Guild Outfits!

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Kannebal's picture
2016-04-11 22:40
Last seen:
8 years 8 months ago

Me again! I have got an idea: I dunno if you already done something like that or if it was done before for Morrowind.

Maybe add a special guild armor or clothes for every in-game guild after finishing all of those guild’s quests? I mean that if you finish all Morag Tong quests, you will gain a special Morag Tong armor. The same with other organizations. What do you think about it? Was it before? Is it a nice idea or just don’t needed?

Sorry for english, Poland ;-;

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

There actually is a Morag-Tong helmet that you can get (IIRC). The legion has its uniforms (uniform-armor), and the Dark Brotherhood from the mainland has a uniform too.
The other guilds do not have uniforms however.

It would make the most sense for the Mages Guild , as an aloof guild of mages, but their members mostly wear robes anyway so it would just be a differently-coloured one. ES does it, though, so there’s precedence.

Not seeing it, to be honest, it’s such a modern idea and the guilds in Tamriel are not as historical guilds something you are essentially born into.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
1 month 3 weeks ago

You could argue the Great Houses have uniforms, as each house has a special bonemold helmet for their guards. It’s not really a rank thing though, just what’s traditional for their crafters, I think. It would be nice to have a quest that gives you one of those as a reward, though probably not the FINAL quest, as bonemold isn’t that great and the player would probably have something better by then.

And maybe one day after obtaining enough rank in the Temple you can wear Indoril armor without all the Ordinators going bats#!% if they catch you wearing it...nahhh...