Miscelaneous quest on Darvonis (Sundered Scar redo)
Title: Muck Business
NPCs: Loryn Rothras, Nurlyn Mirdes
The quest will be given by Loryn Rothras
1: If the player decides to talk to Loryn, he will ask for the player's time to help him out a bit, and if whether or not the player could fetch a muck shovel he left for repairs at the shop of the blacksmith, Nurlyn Mirdes (Denying will end the quest). After agreeing to it, Loryn will tell the player where Mirdes' store is.
2: Nurlyn Mirdes will be a regular merchant, and once the quest is started, a dialogue topic for Loryn's shovel will be added and the player can now ask for it. After asking about the muck shovel, Mirdes will give the player Loryn's shovel to give it back to him.
3: After going back to Loryn and giving his shovel back, you'll get a disposition increase from him, and he'll ask for one last favor from the player and ask you to go with him to the shore south of the city, where all the muckspunges are (If you deny to help him, he'll thank you for your past help and give a smaller reward).
4: Once the player arrives with Loryn to the shore, he'll ask to help them out by clearing the spunges from the slaughterfish surrounding them (Quest will end if Loryn gets killed by the slaughterfish, or if he dies too). After killing the last slaughterfish and talk to Loryn, he'll thank the player for all his help and give him drakes and muck as a reward (plus a disposition increase).
Used Addon and the Sundered Scar section file.
Edit/Update 18-04: Changed Nurlyn Mirdes' location and his profession from merchant to smith (shop is TR_Darvonis_11), and also changed Loryn's dialogue to fit changes. I'll be creating a quest object for Rothras' shovel (Just a muck shovel with different ID) and work on the scripts for him to follow the player to the shore, and for the slaughterfish to spawn right after reaching the shore.
Edit/Update 04-05: Added quest item (Loryn Rothras' Shovel) and finished half of the quest, the other half will be all the scripting section. Gotta make a script for Rothras to either have him make his way on to the northern shore that's in the town by himself once the player gets the journal entry 55 and wait for the player to go whenever, or follow the player to the shore to continue the quest. Then another script for the slaughterfish to spawn after player gets the journal entry 60 (Disable/enable script).
Edit/Update 11-05: Currently pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to get Loryn to move from Darvonis to the northern shore (Sundered Scar Region 22, -17). Was recommended to place the AIEscortCell command on the dialogue results box, and I do think that's the correct way to go, now I just got to see what's keeping the command from triggering during the playtest
Edit/Update 14-05: Showcase is ready for review.
2016-06-10 21:48
3 hours 21 min ago
Review notes:
"help me out" Topic
nurlyn mirdes topic
muckspunges topic
muck shovel
loryn rothras topic