Fürst Thal's Interior Showcase

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Anonymous's picture

Hi, long time lurker here wanting to try out modding myself.
This is my first ever serious try at an interior so any advice and criticism is welcome.

Background of the Interior:

A Dumner who is well received in his hometown became a mediator for all kinds of disputes which can be seen be going right from the entrance where the meeting room for disputes is build up. To the left of the entrance is a lobby  where people stay and have a drink before it starts or where people stay that are not really needed. Even though pretty well off the Dumner in this house got a hard deppresion which can be seen by closer looking at the first floor which is his normal living room where he spents his time.

Note: I still would like to add more stuff to the showcase but im still posting it now because i would like to know if I did the basics right and didn't fuck up somewhere.

Note2: Interior is named "furst_thals_showcase"

Binary Data Furst_Thals_Showcase.ESP79.56 KB2018-01-22 23:53
Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

Hello Fürst Thal, welcome to TR!

Your showcase is looking very good already!

The only apparent issues are the sunlight and fog settings for the interior, they should be similar to other ints of that type.

The table that's sunken into the ground is probably debatable, I'm personally not a fan of it since it seems too odd to me. But it's a nice idea - in this case it would just be best to just create our own (lower) table asset. It would make a good addition IMO.

Finally, please add some variation in the Z rotation of objects that you place many of in the same spots such as the green pots, yellow glasses and bottles. That way you will avoid texture patterns to be clearly visible.

Anonymous's picture
Fürst Thal

Thanks for looking at it.

New Version:


Fixed sunlight and fog issue.(should now be like a normal Balmora one)
Rotated all objects that had the same Z rotation.
Cleaned it up a bit.


Shelf with some objects right at the entrance.
Book at the bookshelf besides the bed.
Pants beside the bed.


Binary Data Furst_Thals_Showcase2.ESP12.56 KB2018-01-23 02:52
Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

The sunlight setting is still too high, something like 80, 60, 20 or slightly lower would be fine.

I've now checked the placement of every object in detail and only found very few issues:

furn_de_screen_guar_01 (on furn_de_rug_big_04)
"iron longsword" does not touch "furn_de_p_bookshelf_01"

"iron_shield" bleeds into "furn_de_p_bookshelf_01"
"com_basket_01" bleeds into "furn_de_rug_02"

The construct with the overlapping books wouldn't physically be possible

If you fix the these last few things I'll gladly recommend you for promotion smiley

Anonymous's picture
Fürst Thal

New Version: (Hopefully the final)

Fixed the floaters.
Fixed the Bleeders.
And placed the books in another position.

I really hope I didn't forget anything.

Binary Data Furst_Thals_Showcase3.ESP12.56 KB2018-01-23 09:32
Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

You did a great job fixing everything but the sunlight. What you changed is the ambient light, which was fine before.
Here you can see the sunlight setting I'm talking about (such a high value makes your interior too bright ingame):

Anonymous's picture
Fürst Thal

Real Final Version: (fingers crossed)


Binary Data Furst_Thals_Showcase4.ESP12.56 KB2018-01-23 23:20
Ragox's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-17 01:30
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

Clean: Yes
Illegal to Sleep Here: Yes
Northmarker: Present
Lighting: Good

The sunlight is fixed, so I'm happy to recommend you for promotionsmiley

Once you’re approved, you’ll find a list of unclaimed interiors currently awaiting design in your Dashboard under Help Needed. (or in the Claims Browser under the Development tab at the top of the page). Just hit “Request this Claim” on the interior you’d like to work on and it’ll be yours.

We'd also be happy to welcome you on our Discord, we're generally much more active over there and it's a great place to ask for help and advice.

Anonymous's picture
Fürst Thal

Oh man thanks. I will give my best.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
2 months 5 days ago

Congratulations on your promotion!

Jani's picture
ModeratorInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2017-10-08 01:57
Last seen:
1 day 19 hours ago


Anonymous's picture
Fürst Thal

Thanks guys.

MinerMan60101's picture
Exterior ReviewerInterior Reviewer
2016-10-09 23:10
Last seen:
1 week 2 days ago

Congratulations! Always glad to see another new TR developer.

Koma21's picture
Interior Developer
2016-01-31 20:30
Last seen:
4 years 5 months ago

Congrats Thal