Is there an expansion of the popular Children of Morrowind for TR? If nobody has done one, I can volunteer to try to add the kids, since I have worked with them in the past, though I would not start until I finish Version 1 of my TR Linking Books next month.
(Reply #1) Posted on Tue, 2016-06-14 05:34
2015-07-05 20:55
4 years 1 month ago
I do not believe that a TR version of Children of Morrowind has been done. Unfortunately, the modding community does not always tell us what mods they’ve created for TR. A quick google search did not find anything. I would suggest posting this question to the Bethesda Forum just to be sure.
2016-06-07 00:41
1 year 11 months ago
Inquiry posted. If this ends up being one of my projects, I'll do it the same way as the linking books and only include the settlements in whatever is the current Main release with each version.