Don's Interior Showcase

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Donnerino's picture
Exterior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2023-02-28 19:27
Last seen:
18 hours 58 min ago

Howdy, here's my showcase for Othrethel Woods #5 - Ranch #2. The interior name is TR_OW5_Ranch_2.


Binary Data V5 TR_OW5_Ranch_2 Showcase.ESP12.98 KB2023-07-02 16:16
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
1 month 1 week ago
  • Your file is dependent on TR_Mainland.esm. This happens when loading any esm file alongside your active ESP file. You can fix this by using Wrye Mash (See here). Be careful not to load TR_Mainland.esm when working on interiors, as doing so can create accidental dirty edits to references. These must be cleaned with TESAME.
  • The upstairs loft is connected through the house, which is unnecessary as the exterior already has stairs. Remove the stairs connecting these floors and you will have more space to clutter the upstairs with.
  • However, since this is a showcase, you are still required to connect two floors with a stairs piece. Therefore, you'll need to add some stairs leading down into a small basement (which can be used as the bedroom)
  • Could use more tapestries (1-2 more)
  • T_Mw_FloraWG_Sapling_01 -- Not an appropriate house plant 
  • Com lights shouldn't be used in dunmer ints, there are good equivalents under light_de.
  • Lights should be kept to a range of 128-177 for lanterns/lamps and 64 for candles. Avoid using the plain-named lights (ones without radius numbers) as these tend to be excessively bright. You want to use more smaller radius lights as opposed to few big radius lights.
  • To that end, while the lighting settings are good, there are a few dark spots. I suggest adding a couple more lanterns or lamps, or moving the current light sources so they can cover more area.
  • Only 8 items are placed on vanilla de_p furniture. Showcase requirements are 10. 
  • T_De_FurnP_Bench_01 should be replaced with vanilla variant which is not flat and properly rest the item on top. After your showcase, you can use the flat de_p furniture in TD.
  • Pillows should be slightly bled into the surface they are resting on. Same goes for sacks.

Overall, its quite a nice int for the space used. Of course, that space will need to be rearranged a bit to fit the basement in and to expand the upper loft.

These are just the major errors that I spotted that need to be fixed before I can do a more thorough review process to filter out bleeders, floaters and other minor technical issues.

Donnerino's picture
Exterior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2023-02-28 19:27
Last seen:
18 hours 58 min ago

V2 Update

  • Mainland.esm dependency removed via wyre mash. Sorry about that.
  • Added more space to loft, moved stairs, added and cluttered basement. Basement tells story of a person that gambles with their friends for fun, sort of a mancave.
  • two more tapestries and rugs added in basement.
  • removed sapling, just using grass. Added more appropriate plants in basement to reflect that this person has a bit of a green thumb.
  • com lights removed, replaced with de lights, added more de lights with the 128 and 64 radius.
  • added more items ontop of vanilla de_p furniture, removed T_de_p bench.
  • bled pillow
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
1 month 1 week ago
  • Goya is too rich for an int this poor. It's drunk mostly by nobles. 
  • T_De_Urn_01 -- belongs in a tomb, if you want to use an urn in a residence use the tall containers, not this misc
  • I'm a little confused by the layout of this interior. The reason I suggested moving the bedroom into the basement as this allows for a door to be placed to lock the room off, preventing any valuables from being stolen. It's also weird to walk into a house and see a bed on the ground floor, and then go downstairs to see their meeting and dining area. The two should be flipped.
  • There is a tile under the upstairs door that is being unused. I suggest adding a hall endcap to give yourself a little more space on the ground floor.
  • Round table needs a few more pieces of clutter. 
  • I like the gambling idea, but it plays second fiddle to actual eating clutter on the big table. Make sure you contain food/dining clutter and/or move the plate with food on it to this table.
  • A bookshelf with food items, plates, cutlery is pretty standard for residences. I'd try and fit one here if you can, remove one of the smaller tables if need be. 
  • Lantern on table is creating greenlight. You can move the light source slightly off-center to fix.
  • Same for a lantern on a barrel in the storeroom. 128 lights don't do too well on top of barrels.
  • Stick the tapestries about an inch further out from the wall. 
  • One tapestry on the ground floor is backwards
  • The storage here is for a netch ranch, so include some pieces of netch leather and some rope for wrangling.
Donnerino's picture
Exterior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2023-02-28 19:27
Last seen:
18 hours 58 min ago

Version 3 Uploaded.

  • Goya removed. Originally put it there because I figure maybe he saved up or was lucky enough to get one bottle. Better without than with though.
  • Wrong urn replaced with correct container urn. 
  • Bedroom and basement switched places. Door placed. 
  • Endcap tile placed beneath upstairs door.
  • Added more clutter to round table.
  • Table now has the plate with food and utensils with a rag in addition to the cup and dice.
  • bookshelf filled with food, plates, cutlery, and a few more bits here and there.
  • off-centered greenlight producing lantern, also moved the barrel light.
  • tapestries nudged and backwards one corrected.
  • added netch leather and rope in store room.
Donnerino's picture
Exterior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2023-02-28 19:27
Last seen:
18 hours 58 min ago

Version 4 Uploaded. Just some minor fixes of issues that Jack spotted when he took a quick look at the interior. Mostly the nav map and some caspering.

Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
1 month 1 week ago

Good job, this is really coming together. Found a few stylistic issues that I missed last time, but also did the object review pass. 

  • light_de_lamp_01_128, light_de_candle_10_64  - rotate so candle is burning away from the wall
  • You generally want to use stools for small tables or as generic room clutter and regular chairs for dining. Though it's not strictly a showcase requirement, this is a claim so needs to be held to a higher standard.
  • Loaddoor doorjambs are for load doors only, don't use two of them use in_hlaalu_doorjamb instead
  • Shelves should be centered and raised to about half the way up the wall. See here.
  • Use a small selection of rugs and tapestries for coherence (1-2 for an int of this size)
  • Doors should not be placed on the top of stairwells, make sure there is a tile of space in between. I suggest moving the door downstairs and using T_De_SetHla_I_Stairs_H_02 and T_De_SetHla_I_NoFloor_End_01 for the stairs pieces.
  • Remove the scythe pitchfork and hoe, as this is a netch ranch and not a farm
  • Good that you replaced the urn, but they dont really belong on tables. Move it to fill up an empty space, or even upstairs since it's a food container. POS (possession) containers are best for bedrooms.

Now the review itself. Fix the items in bold and I can recommend you for promotion!

Name: TR_OW5_Ranch_2 - correct
Clean: Yes
Northmarker: Correct
Lighting: Good
Illegal to sleep here: Yes, correct
Gridsnap: Good 
Fits exterior: yes
Scaled miscs: none

Pathgrid: One node is bleeding into the small table on the ground floor, need nodes + paths by the bed and upstairs next to the table (will need to move the stool so it doesn't block the path)

light_de_lantern_03_128 x2 - not quite flush with rope

furn_de_p_shelf_02 - The one on the ground floor, bleeding too far into the wall
T_IngFood_Bread_01 - visibly bleeding with paper

Donnerino's picture
Exterior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2023-02-28 19:27
Last seen:
18 hours 58 min ago

V5 Uploaded, changes:

  • Candles rotated to avert wall damage.
  • stools replaced with chairs.
  • non-loaddoor jambs used.
  • shelves adjusted.
  • changed rugs and tapestries.
  • stairs altered to fit door downstairs.
  • tools removed.
  • urn on table moved to storeroom. Now bare Table cluttered with a pot and a candle.
  • Moved node bleeding into table. Added nodes where asked.
  • Floaters fixed. 
  • Bleeders fixed.
Peter's picture
Developer EmeritusSenior DeveloperInterior Reviewer
2021-09-07 12:38
Last seen:
1 month 1 week ago

Just one minor issue with the door placement which was discussed on discord. So other than that, all issues are fixed!

Recommending for promotion. Congrats!

MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
14 hours 10 min ago

Promoting. Hope you have fun!