Overall quest distribution: looking goooood
Work still needs to be done:
**getting the listed DOD quest designs rewritten, reviewed, made into proper claims, and opened up to claiming
**mark priorities, so if quests need to be dropped due time constraints, we know which ones to do so with
**faction questlines in particular may need tweaking to give the feel of an overarching narrative. "Emerging themes" point out what I see as these; may need discussion
**quests already implemented in Ascadian Bluffs (Teyn, Fort Ancylis) need to be counted up and reviewed to see if the additional quests still fit in
**Obainat needs some lore conflicts posed by Wicked Water Woes resolved.
**Ishanuran needs major lore documentaiton and questline help.
**Missing documentation on the Ashlanders surrounding the propylon fort: needs help and quest designs written.
**Iliath needs a quest to tie cherry-picked lore from ESO into it's TR reincarnation.
**Both vampire clans need quests, Baluath clan is missing documentation.
**Fighter's Guild could use 3-4 more quests dealing in themes of vigilante justice or monster hunting.
**Temple questline is shaping up to be huge. Some Speaker questlines need to be put into it; some quests might also need to be benched for a later Temple quest hub.
Fighter's Guild
Overall: 5-6 quests (last one is a biggie)
Emerging theme: In lieu of good guardsmen as Andothren's law system is corrupt by Camonna Tong, the player is instead called in as a mercenary to settle various safety and vigilante justice issues. There's also some dungeon runs into more dangerous areas for higher level players.
Hammer of Lavacrash: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/hammer-lavacrash
**cannabalized into Rats' questline, so closed/merged in asset broswer
Dead in the Water: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/oe-fighters-guild-dead-water
**to be kept in OE; removed from DoD plans
Tomb of Old Heretics: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/tombs-old-heretics
**sent back to asset browser for future reviews/rewrites, no longer to be in DoD
Shipping Woes Questline: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/shipping-woes-questline-imperial-navy
**held off on for some other town when we need cool quests
Rat's Questline: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/andothren-fg-questline
**opened and set to Rats!
Mages Guild
Overall: 9 quests
Emerging themes: research oriented, but as opposed to OE, research by higher-level mages and particularly into Daedric and Dwarven ruins.
Old Forum Questline: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=23557
**need formal review and turned into a claim
**needs formal review and made into a claim for MG specifically
Telepathy Revisited https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/telepathy-revisited-coding-heavy
**already claim and implemented, just needs final review
Dwarves Revisited https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/dwemer-have-souls
**closed, as Kemel-Ze already has the same questline/plot points in the making
Silent Scales: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/comment/11206#comment-11206
**refitted to a rogue mage, or perhaps player stumbles on them in some otherwise abandoned cave?
Overall: 9-17 quests
Emerging over-arching plot: a lot of these deal with insanity or sicknesses of the poor that were likely overlooked (or perhaps exacerbated) by Andothren's reputation of being a corrupt gang town. The Temple is doing pretty well handling these, but some priests may crack and resort to extreme measures to fight the corruption.
5-Quest Series by Rot: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/andothren-temple-questline
**needs formal review and made into claims
Hidden Quest for: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/disaster
**needs claim made for it
The Gambling Addict: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/gambling-addict
**needs made into a claim
Intro Pilgrimmage? https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/temple-mainland-pilgrimages-shrine...
**One of these may be fitting for an intro quest to the Andothren Temple
Greenspore: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/greenspore-npc-quest
**needs formal review and turns into a claim. Basically a guy has schizophrenia and wants you to kill people for him
Wonderpants: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/wonderpants
**what is this I don't even know...needs another review, frankly...
Temple Capstone: NEED DESIGN
**needs writing. Summary: Temple blames crime or greedy corruption for all the above ailments, tries to take extreme measures to stop it (and fail)
Finding Veloth's Path: NEED DESIGN
**needs writing. Summary: something to do with how the true Veloth's Path actually goes through the Armun Ashlands.
Speaker Questlines: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/alternate-quests-speaker-dead
**choose 2-3 from the above asset and put into claim. Kevaar Job
From Sanguine, With Love: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/sanguine-love
**tentatively can be re-worked into the Andothren Temple theme of dealing with strange ailments
Return of the Pilgrim: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/return-pilgrim
**needs formal review, and possibly moved to Illiath or Bordrem
Thieves Guild
Overall: 11 quests
Emerging Themes: Ask Rats
Rats' questline: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/andothren-thieves-guild-questline
**probably good and all we need here
House Hlaalu
Overall: 10-12 quests
Emerging themes: player is a grunt dealing in various trade deals and their issues, and some symptoms of corruption show up that House Hlaalu doesn't want to deal with.
