Hey, everyone! I have a question on one of the quests.
There is a moment in a game when Francine Aldard from the Akamora branch of Mages Guild becomes an outlaw for apparently no reason whatsoever. Shes asks you to investigate the case. In order to do that you head to the Fort Windmoth, only to find out that the captain there, Arvs Rethrathi, has his own agenda, as he seems overly suspicious and biased. So this captain asks you to pay the fine for Francine (5000 gold) or get the hell out of his fort. Though I possesed a sum required, I chose not to pay, knowing that, in the long-going TES tradition, there are always multiple ways to complete tasks. However, after I got banished from the aforementioned fort and returned to deliver the news to Francine in Akamora, she seemed very upset, as, from her words, there was apparently no other way for her, but to get herself relocated to another guild branch. And so this quest stalled. Which also halted an earlier quest I received from Francine.
My question being – is there any other way to solve the quest with this Arvs-douchebag? I tried bribing and convincing him, but none of it worked, despite him having a maximum disposition.
I would really appreciated any help.
(Reply #1) Posted on Wed, 2016-08-17 16:00
2016-01-24 22:04
9 months 3 weeks ago
There’s indeed the option to bribe him if your speechcraft skill is high enough (at this point though you upset him too much to try it again).
But maybe you can find some other hints or evidence of what’s going on in Arvs’ room .
2016-08-17 15:36
8 years 4 months ago
Damn, indeed! It didn’t cross my mind to search his room. Gonna try it first thing tomorrow. Thanks for the tip)
2016-08-17 15:36
8 years 4 months ago
Well, searching his room gave me nothing, so I loaded an earlier save to get things right. However, to my surprise, that didn’t change anything. Despite receiving money from me, Arvs still refused to tell me the reason for those accusations. And that is essential to progressing through the quest!
So, if anyone knows what to do to uncover this conspiracy – please, feel free to share the info.
2016-01-24 22:04
9 months 3 weeks ago
Did you search everywhere?
Actually, it is not essential to progress – you paid the fine and that should be enough to “solve” Francine’s problem.
2016-08-17 15:36
8 years 4 months ago
Well. I searched all of his chests and boxes, and there was nothing but some armor. There was also a book of records that also didn’t do anything to advance the quest.
Regarding Francine – is there nothing more to this questline? I mean, she seems really upset, as if I didn’t do it right.
2016-01-24 22:04
9 months 3 weeks ago
There’s a small chest below Arvs’ bed containing documents (while the quest is running).
The best thing to do is obviously to find out why there’s an arrest warrant.
2016-08-17 15:36
8 years 4 months ago
I got that. You can call me stupid, but I’m in a dead end. That’s why asked about hints in the first place.
I searched Arvs’ place and found nothing. I asked in the fort and at nearby settlements – nothing, not a clue.