Hey TR!
I’ve been following the project ever since I first heard about it around a year ago. Unfortunately I don't have much time to mod these days, but I’m hoping to free up some time within the next month or so. In the mean time, I did put together a quick showcase, just to get that out of the way.
For my showcase, I've made a small house in the Hlaalu style, belonging to a commoner named Ervas Drels. I based it off the design of Tsiya’s house in Balmora (2x3 pieces, and the same upstairs. Hope that will suffice), though I didn’t do an exterior for it (I should be able to whip one up fairly easily, if need be). You’ll find the house under the name “Ervas Drel’s House” in the CS.
Thanks for your time, and for this wonderful project!
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hi Erebath, welcome to TR!
This is a nice start; I’ll try to give you a proper review for this soon, but before I do I have a couple of small things I’d like addressed. Firstly, I’d like to see a little more cluttering in this interior (90 refs are a bit low for a two-floor house). Secondly, ‘Furn_Com_Planter’ shouldn’t be used in Dunmer interiors (replace it with one of the ‘furn_planter_*’ objects).
Exteriors/NPCs are handled seperately in TR (and require seperate showcases to be approved for), so don’t worry about providing an exterior for this showcase.
2016-01-17 01:30
9 hours 13 min ago
Welcome to TR
Your interior does look promising, but yeah, some more objects would be ideal. What I would add is a shelf “furn_de_p_shelf_02” and fill that with stuff, plus a broom “misc_com_broom_01” and 3 baskets “com_basket_01” (both are com (imperial) items that can be used in all interiors; it’s confusing at first).
2016-09-25 14:57
8 years 3 months ago
Thanks for the warm welcomes!
I’ve updated the file as per the above suggestions. The common planter’s been replaced with a Dunmer one, a shelf was added near the bottom of the staircase, another bookshelf near the top, and a couple of urns as well. The object count is now up to 127.
Please let me know if there’s anything else!
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hey Erebath, thanks for fixing that. The cluttering looks much better now.
On to the formal review:
First, some general comments. File is clean, northmarker is present, lighting is good and 'Illegal To Sleep Here' is set. All great to see.
'bk_redbookofriddles' is a semi-unique quest item, so consider replacing it with one of the other riddle-books.
Regarding tapestries; currently, you’ve placed these a bit too close to the wall. They should be placed so that no part of the rope-knot at the top is bleeding.
Below is a list of general placement issues that should be addressed. Fix these up, and I’ll give you another review.
bk_redbookofriddles - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
cloth bracer right - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_shelf_02'.
com_sack_01_chpfood5 - This is bleeding a little too far into the sack beneath it. While it's perfectly appropriate to allow sacks to bleed a little to achieve a natural position, I'd like to see it moved up just a little, as it looks a little awkward at points.
com_sack_03_chpfood5 - This one is bleeding too far into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01', and is only barely touching the floor. Move it away from the bookcase a bit, and let it bleed slightly into the floor.
common_pants_01 - Floating.
common_shirt_01 - Floating. Clothes should bleed into the surface they are lying on just enough to prevent caspering (points where the transparent underside can be seen).
common_shirt_05 - As above.
food_kwama_egg_01 - Bleeding into 'misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01'.
furn_de_rug_big_06 - These sorts of rugs should be bled slightly until the tassles are nearly resting on the floor.
furn_de_rug_big_06 - As above.
furn_de_tapestry_12 - Bleeding into wall.
furn_planter_01 - Floating. These planters are a bit difficult, as the selection box exceeds the size of the mesh at the bottom, so simply 'F'-ing them into place will leave a gap.
ingred_scrib_jelly_01 - Bleeding through misc_com_redware_plate.
light_com_candle_06_64 - Move this away from the edge of the shelf to avoid the awkward bleeding over the shelf lip.
light_de_buglamp_01_64 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
light_de_candle_01_64 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_table_02'.
Light_De_Lamp_07_Blue_177 - Bleeding into floor.
misc_com_basket_02 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
Misc_Com_Bottle_04 - As above.
misc_com_bottle_05 - As above.
misc_com_bottle_05 - As above.
Misc_Com_Bottle_08 - As above.
misc_com_bottle_12 - As above.
misc_com_bottle_13 - Floating. This is a tricky one, since sitting it on 'misc_de_cloth10' is impossible without bleeding, but I think it's preferable if the bottle is bled through until it rests on the table surface rather than appear to be supported entirely by the flimsy cloth.
misc_com_bottle_15 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_com_broom_01 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_shelf_02'.
misc_com_redware_plate - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_com_redware_plate - Bleeding into 'misc_com_redware_plate'.
misc_com_redware_plate - As above.
misc_com_redware_platter - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_com_wood_cup_01 - Floating. Rotate this to rest naturally against 'furn_de_p_table_02'.
misc_com_wood_cup_02 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_com_wood_fork - Bleeding into 'misc_com_redware_plate'.
misc_com_wood_knife - Bleeding into 'misc_com_wood_cup_02'.
misc_com_wood_spoon_01 - As above.
misc_de_bowl_glass_peach_01 - Rotate this to match the incline of the bookshelf, currently it's bleeding too much to one side.
misc_de_bowl_glass_yellow_01 - Bleeding excessively into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01 - As above.
misc_de_bowl_white_01 - Bleed this into the ground until the cone on the base is not visible (or only barely visible).
misc_de_pitcher_01 - Bleeding into 'furn_de_p_bookshelf_01'.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_blue_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_blue_02 - As above.
misc_de_pot_glass_peach_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_glass_peach_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_glass_peach_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_glass_peach_02 - As above.
misc_de_pot_green_01 - As above.
misc_de_pot_green_01 - As above.
potion_comberry_wine_01 - As above.
Potion_Local_Brew_01 - As above.
Potion_Local_Brew_01 - As above.
Potion_Local_Brew_01 - As above.
repair_prongs - As above.
sc_paper plain - Floating.
Don’t hesitate to ask if you need help or further elaboration on any of the issues I’ve highlighted.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
One other thing I forgot to mention: light_de_buglamp is a rather rare nonexpiring torch, so replace this with a more generic one.