CM_09 Quest and Point of Interest Proposal

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LogansGun's picture
Senior DeveloperExterior ReviewerQuest Developer
2023-07-16 17:58
Last seen:
35 min 48 sec ago

*This is a WIP. I'll update as I develop the claim, but I wanted to get some ideas on paper. Feedback is appreciated.*


Locations - 

Nchelam-Schek: This Dwemer ruin is situated high up in the Velothi Mountains west of Veranis. The main structure is seated against a glacier -- the source of the Roryn River. Nchelam-Schek's original fuction is unknown. However, one can make the presupposition that the flow of the glacier's water was meant to cool Dwemer machinary. With that being said, there have been numerous complaints from the people of Veranis that the water they use for drinking and bathing is "dirty." Denizens of the higher classes refuse to drink the water, while lower class individuals and families have managed by allowing the red sediment to settle before drinking. This has not been without consequence, however. Many people are ill. It is later learned that the source of this contamination is coming from Nchelam-Schek. Inexplicably the ruin's machinary is functioning again; the external mechanisms that feed into the water are damaged.

(Dunmer Name) Farm: In the shadow of the Nord ruin Lokunshal, the (Dunmer Name) family -- mother, father, and son -- lived a peaceful life on the Roryn. Unfortunately, as the player will discover, this small peaceful farm has been ransacked by Malahk Orcs. The mother is found dead at her doorstep; the son near a wrecked rowboat, arrows in his back; and the father appears to be missing. Certain shop owners of Veranis will mention being short on produce, and have not seen the father or son of the (Dunmer Name) family in several days. 


Quests - 

The Red Roryn: While the player navigates the city of Veranis, they'll hear several concerns from the populace that their drinking water is unclean, contaminated even, as people have started to get sick. Depending on who the player talks to, he'll learn that poorer residents are able to drink it by allowing the red sediment to settle. Upper class individuals outright refuse to use the water, and, to quench their thirst, have resorted to drinking alcohol or paying exorbitant prices for imported water. Veranis' leader tasks the player with finding out the source of this blight on his city. He suggests following the river west toward the falls. High in the mountains is a glacier that has long provided the city with clean water. 

(A) The player will need to follow the river east towards the Velothi Mountains Region. He will come to a waterfall. There is no easy way up the mountain, but once at the top he will come to the Dewmer ruin Nchelam-Schek. Smoke rises from it's chimneys. Inside the machinery is wirring loudly, the player is met with hostile enemies. After fighting through to the lower levels, the player will come to a large room with a shut-off lever. Acitvating this lever will shut down the machinary in the facility, preventing further contamination of the water.

The player should then return to the quest giver for a reward. The people of Veranis will show their gratitude through dialogue. 

(B) If the player already cleared Nchelam-Schek, they can go to Veranis and tell the leader that he was the one who fixed the water problem. 


A Family Torn Apart: While walking the shores of the Roryn, the player will come across a ransacked homestead. It's obvious that the family was attacked by raiders: A woman lay at the entrance of the house with an axe in her chest; a young man near the river's edge has several arrows in his back. From the looks of the mess, it appears that the attackers were looking for something specific -- an artifact, possibly. Clues inside the house should lead the player to the conclusion that the woman was married and the young man had a father. The player should be led to believe, through the use of interior objects and letters, that there is a father of the household. He escaped and headed for the Nord Ruin Lokunshal. Outside the ruin is a group of raiders (likely Malahk Orcs) who will attack the player on sight. The player will enter the ruin and find himself in an antechamber. Standing in this room is a dunmer who claims to be hiding from the raiders outside, says he fought to save his family, but in the end had to flee.