The Packrat https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/packrat
**needs special interior
Daedric Appraisal https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/minor-appraisal-quest
**may need an asset and just in general "beefing up"
The Missing Merchant https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/missing-merchant
**current claim
The Hearing: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/hearing
**refitted and awaiting review to become a claim
Orlukh Vampires: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/iron-and-blood
**the intro to the Orlukh vampire clan. Needs refitting for Andothren/House Hlaalu
Waylaid Ship:https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/almas-thirr-noxious-cargo
**refitted and awaiting review to become a claim
Remnants of Resdayn: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/remnants-resdayn
**refitted and awaiting review to become a claim, also will need special interior
No Assassins Beyond This Point: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/mid-high-level-oe-il-quests
**refitted and awaiting review to become a claim
Hlaalu Charity: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/hlaalu-charity-questline
**needs made into formal claims
Not Even Past
Found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xoH2xmY6QnxD-oxYuiounINF1iK0xdhR1ADj2cynmXQ/edit#
**the quest is found at random, but the NPC in Andothren is probably House Hlaalu and so this could have later implications
**needs writing. Summary: proposed follow-up to the above quest "Not Even Past". COuld be Hlaalu capstone quest in handling Andothren corruption
The Rise of House Noravyn https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/rise-house-noravyn-questline
**may need to be moved to another town, needs formal review and refitted to a quest breadcrumb from House Hlaalu ("go deal with these upstarts")
Overall: 4-5 quests
Pursuits of the Seedy: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/pursuits-seedy
The Housing Scam: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/hlan-oek-player-housing-quest
**redacted; is in Hlan Oek
Disaster! https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/disaster
Trade Runs: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/trade-runs
**needs made into a claim
Certificate of Credibility
Found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xoH2xmY6QnxD-oxYuiounINF1iK0xdhR1ADj2cynmXQ/edit#
**needs turned into a claim, needs Andothren finished?
Awoke and Broke: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/awoke-and-broke
**possibly needs refitting
Battle of the Bards https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/battle-bards
**needs formal review/claim made
Overall: 2-6 quests
Shorted a Kwama: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/shorted-kwama
Overall: 3 quests
**the two quest hooks here could be turned into Temple quests: one to cure someone of an illness, and one to help heal miners caught in an accident.
The Proud Farmer: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/proud-redoran
Lost in Transit: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/lost-transit
Headless: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/headless
Iliath Temple
A Long History: NEEDS DESIGN
**something to do with tying TR lore to ESO lore here.
Overall 3 quests
Wicked Water Woes https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/wicked-water-woes
**might need the river canyon more obviously made into a dry river canyon
Ancestral Guidance: NEEDS DESIGN
**needs writing, might conflict with Wicked Water Woes. Summary: Obainat is having growing pains as its a tribe made up of refugees. Leadership is trying to find an ancestral tomb/shrine to help guide the tribe onward.
Sneaky Teenagers NEEDS DESIGN
**needs writing, summary: a couple of young Ashlanders want to poison the waterway into the Hlaalu plantation
Nerevarine: NEEDS DESIGN
**not written yet; doesn't need to be written yet either
Overall: 2 quests
Wife vs. Husband: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/ashlander-wife
Nerevarine: NEEDS DESIGN
**not written yet; doesn't need to be written yet either
Other Ashlanders
**needs writing: what happens when player enter propylon chamber and finds out there's Ashlanders all over
Tribe Mabrigash: NEEDS DESIGN
**needs writing. Summary: dealing with the lore that this tribe is possibly made up of mabrigash or has ties to the ESO Mabrigash tribe and/or vampires in the area
Overall: 2 quests
Ring of Euphoria: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/ring-euphoria
Metamorphosis: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/metamorphosis
Emerging themes: 3 quests each for these clans, for players to do after becoming a vampire for them. Orlukh best described as an orcish version of Nosferatu (Vampire: The Masquerade). Baluath is ???
NEEDS DESIGNS (note: intro handled through Andothren: House Hlaalu)
Overall quest: ??? 5 added
Tribunal "Tourism": https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/tribunal-tourism
**refitted here
Vodunius Nuccius: NEEDS DESIGN
**needs writing, followup to the quest in Seyda Neen
what other quests already here??
Fort Ancylis
Imperial Legion
Freedom at Any Price
Corruption of the Tongue
Both found: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xoH2xmY6QnxD-oxYuiounINF1iK0xdhR1ADj2cynmXQ/edit#
**need formal reviews and turned into claims
Dreugh Problems: NEEDS DESIGN
**needs writing. Summary: Player helps clean out dreugh
Bottled Skies: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/bottled-skies
**needs refitted to this region
what other quests already here??
Older StuffOld Ebonheart
Imperial Legion
The Talos Cult https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/oe-imperial-legion-high-level-quests
**needs formal review and made into a claim
Mages Guild
Annoying Apprentices https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/oe-mg-cohesion-arquebalds-annoying...
**I will likely roll this into Blight Watch, so this asset needs rolling into that group of claims
Doors to Oblivion https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/doors-oblivion-khalaan
**needs fleshing out, might fit into Andothren instead if OE MG doesn't have a good narrative fit
Blight Watch https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/oe-mages-guild-blight-watch
**needs implementing
Imperial Cult
A Matter of Marriage https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/quest-female-sainthead-priestess
**interesting idea, but very much needs a lore review
The Clueless Egg Miner https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/clueless-egg-miner
**needs final review and merging. MIGHT ALSO be applicable to shift to a House Hlaalu quest in Andothren, but this would put it back into development
Abducted Cat https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/oe-misc-quest-khajiit-ambassadors...
**old claimant poofed, needs finishing
OE Tournament https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/oe-misc-quest-melee-tournament
**been sitting without updates for a long time
Just Like Clockwork https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/just-clockwork
**could be moved elsewhere, preferrably somewhere closer to Black Marsh (a possible location for a Sotha Sil entrance) or Almalexia
Birth Through Death https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/death-birth
**could be moved elsewhere; in fact probably should be to be made part of some inner Indoril heartland politicking.
Trial of a Scamp https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/tur-julan-hall-judgement-indoril-...
**still being implemented
When Love Crosses Rivers https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/when-love-crosses-rivers-script-h...
**needs scripting smoothed out, playtesting
My Death https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/my-death
**needs final review and merging
Brother vs. Brother https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/brother-against-brother
**needs final review and merging, ALSO FOLLOWUP QUEST (below) SORTED
Candidate for the Nobility https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/candidate-nobility
**needs refitting into DoD regions
Guarmegeddon: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/guar-sabotage
**IS CLAIM, though moved to Gol Mok
Additional Speaker Quests https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/alternate-quests-speaker-dead
**needs individual ideas broken out and made into claims/assets
Ranyon Ruhn? https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/temple-ranyon-ruhn-questline-end-...
**dropped claim, needs a lot of work and/or a lead review to salvage into a work-able claim again
Foul Murder: ....
**scattered all over, work is ongoing
Name of the Pen: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/name-pen
**should be ready to open into a quest claim
The Plaintiff is Hereby Summoned: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/plaintiff-hereby-summoned
**good, but should be put with the other Speaker quests and probably reserved for a later city (Baan Malur?)
The Ghost-Body Problem: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/ghost%E2%80%94body-problem
**great for a Speaker quest, would amend claim to include this as a requirement and open it up
Imperial Legion
Windbreaker Keep https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/fort-windbreaker-keep-quest
** need status update on whether this area is ready for a formal quest claim
Imperial Legion
Watch of Fire: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/watch-fire-questline
**claim dropped, halfway implemented
Watch of Wind: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/watch-wind-questline
**needs formal review and possible re-writes to fit elsewhere
Idea Dump: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/imperial-legion-quest-ideas
**various tidbits that might make their way into quest claims someday
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
And very important note for mod health in general: I'm noticing plenty of quests that were meant for the last two releases but didn't get in due lack of work/reviewing aka time and effort in general. The more quests we put in these releases, the more likely this will happen and stuff will get dropped. It may be we should contemplate a release that is just old quests getting tied-up to address this.
At the least, we need to be sure to mark these claims with priorities. Some are retro-fitted and just in there for filler, for instance, which could be dropped much more easily than some of the capstones and main atmospheric pieces.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Uh oh, and now we have this monster to the Fighter's Guild: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/andothren-fighters-guild-questline (a very nice monster I'm sure!)
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
After discussions on Discord, I've decided to try and structure the factions in this release so that there's no more than 2-3 quests a claim, and preferrably just one. This is based on feedback that long questlines are intimidating, as well as lead to a sense of not being allowed much creative freedom with the result. It's also based on how Speaker of the Dead, Khalaan, and OE Mages Guild went through multiple devs and yet seemed to turn out pretty well (minus OE MG's lack of a capstone, but that was cut for time).
