Hello everybody, I hope you're doing great!
This is my first post on the forums, and I came here to have my mettle tested with a questine I started writing during March 2020.
"Growing Spine" is meant to portray the farmers and craftsmen in the general area of the Redoran marches. Its characters struggle to convince the stubborn Redoran to accept something new into their life. Branch A) The main quest-giver is a Nord named Norik Windryhme, who is experimenting with introducing a cold- and heat-resisting crop Black Spine (fig.1) from Skyrim into Morrowind. Following his quests will eventually lead to the restoration of a windmill (fig.2), the plotting of new farmland, a small harvest festival, some struggle with Nail-Knock Reavers, and if all goes well, a wedding.
Branch B) the Redoran noble wife-to-be Dolsasi Dorethi will be the second quest-giver, who wants the player to help her renegotiate the trade deals with House Dres and possibly others. This branch of quests can be hijacked by members of HD and House Hlaalu, but if followed faithfully for HR, it will lead to new deals, that mark a shift to a more resilient economy for HR, largely thanks to the now accepted crop Black Spine. However, the Dorethi clan will suffer negative consequences to succeeding with the deals.
Lastly, in Branch C) there are some sidequests that keep an eye on the Nord and Redoran culture, as well as themes of long forgotten Nord-Dunmer respect, and player-NPC friendship, and often these scenes are involved with music and instruments (fig.3).
Branch A – Black Spine
The story centers around the first quest-giver Norik Windryhme, a Nord farmer-entrepreneur, who is experimenting with introducing a cold- and heat-resisting crop Black Spine (fig.1) from Skyrim into Morrowind. The main branch of the questline goes like this:
A1) The Farmers Hand: meet Norik through a rumor, talk to him at the alehouse in Valenhal, learn about his crop and his romantic relationship,
A2) Crop Walker: help him to get Dunmer farmers to agree to start growing the crop, by bringing them gifts,
A3) Growing some Spine for a Lady: find Norik taking a bath in the lake, hear about how his "Blacklight Lady" bought him some land with her jewelry, and then witness him delivering a love message by sounding his horn,
B1) => see below
C1) => see below
A4) Grinding Halt: investigate a murder at the construction site of an old multi-story windmill in a windy ravine, south of Verarchen (fig.2),
A5) The Valley of Wings: get sent to Vivec to retrieve some plans from a craftsmer, and then help the foreworker interpret the plans and find special alchemical ingredients/materials to improve the construction with it,
A6) Pestering the Pastry: (optional) deal with pests and harvesting while Norik is busy with an oven, witness how the yield has been increased by applying kwama manure, and lichen in kwama egg shells, and other native plants,
A7) The Inner Sea Inn: meet at the hamlet Sunmul to prepare a feast, where some Imperial officers come to investigate the arson of Noriks former home in Valenhal, foreshadowing A11
A8) The Bread and Beer Boast: be a guest at either a wake (C3), or a harvest celebration at The Inner Sea Inn, with black ale, bread, music, and interesting conversations,
A9) Horned Frog in a Well: (optional) Norik stumbles into the Sunmul cistern, and can be found by following his horn signal, and some discovered items will lead to a conversation about Noriks backstory,
A10) Walking Hazard: console Norik in dealing with the shame of having a farm worker die,
A11) Salted Wounds: try to rescue Noriks extended family, but run into politically loaded, and ugly conflict with Nail-Knock Reavers (and Haafingar) in Ystralond,
A12) The Suitors Suit: get back savely, help Norik suit up for his wedding,
A13) The Foam and Spark of new Beginnings: the wedding
Branch B – Redoran Saltrice Independence
From Norik we may learn of his betrothed Dolsasi Dorethi, the only daughter of the Redoran noble Donuelus Dorethi, who is the overseer of import in the Redoran Trade Commission. Donelus had originally fought for the saltrice deal with the Dres, decades ago, which had garnered him his job and some respect. But the saltrice imports are dwindling. This branch is about the renegotiation of the trade deals:
B1) Blacklight Lady: bring Dolsasi oars of Black Spine as well as books from Norik, win over Donelus to support his daughters strategy,
B2) The Dres Drainage Decision: spead information about Black Spine among the Dres (in Tear), in order to kindle new deals, discover that Dolsasi is being followed by a HH spy and/or MT assassins,
B3) Ash is cheap: try to convince the current head of the Redoran Trade Commision and the council members, to accept their proposal, which will lead to new deals,
B4) Tearful Applause: participate in a burial ritual for Donelus, who was assassinated in Sadrith Mora, after successful deals with other Houses. Dolsasi has a miscarriage due to the stress. But the trade deals went fine.
Branch C – Honor and Restoration Songs
The third, but minor branch deals with Nord and Dunmer traditions and regained mutual respect, acted out on a personal level:
C1) Lit Match: witness a young Reyan Dorethi (Dolsasis cousin) challenging and losing to Norik Windryhme in the Baan Malur arena, optionally investigate the enchanted shirt Reyan was wearing,
C2) Saving proud Reyan: assist Norik in saving (or failing to save) Reyan from bandits, where he went headlessly to restore his honor,
C3) The deep Whistle: discover or get told about the location of the Vindenrim clan barrow (fig.3),
C3) A Song of Ice: Norik is being joined by PC to conduct a ritual involving singing and horn-playing to renew an ancient entrapment spell,
C4) A Song of Fire: witness the song be performed again after A14
Further remarks
I have a heavily customized tiddlywiki file with outlines for all of the above quests, as well as locations, characters, and other things. I am not sharing this, because it will be overwhelming to you anyway. I am also not writing anything new until I get your opinions in. But when the discussion has taken place, and my ideas are hopefully somehow well-received, I will continue with the journal entries and will set up a solid way to write branching dialogs in hypertext, and continue writing them, so that the flow can be reviewed before implementation.
Cormaris and Baan Malur are still a long way off, so I actually wish to implement most of this stuff myself. I plan to do showcases for interior, asset creation, and questing, and help speed up the production as much as I can. So please bear with me, even if you're afraid that the review process might be long, which is a fair assessment.
Thank you for reading, I'm looking forward to hear your thoughts!
figure 1: Black Spine, as I had proposed it recently on the PT Discord server. I have started doing the model now.
figure 2: The windmill in the windy ravine south of Verarchen. I would like to also have farming plots there along the small water way. And I would refer to the location as the Valley of Wings (A5), although granted, that sounds a bit too similar to the Vanilla MQ Valley of the Wind.
figure 3: Vindenrim Barrow, a horn-shaped dungeon with wind going through, which makes some eerie music during the ritual in C3.
2021-06-23 15:11
3 years 6 months ago
See here: the Tiddlywiki-file with outlines for all of the above quests, as well as locations, characters, and other things. I tried to remove everything else that might be confusing, did some general housekeeping, and started rephrasing some portions to bring them in line with what had been discussed on Discord. I hope you find your way around the thing. Chat me up on Discord if you need help: insicht#3725.