Hi there, new to modding MW besides some personal player home stuff but would love to help out with TR. The background I had in mind was a lower-middle class clothier's shop/home with room for an apprentice or servant. Let me know how it looks and what could be improved, and thanks in advance :)
2016-01-17 01:30
2 months 3 days ago
Hello, welcome to our forums and thank you for your showcase submission!
The layout nicely fits ex_hlaalu_b_16, I like the interior's atmosphere and the objects that you placed suit it well.
There are however a few issues that need to be worked out:
2022-11-24 02:59
1 year 2 days ago
Thanks for the input! Went and fixed the item rotation problems I could find, the bleeding and floaters, made the lighting darker, and snapped the building parts to the grid. Tough process to get all the object wonkiness sorted out after fixing the gridsnapping but hopefully caught all of it.
2016-01-17 01:30
2 months 3 days ago
Good work fixing most of the issues, the only real one that remains is that you still didn't rotate all items to match their surfaces.
Here are two examples of it:
2016-01-17 01:30
2 months 3 days ago
Here is a bolt of cloth that you rotated well, but is floating: