Cleaning Mods Help

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Meej-Dar's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-21 23:14
Last seen:
7 years 7 months ago

So, I looked at the way to become a quester, and it says that I need to make a showcase. And, in order to make the showcase, I have to clean the mod. It linked to a tutorial on how to do it. But it raised a concern I have... I don't understand the tutorial, and that's because I don't know what a 'dirty' or 'clean' mod is. I've made mods before (although they were generally just for me, like my Nerevar the Vampire mod that lets you be a vampiric form of the Nerevarine; when you remove the negative effects of Corprus while being a vampire, you also remove the negative effects of vampirism), but I've never cleaned them. So... just a bit of explanation as to what this means would be appreciated. And be sure to talk to me like I don't know anything about this sort of stuff. Because, er, I don't.

Mortimer's picture
Senior DeveloperQuest Reviewer
2016-06-10 21:48
Last seen:
2 hours 39 min ago

Dirty references are objects or dialogue from the original game that have been changed by a mod accidently. For example, say a modder changed the object barrel_01 in the editor to include a lute, but did so unwittingly because he added it to a local object not realizing that every instance of that object in the entire game would now contain a lute. This is a dirty reference, the unintended modifying of the games original objects. More often than not, modders will create dirty references when they move objects around in the render-window and then press the ‘save’ button to save the position of the object

Now the problem with dirty references, particularly with items and exterior/interior cells, is they create unneeded conflicts with other mods.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 1 day ago

My simple way is to use Enchanted Editor, and then delete all references in the list that I know I never touched.

To go along with what Mortimer said, sometimes references get dirtied even if you didn't touch them in the CS. Chalk it up to the CS being its quirky self; that's why cleaning is required even if you are a careful modder.

Meej-Dar's picture
Quest Developer
2017-04-21 23:14
Last seen:
7 years 7 months ago

Wow. So, I didn't realize that TESAME was a program you dowloaded. I thought the tutorial was telling you what to do in the CS. Heh... my bad.