portrayal in Oblivion with their distinct armor and body guards isn't actually as big of a retcon as I thought.