Cropped map

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Geophysic2013's picture
Asset Developer
2018-04-17 00:38
Last seen:
5 months 3 weeks ago

Sorry for offtop.

Why map cropped at south? If I'm not mistaken, at the previous TR version, the map was drawn much south. Did i install TR wrong? Or Is it unfinished landmass that wrote at TR_Readme?

P.S. Thank you very much for new release and huge labour that you make

Fürst Thal's picture
Fürst Thal

You are not using the MCP(Morrowind code patch) option. Download it from nexus and select the expended map option. That should make the map show up correctly.

Geophysic2013's picture
Asset Developer
2018-04-17 00:38
Last seen:
5 months 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much!!! Map fixed up.