Blender: exported NIF has giant bounding box

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Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
1 month 3 weeks ago

I don't know, I'm probably doing something really noobish here that I just forgot about but when I import a NIF to Blender and export it afterwards it ends up having a way too large bounding box.

The correct scale correction value for importing and exporting NIFs is 10, so why is the bounding box being upscaled by 100 (I assume) and the model itself just by 10 as seen in the screenshot below (mortar & pestle)?

Also is there any way to edit the bounding box of a NIF after exporting it?

Asylum's picture
Asset Developer
2016-02-05 22:51
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

Normally the item you have doesn't need a bounding box. If it is then you should be able to tweak it in nifscope.
I think you might have an issue with the item size.
check the mesh in nifscope,
select the item with name ninode richt click it > Transform > edit
see if scale is 1, if not set the value to 1. (if not check the NiTriShape for the same issue)
the item will now scale up, to scale it back down select the NiTriShape > Transform > scale verticles

If the issue is indeed the bounding box, you can also us nifscope to scale the verticles of the bounding box down.

I you need further elaboration please ask.

Kind Regards,

Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
1 month 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the great help Asylum, I'll try that as soon as I get home.

Did you notice that the model in the picture is one of yours (with a different texture and vertex paint)?

It's for my own game that I wrote you about (utilizing OpenMW). The game has completely custom assets (from my own and other peoples resources but also many paid models that I converted). You're still very welcome to join at any time smiley

Asylum's picture
Asset Developer
2016-02-05 22:51
Last seen:
4 years 3 months ago

What was it that you where creating and do you have a place set up to contribute ?

Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
1 month 3 weeks ago

Thanks again, I got it working now!
That's a pretty wall you got there, it reminds me of renaissance castles.

​​​​I don't have a website for the project yet, as of now I'm creating the asset kit and also designing the game itself. So far I've got a whole cave set and various other items done.

If you're interested in joining or simply willing to share some of your great assets please add me in Steam smiley