This is my first time doing any modding for Morrowind, or really any level design for a game period, so any additional feedback as far as clutter, or whether the design of the space is too conservative (or not conservative enough!) would be much appreciated!
Used ex_hlaalu_b_16 as the shell
discord: epochayur
2021-07-09 00:40
5 hours 21 sec ago
Grabbing showcase for review
Hainab stole my pants.
2021-07-09 00:40
5 hours 21 sec ago
Very good work on the showcase, issues found are minor and should be easy to fix. Give the notes a read over and fix all issues, feel free to give me a shout if you need any help or clairification. Good luck.
Name: TR_epoc_showcase
Clean:No, has Mainland and Narsis ESMs as dependents. Use Wyre Mash to remove dependents, feel free to give me a shout if you need help with this.
Lighting: Ambient color is ok but needs to be overall darkened a bit.
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Good overall, just a few minor corrections. The node in front of the bookshelf can be removed, Node near the bed is slightly under the bed, second floor node next to stair rail can be removed (same as bookshelf issue)
Illegal to Sleep Here:Correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Correct
Steel Axe: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Correct
Soul gem: Very minor bleed. Angle is great, just bleeding into resting surface. Pull up and hit the "F" key to drop clean on surface.
Broom: Handle is floating, needs to be brought slightly closer to wall post.
T_IngFood_FishSlaughterDried_01 - Needs to be angled a bit so tail portion rests on table.
furn_de_rope_03 - Rope for lantern over bed.
T_Com_Iron_ThrowingKnife_01 - knife on floor and three on bench
Books need to be brought closer together so gaps inbetween arnt noticable. Also, be sure not to leave books perfectly lined up with each other, give them a bit of forward or back offset to appear more natural.
T_De_Furn_Planter_Small_01 x2 - Both planters are a bit small for the size of the plants in them. You should swap out for the larger furn_planter_01 or similar. Also, these smaller planters generally wont be placed on the floor but on top of other furn.
light_de_lantern_03_128 - is a bit close to the tapesty next to the bed, has a high chance to greenlight on tapestry. Just move out a bit over the bed.
light_de_candle_09_64 -On round table, minor greenlighting on nearby objects.
T_Com_WoodKnife_a01 - Handle wood is for a higher "class" setting, check the other varents to match others
misc_uni_pillow_01 - needs to be swapped for the hammock pillow Misc_Uni_Pillow_02
Knives stabbed into tables is a bit over done in game overall, we try to keep it down in ints with very few exceptions. The knives in the training dummy are fine tho.
There are too many tapestries overall for the samll int, remove a few to have 3-4(ish) on each floor.
Hainab stole my pants.
2024-12-27 23:05
4 days 16 hours ago
Thanks for the feedback! Everything should be fixed now
Edit: For clarification, when you said that the planters were typically placed on other furniture, does that include the vanilla _01 planter, or just the TR small planters? Thanks
2021-07-09 00:40
5 hours 21 sec ago
Great work you passed, the only thing is you missed the dired slaughter fish. Youve shown knowledge and skill for proper item placement so im not going to make you go back for the on item. Congrats! Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions moving forward. Give the Admins a bit to get your roles settled.
Name: TR_epoc_showcase
Lighting: Correct
Northmarker: Present
Fits exterior: Correct
Pathgrid: Correct
Illegal to Sleep Here:Correct
Gridsnap: Correct
Coda: Correct
Steel Axe: Correct
Spoon in bowl: Correct
Soul gem: Correct
Broom: Correct
T_IngFood_FishSlaughterDried_01 - Tail needed to be angled to rest.
Hainab stole my pants.