2014-01-08 21:55
5 days 11 hours ago
IMO many of the quests that have been earmarked for the FG in Andothren could very well be misc quests (and indeed they've been first proposed as such) or could be for some other faction. Which I feel definitely leaves room for this questline: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/andothren-fighters-guild-questline
The "Shipping Woes" (https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/shipping-woes-questline-imperial-navy) would work as a misc quest that you get from the Andothren docks. A latest rumors could/little advice could direct you there, eg. "Looking for work? I hear captain Llarys Drethi is looking for mercenaries to protect his cargo. You can find the captain at the docks."
"Awoke and Broke" and "Battle of the Bards" feel a lot more like neat random encounters / misc quests than guild quest, tbh. "Tombs of Old Heretics" has "cool wilderness quest" written all over it. Maybe we could make that start in that bar/hunting lodge at the border of Armun and Roth Roryn, west of Menaan (TR_i4-334-Hla_Jule)?
As for the "Hammer of Lavacrash", I'd like to make it a quest given to the player by one of the nameless Mabrigash tribe members, and have the treasure hunt take place in TR_i4-313 It would change the quest a little, but I think it would be good. TR_i4-313 is a ridiculously hard-to-navigate crystal labyrinth, it seems only fitting that one of the Mabrigash witches wanted the player to retrieve an artifact from that place. I would swap the fire atronaches to some other monster though.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
It's not that there's no room for it, it's that it's a long questline and that's intimidating to claim. Preferrably it gets broken out so more than one dev can tackle it. The miscellaneous quests can of course be moved to other places as need be.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
All single quests specifically listed as Misc. have now been made into claims. I could use one more approval for all of these, and then they can officially be opened up!
2014-01-08 21:55
5 days 11 hours ago
i'd be more than happy to make that FG questline happen myself.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
The Temple has another proposed 5-quest questline that could be problematic for the same reasons. But, if you can handle both FG and TG, I wouldn't say no to this.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Rescued a few more quests from various places on the forums and am working these into the plans.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Updated main list after the last round of claim-making happened.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Finished refitting the Hlaalu quests as I said I would! They are here:
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Arvis's MG questline changes...(moving all others from the list back to Misc. MVP/Asset Browser)
Reference link: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=23557
Claim needs to be editted still with the following: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/andothren-mg-questline
**So as not to conflate the Andothren MG themes with the "hapless apprentice" themes in OE MG, the apprentice in Q2 will be a different guy to the fellow in Q5, and the fellow in Q5 is actually a well-seasoned mage, but just isn't used to/doesn't care about MG rules that say it's not in good tastes to be experimenting on locals.
Gnomey: " I'd consider making him somewhat hot-headed, but in a tough guy (with magic powers to back it up) sort of way. You get a lot of tough-guy types who'd pull that sort of thing in other factions like the Fighter Guild while being very competent. I like the idea of having a mage and, to a lesser extent, whole guild with a bit of that attitude." (as Ethalvora is also arrogant in this way.)
Arvis: "He might also be a foreigner, and he might have a somewhat unconventional idea of how to get into Andothren's good graces again "
** The interior used in Q4 and Q7 will be the same one, based on Veranzaris (already in the section file?). In Q4, the MG find nothing of interest after the player pokes around and abandons the interior. In Q7, some tourists have found the cave and managed to get deeper in. The tourguide, in this case, is someone from the MG expedition, probably also after some fun or was paid cash by the tourists to take them out there.
Arvis: "Q4: The ruin is Veranzaris, specifically a slightly edited version of the main hall, but the stairs to the Manic Library are blocked by rocks and the MG troop believes there is nothing down ther. "
Arvis: " Q7: The ruin is still Veranzaris, but now the rocks have been cleared out, and the guy is part of the commando that was originally with the MG expedition in Q4. "
**Q5 doesn't have to involve a cave; just so long as the dev makes sure Ethalvora is giving decent directions to the general location the guy is now kipping out in as an exile.
**The author in Q1 is suggested to be Nelos Llothri, a Dunmer NPC in Almas Thirr, who joined the Temple some time after writing the book. He used to be part of the MG, but started to worry his sanity and if his work was truly helpful. The text for the book is here: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?p=307069&sid=a64...
Temple Quests:
My task: to go through these and assemble into a questline for later review. General flow of questline: player is sent to help cure various innocuous hurts and diseases of the locals. The diseases get increasingly weirder and the Temple becomes increasingly strained trying to provide treatment. The questgiver starts to snap and advocates for more and more extreme ways of curing the victims, including just killing them, saying they believe the greed and corruption of the Hlaalu is ultimately to blame for the problems. As the capstone quest, the player has the option of turning in the crazy questgiver to the Ministry of Truth/etc due their extreme actions.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 6 days ago
Put together the proposals for the Temple Questline and the Speaker Questline for Andothren. See here: